Monday Bell Ringer (ODD) Read a book if you do not have any revisions or incomplete work. The zoo essay should be turned in. **Have your remediation block paper on your desk. 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Have a book ready for the bell ringer.
Text analysis, note-taking and synthesis Day 1 Video Game Passage Set Text analysis, note-taking and synthesis
How do you fit it all together?
Step 1: Getting Ready to Read Set Up a Note-taking Sheet Identify the number of texts. Set up a note-taking sheet with source numbers, titles, and/or authors. Leave room at bottom to record your conclusions.
Source 1 “What Do Teens Like? Video Games!” Source 2 “Can Video Games Teach?” My Conclusions:
Step 2: Getting Ready to Read Dissect the Prompt Identify the mode (argumentative or informative) and record it on your note-taking sheet. Identify the purpose/focus for writing and record it on your note-taking sheet.
Let’s Practice! Directions: With your shoulder partner, decide what the mode of this writing task is. Then, identify what the prompt is asking you to write about. Read the following articles about how video games affect teenagers. Write an informative/explanatory essay explaining how video games can be beneficial for teens. Use the information from the texts to support your ideas. Cite your evidence. mode
Step 2: Getting Ready to Read Record the mode and purpose/focus informative benefits of video games Step 2: Getting Ready to Read Record the mode and purpose/focus
Step 3: Analyze the Texts Record information focused on the purpose informative benefits of video games Step 3: Analyze the Texts Record information focused on the purpose
Step 3: Analyze the Texts I DO (Lines 1-18) informative benefits of video games Step 3: Analyze the Texts I DO (Lines 1-18)
Step 3: Analyze the Texts WE DO (lines 19-36) informative benefits of video games Step 3: Analyze the Texts WE DO (lines 19-36)
Step 3: Analyze the Texts YOU DO Together (lines 37-47) informative benefits of video games Step 3: Analyze the Texts YOU DO Together (lines 37-47)
Next Steps! In tomorrow’s lesson, we will: review and mark our notes, draw conclusions, and plan for writing. Your essay is where you show what you know and prove that you can use information from multiple texts to draw your own conclusions and support those conclusions with textual evidence.
Tuesday Bell Ringer (EVEN) Read a book if you do not have any revisions or incomplete work. The zoo essay should be turned in. **Have your remediation block paper on your desk. 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Have a book ready for the bell ringer.
Day 2 Review & mark notes, synthesize to draw conclusions, and develop a writing plan
Step 4: Review & Mark Notes The next step is to mark your note-taking sheet. How and what you mark will depend on the task and the information you gathered. Some possibilities include: similarities and differences, causes and effects, problems and solutions, and arguments for and against.
Wii Fit games provide movement and exercise (33-34). Source 1 “What Do Teens Like? Video Games!” Source 2 “Can Video Games Teach?” A survey revealed that two-thirds of teens play video games as a way to socialize (13-14). According to Amanda Lenhart, the survey also “shows that games are social people” who communicate face-to-face (16-17). A professor at Carnegie Mellon University says that parents getting involved by playing games with their kids would benefit the kids and the parents (20-24). Wii Fit games provide movement and exercise (33-34). Research has shown that video games teach skills that can be used in the workplace (40-41). “Game playing involves reasoning, team building, and solving problems under pressure” (42). They are great for teaching because “kids already love them” (43). Even some teachers agree that video games can be useful as learning tools but aren’t convinced school officials would spend the money and time on training the teachers (55-60). My Conclusions:
Step 4: Review & Mark Notes Based on the information I found and the writing task, I will categorize the evidence into the type of benefit (social, physical, educational, workplace skills). If something fits into more than one category, I’ll mark both. If it doesn’t fit it any, I won’t mark it but may still use it for general information.
Wii Fit games provide movement and exercise (33-34). physical Source 1 “What Do Teens Like? Video Games!” Source 2 “Can Video Games Teach?” A survey revealed that two-thirds of teens play video games as a way to socialize (13-14). social According to Amanda Lenhart, the survey also “shows that games are social people” who communicate face-to-face (16-17). social/workplace skills A professor at Carnegie Mellon University says that parents getting involved by playing games with their kids would benefit the kids and the parents (20-24). social Wii Fit games provide movement and exercise (33-34). physical Research has shown that video games teach skills that can be used in the workplace (40-41). workplace skills “Game playing involves reasoning, team building, and solving problems under pressure” (42). workplace skills They are great for teaching because “kids already love them” (43). educational Even some teachers agree that video games can be useful as learning tools but aren’t convinced school officials would spend the money and time on training the teachers (55-60). Educational My Conclusions:
Step 5: Synthesizing to Draw Conclusions It’s time to come up with my own ideas based on my notes. 1) Contrary to popular belief, teens who play video games aren’t anti-social and actually use games to socialize. 2) Playing video games can provide teens practice with skills they will need at work. 3) Communication skills learned through video games help teens in social and workplace situations. 4) Educational video games can be used in schools.
