Governor’s Scholars Program What Students and Parents Need to Know Livingston Central High School
What is the Governor’s Scholars Program? *A five-week residential (Students live on a college campus for five weeks.) program for outstanding Kentucky students. *During the summer after your JUNIOR year of high school. *Provides academic and personal growth in addition to experiencing residential life.
*You must have taken the ACT or PSAT in the 9th, 10th, or 11th grade . Who can apply? *You must be a junior to apply. *You must have taken the ACT or PSAT in the 9th, 10th, or 11th grade . *You must intend to return to high school after your junior year, so if you plan to graduate after your junior year, you cannot apply.
What is GSP Looking For? Academic Achievement *Good grade point average-most students will have at least a 3.7. *Good ACT, PSAT, or SAT scores-most students will have at least a 25 on the ACT. *Difficulty of course load-take accelerated courses where available and have two years of a foreign language.
What is GSP Looking for? *Student Profile *Extracurricular Activities * Paid or Voluntary Service *Honors/Awards *Teacher Recommendation * Community Recommendation
GSP also requires a writing entry Writing entry is judged on the following: *Format *Purpose *Audience *Idea Development *Organization *Sentence Structure *Language *Correctness *Must be 500 words or less
Why Be a governor’s scholar? *Most colleges in Kentucky offer partial or complete tuition scholarships for GSP students, depending on your ACT score. You get to live on a college campus for five weeks and select a course of study from the following *Agribusiness Architectural Design Astronomy *Biological Issues Business/Accounting Chinese Language *Communication Creative Writing Cultural Anthropology *Dramatic Expression Engineering Film Studies *Forensic Science Healthcare Industry Historical Analysis *international Relations Journalism Math Thinking *Music Theory/Performance Philosophy *Psychology Spanish Language Visual Arts
Selection process *Based on our enrollment, Livingston Central is allowed to submit four applications to GSP. *If we have more than four applicants, the superintendent will compose a committee that will review and rank the applicants. The best, most qualified applicants will be nominated for the Governor’s Scholars Program. *GSP will then review applicants (statewide) to determine which students will be invited to participate in the summer program.
Interested Juniors Should… *Begin filling out the application as soon as possible. It is EXTREMELY lengthy!! *Decide which teacher you would like to complete your recommendation and let them know in plenty of time. *Decide which community member you would like to complete your recommendation and let them also know in plenty of time.
Application and further Information Application *Can be found at *Must by typed Deadline *Dec. 16, 2016 by 2:50-in the guidance office or front office *Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted