10 Micro-Techniques Used by Effective Teachers Potent Pedagogy 10 Micro-Techniques Used by Effective Teachers Why is this an IPA workshop? and/or What are you doing in a teacher workshop? Mark Greenberg, IPA Member; Consultant, Potent Pedagogy Dept. Chair/Teacher (28); Assistant Prin. (10); District Teacher Mentor (4) -------O’Fallon HS, O’Fallon IL (33) ------- Valley Park HS, Valley Park, MO (9)
10 Micro-Techniques Used by Effective Teachers Principal as “Instructional Leader”? (Jason Leahy, IPA Ex. Dir., hates that term) What’s your most important role in your school? What’s the role of pedagogy/instruction at your school? 10 Micro-Techniques Used by Effective Teachers Work-along #1 Role of Pedagogy at Your School: (Channeling ASCD’s Peter DeWitt here) Every meeting, every time Teacher instituted/led/often co-planned Articles/Books/Current events as springboards/excuses to discuss instruction Flipped faculty meetings to create time for meaningful instructional discourse
Teach Like a Champion (2010) ---12 yrs. studying highest performing teachers in schools w/80% poverty where state scores comparable to best schools. ---Almost 100% of these teachers’ kids scored proficient on state tests.
Doug Lemov, managing director of Uncommon Schools (www.uncommonschools.org) Starts and manages schools in urban areas across the Northeast Currently 28 schools in five cities Author of best-selling book, Teach Like a Champion (2010)
5. “We’re unapologetic about our focus on rigor and structure.” All 28 Uncommon Schools share five guiding principles: 1. ”All students deserve ____ 2. ”We go the distance to____ 3. ”We hold ourselves to____ 4. ”We believe in data to____ 5. ??? Work-along #2 5. “We’re unapologetic about our focus on rigor and structure.”
What makes good teaching is what works. Almost obsessively specific (LTMBD) ---------------------------------------------------------- Technique names catchy & a little gimmicky b/a descriptive. Enable shared vocab to discuss. ----------------------------------------------------------- Many techniques captured in short video clips in the books’ accompanying DVDs. BOOK CONTENT CHARACTERISTICS
Techniques often synergize – PB & J ----------------------------------------------- Many not “new”; many technique names now routinely coached instructional practices (ala Marzano, Dearborn, Antonetti & Garver) ------------------------------------------------ Make obvious assumptions about Teacher (CK/LP)
49 Techniques Divided into SIX DIVISIONS Teach Like a Champion 49 Techniques Divided into SIX DIVISIONS 1 – Setting High Academic Expectations 2 – Planning That Assures Academic Achievement 3 – Structuring and Delivering Your Lessons 4 – Engaging Students in Your Lessons 5 – Creating a Strong Classroom Culture 6 – Setting/Maintaining High Behavioral Expectations
How to select 10 out of 49 . . . Method to the madness? Ok, let’s go---
All Uncommon School rooms teach and use S.L.A.N.T. Technique #1 – S.L.A.N.T. (bk clip #16-- SLANT + 100%, Mr. Zimmerle) All Uncommon School rooms teach and use S.L.A.N.T.
Technique #1 S.L.A.N.T. SLANT present & illustrated in most clips (bk clip #16-- SLANT + 100%, Mr. Zimmerle) SLANT present & illustrated in most clips Begs some questions: --Useful in all c/rs? --Necessary in all c/rs? --Too juvenile for HS? --Too controlling? --Too stifling? Work-along #3-#4
Technique #2 – Cold Call (book clip #8, #9)
Technique #2 – Cold Call (book clip #8, #9) Cold Call = act of calling on students to answer questions at random, not based on who volunteers to participate. Benefit: Checks for understanding Benefit: Raises number of different participants Benefit: ??? Cold Call is . . . predictable. . . . systematic. . . . positive. . . . scaffolded. Related-- Anyone heard Grace Dearborn’s “Answer or Echo”? Work-along #5 Technique #2 – Cold Call (book clip #8, #9)
Technique #3 – No Opt Out (book clip #1, Mr. Williams)
Technique #3 – No Opt Out (bk clip #1, Mr. Williams) Work-along #6
Technique #4 – Right Is Right/ Stretch It (bk clip #3, Mr Technique #4 – Right Is Right/ Stretch It (bk clip #3, Mr. Armstrong; Ms. Bromley)
Technique #4 – Right Is Right/ Stretch It (bk clip #3, Mr Technique #4 – Right Is Right/ Stretch It (bk clip #3, Mr. Armstrong; Ms. Bromley) T: How do the families in Romeo and Juliet get along? S: They don’t like each other. T: (often does/says . . .) -------Right/Right: (Hold out for all the way.) T: (affirm, if possible; (HDYKT? follow up)
Technique #5 – Circulate (book clip #6—Ms. Dickinson) Work-along #8-#9 related to Techniques “Radar” and “BSL (Be Seen Looking)”
Technique #6 – Wait Time (book clip #11—Ms. Driggs)) Work-along #10 A strategic delaying technique: ---Narrated wait time U. Of FL research – even 1-2 seconds significantly improves quality of student response; 3-5 seconds decreases “IDK’s”
Technique #7 – Positive Framing (bk clip #19, Ms. Austin)
Technique #7 – Positive Framing (Ms. Volpe)
Technique #7 – Positive Framing (book clip #19, Ms. Austin) Negative VS. Positive Framing Doctor: “There’s a 10% chance this operation will not succeed.”
Technique #7 – Positive Framing Correct & guide behavior with these thoughts: 1. Live in the now. Focus on what a student can fix right now to move forward. 2. Assume the best. “Is the kid giving me a hard time or having a hard time?” ---What if action student took was intentional? 3. Allow plausible anonymity. Correct students without saying their names. Avoid contingencies. 4. Narrate the positive. Narrate the strengths of what kids in your class are doing. Work-along #11 Technique #7 – Positive Framing
Technique #8 – Threshold Work-along #12
Technique #8 – Threshold
Technique #9 – Warm/Strict Contradiction? Are being warm and strict mutually exclusive?
Technique #10 – Exit Tickets (fg clip #13 Mr. Pollack, #14 Ms. Picard)
------Please see handout. Work-along #14 What do we know about E x i t T i c k e t s ?? Plenty . . . ------Please see handout.
10 Micro-Techniques Used by Effective Teachers Potent Pedagogy If we have time, let’s watch more clips.. I’ll play a clip and you tell me which technique(s) it illustrates . . . 10 Micro-Techniques Used by Effective Teachers
10 Micro-Techniques Used by Effective Teachers Potent Pedagogy http://www.boyd.k12.ky.us/userfiles/496/Classes/27400/Teach%20Like%20A%20Champion%20-%20The% 20Main%20Idea.pdf 10 Micro-Techniques Used by Effective Teachers
10 Micro-Techniques Used by Effective Teachers Role of Pedagogy at Your School: Every meeting, every time Teacher instituted/led/often co-planned Articles/Books as springboards/excuses to discuss instruction Flipped faculty meetings to create time for meaningful instructional discourse Mark Greenberg, Consultant, Potent Pedagogy