Your Turn! Record your conclusions on your note-taker. Remember, you’re not re-wording the information you recorded, but instead using it to formulate ideas of your own.
Group Share Out What are your conclusions?
Step 6: Plan Your Essay Now I am ready to start planning my essay. The first thing I will need to do is write my controlling idea (thesis). I will use my conclusions when I formulate my controlling idea and when I plan my body paragraphs.
THE FOUR-STEP METHOD for Controlling Idea (Informative Writing) 1. Name your focus topic - Example: Benefits of video games 2. Ask a question (make sure it’s not obvious!) about your focused topic - Example: What are the ways video games can benefit teens? 3. Revise the question into a declarative statement - Example: There are many ways that video games benefit teens. 4. Add a group of words summarizing your key ideas - Example: Video games provide teens with the skills they need in social, workplace, and educational settings.
Step 6: Plan Your Essay Controlling Idea Here is my controlling idea: Video games provide teens with the skills they need in social, workplace, and educational settings.
Your Turn! Create your controlling idea and record it on the back of your note-taking sheet.
Step 6: Plan Your Essay Organize
Wednesday Bell Ringer (regular) Read a book if you do not have any revisions or incomplete work. Zoo essay should be turned in along with any revised work. **Have your remediation block paper on your desk. 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Have a book ready for the bell ringer.
Step 7: Draft Your Essay you are ready to WRITE! Now that you’ve: 1) prepared to read by setting up a note-taking sheet and dissecting the writing prompt, 2) read and analyzed the texts, 3) took notes focused on the writing task, 4) synthesized the information from all the text by drawing your own conclusions, 5) marked your notes, and 6) sketched out a quick writing plan, you are ready to WRITE!
Last But Not Least- Check for 3! When finish drafting your essay, remember to take a few minutes to check for these 3 conventions: 1) Capitalization 2) Punctuation 3) Spelling
Thursday Bell Ringer (EVEN) 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Begin the bell ringer in your READING composition journal if your work is complete. Draw a line under the last prompt and add this to the same page. If you have to start a new page, add it to the table of contents.
Last But Not Least- Check for 3! When finish drafting your essay, remember to take a few minutes to check for these 3 conventions: 1) Capitalization 2) Punctuation 3) Spelling
Video Game Passage Set 1. Color code your writing using the ICE’d strategy I your writing folder. Introduce-topic sentence with thesis. RED Evidence-must have 2 pieces for each body paragraph. HIGHLIGHT Explain/Elaborate-tie back to your baby thesis. Explain how the evidence supports the thesis of your body paragraph. BLUE Identify the hook, thesis statement, and 3 baby thesis statements in the introduction. Remember your conclusion should tie back to your thesis statement in your introduction. 2. Use the informative rubric to self grade yourself.
ThinkCERCA 1. Organizing Effective paragraphs lesson and quiz. No retakes. 2. The Violent Side of Video games OR Computer Games Drive Social Ties -Remember you must follow steps 1-6 in order. No retakes for step 2. Go back in the text. -Use your writing folder and CERCA organizer for the build your argument and final essay.
Friday Bell Ringer (regular) 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Begin the bell ringer in your READING composition journal if your work is complete. Draw a line under the last prompt and add this to the same page. If you have to start a new page, add it to the table of contents.
Grade Using the FSA rubric, self grade your paper. As you read your paper, make any necessary corrections and revisions. Identify a strength and target. Give yourself a final rating. (10 min.) Pass your paper to your teammates and have each teammate grade your paper using a different colored pencil or pen. Each teammate must identify a strength and target. (10 min. per paper)
ThinkCERCA 1. Organizing Effective paragraphs lesson and quiz. No retakes. 2. The Violent Side of Video games OR Computer Games Drive Social Ties -Remember you must follow steps 1-6 in order. No retakes for step 2. Go back in the text. -Use your writing folder and CERCA organizer for the build your argument and final essay. 3. Type your video game essay if you finish early. Save to VPORTAL or thumb drive. 4. Go on