Kristen Matha Anne Rohlman Jenn Samble Academic & Membership Affairs Bylaw 11, 13, 17 Team
Agenda 1. Countable Coach Analysis. 2 Agenda 1. Countable Coach Analysis. 2. Individual Associated with a Prospect (IAWP) Reassignment in Men’s Basketball. 3. Moving Volunteer Coaches. 4. Temporary Replacement.
Technical or Tactical Instruction to a SA Countable Coach NCAA Bylaw Technical or Tactical Instruction to a SA Tactical Decisions During On-Court or On-Field Practice or Competition Off-Campus Recruiting Activities
You drop in practice and see the consultant giving instructions to the SAs. Consultants The consultant provides a written and/or verbal report to the coaching staff outside of practice. Your basketball coach wants to hire an outside consultant to help with the team’s free-throw shooting. Your coach wants the consultant to attend practice to observe the SAs shooting form. Then you see the consultant telling the coach to run different shooting drills.
Weight or Strength Coach Analysis Required Certification Yoga instructors are not countable coaches, provided no sport-specific instruction. Consultants Weight or Strength Coach Analysis Class Type Count for FBS Limit (Bylaw Required Certification (Bylaw 11.1.5) Institutional Employee Yes Outside Instructor No Campus-Wide* Sports Medicine Therapeutic No% *Open to all students, no athletics involvement %Individual should have appropriate certification to conduct this session type
Consultants Sports psychologist are not countable coaches, provided no technical or tactical instruction or tactical decision making during practice or competition.
Noncoaching Staff Member with Sport-Specific Responsibilities You drop in on practice and see the DOSO on third base giving signals during a drill. The DOSO was giving the signals off a script prepared by the coaching staff. After practice the DOSO and the coaches head to their office to prepare for tomorrow’s practice. The DOSO is responsible for scripting hitting drills. A SA stops by the office to get feedback on her mechanics. The DOSO and the SA watch her practice video and discuss. Your director of softball operations (DOSO) attends practice on a regular basis. Your coach wants the DOSO to run the clock and track statistics during practice. Signals – Not countable coach issue, noncoaching staff responsibilities issue per Bylaw 11.7.3.
Recruiting Coordination Functions Bylaw Bylaw 11.7.3 Bylaw 11.7.2 Provides technical or tactical instruction related to the sport to a student-athlete at any time; Makes or assists in making tactical decisions related to the sport during on-court or on-field practice or competition; or Engages in any off-campus recruiting activities. A noncoaching staff member with sport specific responsibilities is prohibited from participating in on-court or on-field activities (e.g., assist with drills, throw batting practice, signal plays) Must be performed by the head coach or one or more of the assistant coaches who count toward the numerical limitations Activities involving athletics evaluations and/or selection of prospective student-athletes and Making telephone calls to prospective student-athletes (or prospective student-athletes' parents, legal guardians or coaches). Bylaw A weight coach may conduct flexibility, warm-up and physical conditioning activities prior to any game and prior to or during any practice or other organized activities. Countable Coach Position Duties Recruiting Coordination Functions Former Student-Athlete Participating in Practice on an Occasional Basis Exception -- Former Student Participating in Practice on an Occasional Basis. A former student (e.g., former student-athlete) at the certifying institution may participate in an organized practice session on an occasional basis, provided the institution does not publicize the participation of the former student at any time before the practice session. (Adopted: 3/3/11)
Reassignment (MBB) Official interpretation [Reference: 3/8/17, Item No. 1] Individual Associated with a Prospective Student-Athlete -- Men's Basketball Countable Coach Reassignment The committee determined that an individual associated with a prospect must be a countable coach at the institution for at least the previous two full seasons to apply the reassignment exception. Further, a season is defined as the time between the institution's start of on-court preseason practice and the institution's last regular-season contest.
Moving Volunteer Coaches Your head coach has hired a new assistant coach and wants to move the volunteer coach back to the volunteer position. The volunteer coach received compensation while serving as a temporary replacement. Your institution’s assistant softball coach has recently accepted an assistant coaching position at another institution and is leaving the institution immediately. Your head coach would like to move your volunteer coach into the assistant coach position until a permanent coach is hired.
Moving Volunteer Coaches Your head coach has hired a new DOBO and wants to move the volunteer coach back to the volunteer position. The volunteer coach received compensation while serving as a temporary replacement. Your institution’s baseball director of operations (DOBO) has recently accepted a position at another institution and is leaving the institution immediately. Your head coach would like to move your volunteer coach into the DOBO position until a permanent noncoaching staff member is hired.
Moving Volunteer Coaches Your institution’s assistant softball coach has recently accepted an assistant coaching position at another institution. She is not leaving until the end of the year. Your head coach would like to move the volunteer coach into the assistant coach position and make the current assistant coach the volunteer coach.
Moving Volunteer Coaches Your institution’s volunteer assistant softball coach has recently accepted an assistant coaching position at another institution. She is leaving immediately. Your head coach would like to move your manager or a SA who has exhausted eligibility into the volunteer position.
11. 7. 1. 1. 1 Replacement Due to Extenuating Circumstances Replacement Due to Extenuating Circumstances. [A] An institution may replace temporarily or on a limited basis one of its countable coaches if the coach is unable to perform any or all of his or her duties because of extenuating circumstances (e.g., suspension, prolonged serious illness, pregnancy). The replacement coach may perform only those coaching, administrative or recruiting duties, including the telephoning of prospective student-athletes, that the replaced coach is unable to perform.
Extenuating Circumstance More than 1 year = waiver Temporary or Limited Institutional discretion Extenuating Circumstance No duplication Must maintain numerical limits Duties Intermittent application: 929815
The countable coach and a replacement coach may not engage in separate countable coach activities at the same time as this would result in the sport exceeding coaching limits in Bylaw 11.7.6. The countable coach must cease participation in countable coach activities until the replacement coach concludes the practice activity. The director of operations has temporarily replaced the head coach to pitch batting practice. Is it permissible for the head coach to lead another drill on the field while the director of operations is participating in batting practice activities? Case No. 963971
The countable coach may not conduct skill-related instruction while the replacement coach is engaged in recruiting activities, as this would result in the sport exceeding coaching limits in Bylaw 11.7.6. The countable coach must cease participation in countable coach activities until the replacement coach returns to campus from the recruiting trip. The director of operations has temporarily replaced the head coach for a recruiting trip. Is it permissible for the head coach to run practice on-campus while the director of operations is out recruiting? Although the countable coach and temporary replacement coach are not duplicating duties They may not engage in countable coach activities at the same time as this would result in the sport exceeding the coaching limits outlined in Bylaw 11.7.6. So if the replacement coach is the volunteer coach, then the head coach could engage in skill related instruction at the same time since there is no duplication of duties and they are not exceeding coaching limits
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