From Outsourcing to Insourcing Clarksville-Montgomery County School System Clarksville, Tennessee Jeanine Johnson, Chief Human Resources Officer Melissa Izatt, Classified Employee and Substitute Coordinator
Clarksville, Tennessee 5th Largest city in TN Population 193,500 (Montgomery County/Clarksville 2015) Located within 10 miles of Ft. Campbell army base
Clarksville-Montgomery County School System 8th Largest district in TN 39 Schools 32,600 Students 4,757 Employees (2015/16 School Year)
Substitute Program Outsourced 2005-2014 CMCSS outsourced substitutes Initial success vs. prior practice Decreasing fill rate over years Approximately 400-600 absences unfilled per year Hiring/training at discretion of agency
Substitute Program Insourcing 2014/15 first year of insourcing Approximately $300,000 cost savings in first year of implementation Increased fill rate Approximately 450 active substitutes on staff
Advantages of CMCSS Insourcing Training/Hiring Capabilities Hiring process and expectations in line with district (Interviews, Orientation, In-processing) District specific training (Annual Employee Training, Safety, Bullying Awareness, Suicide Prevention) Additional training opportunities focused on SPED needs, Instructional best practices, Classroom Management
Advantages of CMCSS Insourcing Cost Savings Employee inclusiveness (CMCSS ID, email, etc..) Opportunity to individualize a program designed to meet the needs of our district Policy development and implementation
Advantages of CMCSS Insourcing Quality Measurements Substitute Observations Substitute/Employee Feedback Probationary Period/Review Accountability- Reporting, Involvement, Awareness
Potential challenges of CMCSS Insourcing ACA Requirements Substitute Calendar Program Management Team of 4: Program Manager, Staffing Representative, 2 Admin Assistants- Scheduling and SPED School trained personnel
Sub to Perm Benefit Over 300 hired from the substitute pool for full time positions across the district Prepared for expectations of hard to fill positions Gained experience in various capacities while serving as a sub Provides hiring supervisors/administrators with an opportunity to observe the potential candidate on the job prior to making a selection
CMCSS Substitute Program Partnership with schools, teachers, and administrators Communication with schools on high absence volume days Internal coverage plans Training with school staff: bookkeepers, office assistants, etc… District wide Substitute Folder expecations and information Substitute observations conducted daily by Sub Program Staff
CMCSS Substitute Program Accountability Data (Provided to principals annually) Feedback reports and average ratings Absence numbers by reason (year over year comparison) Estimated portion of total program cost based on absence data
CMCSS Substitute Program Substitute Pay Tiers Tiers place value on teaching experience Long term certified= increased tier pay for placement duration Eligible for tier advancement annually if specified criteria is met Eligible for transfer rights after meeting set criteria
CMCSS Substitute Program Annual Substitute Eligibility Review Each substitute’s performance regarding set criteria is reviewed annually to determine eligibility for following school year Notified of status in June: Eligible, Provisionally Eligible, Not Eligible Accountability
CMCSS Substitute Program Substitute Incentives/Ownership Substitute Quality Points Substitute Mentor Program Substitute assisted job fairs and trainings Substitute Zones- Emergency and Preferred Priority Pre-K Substitutes
Creating the identity
CMCSS Substitute Program