Memory Star: the happy app that’s not for sharing Sussex teenagers create ‘a virtual memory jar’ to beat the stress and pressure of social media and try to reduce the rise of mental health issues for teenagers.
A group of teenagers has created an app that offers an antidote to Britain’s “share everything” social media culture. Memory Star allows users to create happy memories in a “virtual memory jar”, which they can revisit at any time to give themselves a boost when they are feeling down. These memories – which can be uploaded photos or messages and appear as constellations on the screen – are not for sharing with social media “friends” on Facebook or Instagram, but are purely personal reminders of happy times. O’Donoghue said: “There’s so much pressure to present a very happy image on social media. There’s something very competitive about it. Who can get the most likes? Who has the nicest life? You have this sort of perfect persona that you’re putting forward of yourself, but you don’t always feel like that. “With Memory Star, you just look over all your memories without worrying or being self-conscious about whether people are going to think you look great or not. This is just to make you happy. You keep it for yourself and no one else ever has to see it.” Memory Star can be downloaded for free from the Apple app Store. Use this link;
What does it look like? On your home page if you press ‘Cheer Me Up!’ it will take you to your photos/ messages to remind you of something you have done that you enjoyed and hopefully bring back happy memories.
How can this help you? Give it a go! In pairs try to think of three positive reasons for using this app. Share your thoughts with the class. Nihara Krause, consultant clinical psychologist and founder of the teenage mental health charity stem4, said: “Young people today have to cope with a whole range of pressures that their parents didn’t. As well as concerns about school and their future career prospects, there are new sources of stress in a digitally connected world. While the internet can connect young people with their friends, it can also put pressure on them to present a perfect image of themselves. We all have times when we’re not feeling so great and happy memories can be a source of huge comfort. Research shows that the boost you get from looking at a photograph that reminds you of something positive is more beneficial than a bar of chocolate.” Give it a go!