With Parent Centers December 15, 2016 OSEP Quarterly Call With Parent Centers December 15, 2016
TOPICS Website Accessibility Program Measures Collection New Requirements for Annual Reports New Resources from CPIR
Web Accessibility Working with Office for Civil Rights to provide general information to all parent centers We have provided information to the Office for Civil Rights about parent centers Office for Civil Rights welcomes individual conversations with centers since consent agreements are open to negotiation Centers can receive technical assistance on making websites accessible before a complaint
Program Measures collection 2017 31 Centers chosen to submit service descriptions for the short-term measures collection Quality Relevance Usefulness Centers notified on Monday, December 12 Brand-new centers and centers chosen last year should not be included. Final service descriptions due January 16 October service counts submitted to the Center for Parent Information and Resources will be used to calculate index for cost measure
Long-Term program Measures Long-term measures collected this year will establish baseline for subsequent targets Long-term measure 3.1 is new “Parents served by the Parent Training and Information Center Program will be able to work with schools and service providers effectively in meeting the needs of their children” Program Measures Survey results provided to the Center for Parent Information and Resources in November will be used to calculate baseline
Program Performance Measure Results 2016 Target Actual 1.1 Quality 97% 92.9% 1.2 Relevance 1.3 Usefulness 1.4 Cost 1.1 0.84 2.1 Rights N/A N/C 3.1 Working Together Here are the results of the GPRA 2015-2016 data collection work As stated before, the long-term measures were not collected in 2016. Notice that we did not meet the target of 97 percent for quality, relevance, and usefulness, scoring a 92.9% for all three measures. Given that there were only 28 centers in the sample, this represents only two centers who did not meet each criterion. In fact, it was the same two parent centers who did not meet any of the three criteria. In both cases, we believe that it’s not a question as to whether the services are actually high quality, highly relevant, and highly useful but rather whether the service description accurately reflected the quality, relevance, and usefulness. We realize that many of you have provided multiple descriptions over multiple years, and some of you have been chosen almost every other year, but it’s important that you approach every service description with renewed energy and attention so that you can do justice to the excellence of your services. Again, there will be considerable TA available to you, but you need to ask for it and take advantage of it. Lastly, we recognize that it has become increasingly more difficult to meet the targets without getting 100 percent. As a consequence, the targets are being reduced to 93% in 2017 and 90% in 2018 and forward. Nevertheless, please pay attention to writing the best possible description when your parent center is chosen to participate.
Targets for Program Measures For 2017, targets for short-term measures (quality, relevance, and usefulness) will be changed to 93% For 2018 and subsequent years, targets for short-term measures (quality, relevance, and usefulness) will be 90% Targets for cost measure will remain unchanged: index of 1.1 Targets for long-term measures will be established for 2019, 2021, etc. using 2017 numbers as baseline
Resources for Program measures Performance Measures workgroup in CPIR workspaces available to all parent centers Annotated exemplar service descriptions available on the workspace Recorded webinar on the 2017 performance measure process available at http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/osep-webinars/ Regional PTACs available to provide technical assistance
Improving Annual Reports Inconsistent quality of annual reports Missing and incorrect information Multiple submissions of some reports needed New requirements related to reporting of program measures not clearly understood High correlation between report “shells” being submitted to project officers and strong annual reports
New Requirement APR Submission A “shell” of the APR will be submitted by all projects by March 3 Submitted as a Word document as attachment in email Project officers will provide feedback on “shell” by end of March Approved shell will be used to submit annual report in May in G5
“Shell” Contents Cover sheet will contain static information and budget information if available No signature of Board Chair No Executive Summary Section A Status Chart will contain all project objectives, project measures, and program measures Targets will be included No actual data No explanation of programs Section B Budget Information blank Section C to contain chart of current Board of Directors
Resources for APR’s Recording of 2017 Webinar on APRs will be on CPIR website after December 19 Email detailing expectations for the “shell” will be sent in new year, including attachments with detailed examples and instructions “Dear Larry” letter will be sent in February with information for annual report submission Regional PTACs available for technical assistance Project Officers welcome any questions
Additional Information & Reminders Final regulations for disproportionality have been released and information is available at the OSERS Spotlight page: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers/index.html Please respond to a survey from the Center for Technology and Disability on parent center needs related to technology and children with disabilities
Quick Review | The 5 Ws of the WKW “Where” http://www.cpirwhoknowswhat.org/ The “Why” of the website The “What”
Quick Review | The 5Ws of the WKW The “Who” “When” Right now!
User Tools Include…
Tools Will Also Include… Regional trainings? “How To” Videos Your Suggestions? The Buzz
Briefs on Recent OSEP Guidance Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Resources Behavior Supports and School Discipline School Resource Officers FAPE Parent Center Guide Fact Sheets on key components Training of Trainer materials www.parentcenterhub.org/resources
Serving Youth in Juvenile Justice Systems Development of New Resources Parent Center Advisors Technical Advisors Parent Center Exemplars USED & OJJDP Centers and Model Demonstration Projects Disproportionality – Systemic Change Agents Best Practices? Examples? Parent Center Advisors Technical Advisors Parent Center Exemplars Stakeholders’ Guide Other resources & tools
Thank You! We appreciate all you and your projects do to support families of children with disabilities!