General Meeting & Information Session WELCOME! BIENVENUE! Foreign Affairs Council of Glendon 2016 – 2017 Conseil des Affaires Étrangères de Glendon General Meeting & Information Session WELCOME! BIENVENUE!
Who we are? What we do! The Foreign Affairs Council of Glendon is an organisation that aims to provide Glendon students with the utmost opportunity to prepare for a future career in foreign affairs or governmental and non-governmental organisations. This recently established group will feature diplomatic divisions which will consist of various organisations that students will be able to join depending on their specialization and areas of interests. These will include the likes of Glendon NATO and the Glendon African Union among others, and will feature world-renowned simulations that are open to all students. The main goal for every student in the FACG is to attend a diplomatic simulation, where their skills can be put to the test in a simulated diplomatic setting. This organisation is run by experienced students, whose specializations will assist their younger peers in achieving the most substantive and successful results, both on a personal and intellectual level.
Introducing the 2016 –2017 FACG Executive Team! President – Phillip Wolfgang Pymm Vice-President External – Marwa Naran Vice- President Coordinator – Maia Yap Secretary – Gabrielle Nigro Treasurer – Hasti Almasi
Recruitment Process 1. Project Manager is appointed by Executive Team 2. Project Manager gathers all interested members and sets up interviews (interviews by project manager will be done with an executive member.) 3. Project Manager makes selection of his or her delegation. 4. Project Manager and Executive Team work with Treasurer and Communications Officer in order to submit applications. 5. Project Manager begins training and preparation with delegates under the auspices of the Executive Team.
Available Projects Every interested member shall give a security deposit to keep their spot in the delegation. Fundraising opportunities will be made available through the assistance of the Executive Team; however, delegates should be prepared to cover all expenses of their trip! All applications must be done professionally and all applicants will be interviewed. Every project is an accomplishment and there is a competition to get in to them.
Model Courts of Justice Location: Ankara, Turkey Host University: Ankara University Date: Early February 2017 Delegations Av: 1 Delegation (1 minimum) Courts simulated: European Court of Human Rights, ICC, ICJ, Human Rights Commission, International Tribunal of the Sea, ICTY Positions available (for each court): Panel Judge, Supreme Judge, Head-Expert, Journalist, Prosecutor, Defense Counsel. Language: English Participation Fee: $77.55/ delegate Website:
Oikos Model World Trade Organisation Location: Switzerland. Host University: University of St. Gallen Date: Early April 2017 Delegations Av.: 1 Delegation (5 Spots – Individual Applications Req.) Preferred Majors: Economics, Business, Law, Inter. Studies, Pol. Science, Int. Relations. Participation Fee: approx. $376 CAD (Accomodation + Food Incl.) Level of Competition to Get in: High – Must Complete Essay as part of Application Process. Language: English and/or French Website:
MODEL NATO WASHINGTON Location: Washington D.C, U.S.A Host University: Kent State University Date: February 16th-19th, 2017 (May apply to delegation now) Delegations Av.: 1 Delegation (5 Spots minimum) Preferred Majors: Inter. Studies, Pol. Science, Int. Relations. Participation Fee: $400 Level of Competition to Get in: Medium/High Language: English
London Security Exercise 2017 Location: London, United Kingdom Host University: London School of Economics and Political Science Date: Early February 2017 Delegations Av.: 1 Delegation (8 Spots MAX.) Preferred Majors: Inter. Studies, Pol. Science, Int. Relations. Participation Fee: TBA (approx. $40-$50) Level of Competition to Get in: Medium Language: English Website:
National University Model Arab League Location: Washington D.C, U.S.A Host University: National University Date: March 31-April 2, 2017 Delegations Av.: 1 Delegation (6 spots) Preferred Majors: Inter. Studies, Pol. Science, Int. Relations. Participation Fee: $55/delegate (Accomod. + Food NOT included) Level of Competition to Get in: Medium/High Language: English Website:
Simulation du Parlement Européen Canada Québec Europe (SPEQUE) Location: Prague, Czech Republic Host University: TBD Date: TBD First week of August 2017 Delegations Av.: 1 Delegation Preferred Majors: Inter. Studies, Pol. Science, Int. Relations. Participation Fee: $450 Level of Competition to Get in: Medium/High Language: French Website:
Model African Union Location: Washington, D.C. Host University: Howard University Date: February 23rd-26th, 2017 (applications for a project manager are open now) Delegations Av.: 2 Delegations (7 spots) Preferred Majors: Inter. Studies, Pol. Science, Int. Relations. Participation Fee: First Country Delegation/$500.00 Second Country Delegation/$400.00 Level of Competition to Get in: Medium/High Language: English (may be conducted in another language if speaker provides translation) Website: _African_Union_Conference.html
Model International Criminal Court Location: Krzyzowa, Poland (close to the city of Wroclaw) Date: Mid-February 2017 (applications for a project manager are open now) Delegations Av.: 1 Delegation (4 spots (three law students (or adjacent disciplines) and one student of journalism) Preferred Majors: Inter. Studies, Pol. Science, Int. Relations. Participation Fee: $260 Level of Competition to Get in: Medium/High Language: English Website:
Harvard World MUN location: Montreal, Quebec host university: Harvard date: March 13th- 17th, 2017 (may apply now) language: English participation fee: $200 # of delegates required: minimum 4 site:
Washington Model Organization of American States location: Washington D.C. host university: date: April 10th- 14th, 2017 (applications for project manager open now) language: English participation fee: around $400 # of delegates required: minimum 6 site:
Model NATO Carleton location: Ottawa, Canada host university: Carleton date: February 23rd- 16th, 2017 (applications for project manager now open) language: English participation fee: $40 # of delegates required: minimum 4 site:
PROJECT MANAGERS WANTED PROJECT MANAGERS WANTED! Think you have what it takes to be a Project Manager of a Delegation? Required Credentials: Open to any Masters, 3th or 4th Year + Student in the Political Science or International Studies Program. Leadership Experience Assets (Not Requirements): Bilingualism Experience in attending diplomatic simulations Public Speaking skills Professionalism Exceptional Grades Extracurricular participation