Welcome to Ms. Bruggeman’s History Class! (G-701) ebruggeman@amphi.com 520-696-5657 IB History & World History
Background & Education Major: History Education Minor: Geography Student Teaching: Flowing Wells 8th year at CDO In the process of becoming National Board Certified My approach to teaching history?? Multi-perspective, discussion-based, relatable, projects, skill-building, literacy & critical thinking
World History Policies & Procedures Materials (binder, paper, post-its/highlighter) Bellwork (5 pts/day collect on Fridays) Tardy Policy (-5pts/tardy; detention after 3) Consequences (positive vs. negative) Homework (1-2/week; late work accepted - ½ credit) Missing Work (3 days to makeup; use website) My Website (bellwork, assignments, notes; Remind101) Book Checks (textbooks are used everyday!) Current Event (once a month; discussion-based) Exams (Map quizzes, unit exams, district finals, makeup; study guides) Grades (2 weeks; homework, classwork, exams/projects, participation) Assistance (email; before/after school & tutorial)
IB History Policies and Procedures Materials required for class Textbooks Website Two-year course Case-study approach Topic selection Assessments (In-class, internal, external)
IB History Course Outline Course Timeline Junior Year Senior Year Emergence of the Americas in Global Affairs – World War II Internal Assessment Senior Year Cold War – Civil Rights External Assessments 1, 2 & 3 Tuesday 5/9 – EA 1&2 Wednesday 5/10 – EA3 Prescribed Subject #3 – The Move to Global War (Paper 1) World History Topics (Paper 2) #11 – Causes and effects of 20th Century Wars #12 – The Cold War Aspects of History of the Americas (Paper 3) Emergence of the Americas in Global Affairs Great Depression and the Americas Civil Rights and Social Movements
IB History Assessment Similar to other IB Diploma Program courses, students will be formally assessed both internally and externally upon completion of their two year program. Students will be assessed by: 1) writing an external examination 2) producing an internal historical investigation research paper. The internal assessment (IA) is a research project in which students choose their own topic, research it, and produce their own piece of historical analysis. The purpose of the IA is for students to apply the skills of a historian by selecting, evaluating, and analyzing evidence and sources in order to reach a conclusion. Higher Level students must construct a piece of original research that consists of 2,200 words.
IB History Assessment Internal Assessment – 20% Higher Level students will write three papers within the examination, totaling 5 hours. Paper 1: Prescribed Subject (60 minutes – 20%) 4 short-answer, structured questions; document-based Move to Global War Paper 2: 20th Century Topics (90 minutes – 25%) 2 extended-response questions 20th Century Warfare The Cold War Paper 3: History of the Americas (150 minutes – 35%) 3 extended-response questions Emergence of the Americas in Global Affairs The Great Depression in the Americas Social Movements and Civil Rights in the Americas
Aims of IB Diploma Program History The primary aims of the IB history course are as follows: To promote an understanding of history as a discipline, including the nature and diversity of its sources, methods and interpretations Encourage an understanding of the present through critical reflection upon the past Encourage an understanding of the impact of historical developments at national, regional, and international levels Develop an awareness of one’s own historical identity through the study of the historical experiences of different cultures