lunes, el 27 de agosto, 2012 Hear native speaker sound WORD OF THE DAY - from Transparent Language. sacar: to take out ¿Ya sacaste el dinero del banco? Did you already take out the money from the bank? PRIMERA: Turn in your paragraph about yourself to the Homework In tray Pick up a handout from the Español II tray OBJETIVOS: Alphabet & Numbers practice Vocabulary & grammar review activities Common questions/question words Review calendar/weather vocabulary/supplies Conversation skits TAREA: Review for the Placement test viernes TRABAJO AL TIMBRE: Complete the numbers review handout
miércoles, el 29 de agosto, 2012 Hear native speaker sound WORD OF THE DAY - from Transparent Language. entregar: to turn in Tú tienes que entregar el informe al jefe. You have to turn in the report to the boss. PRIMERA: Remember to write your word of the day, objectives & bellwork in your spiral & homework in your agenda OBJETIVOS: More verb & grammar review Review: ? Words & asking ?s Affirmative, Interrogative, Negatives sentences & word placement Practice converstions Share our introductions about ourselves TAREA: ESTUDIAN Prueba jueves: Placement test TRABAJO AL TIMBRE: Finish these sentences: Cuándo me prepara para la escuela, me gusta comprar… En el café, mis amigos… A veces, me gusta(n)… Mi hermano/hermana/primo/…
viernes, 31 de agosto, 2012 Hear native speaker sound WORD OF THE DAY - from Transparent Language. llenar: to fill No me llenes el vaso. Don't fill my glass up. PRIMERA: Turn in your homework (paragraph about yourself) Remember to write your word of the day, objectives & bellwork in your spiral & homework in your agenda OBJETIVOS: Repaso: comidas Quiz: comidas Practice converstions Share our introductions about ourselves TAREA: ¡Buen fin de semana! TRABAJO AL TIMBRE: TB p. 135 act. 18
viernes, 31 de agosto, 2012 Hear native speaker sound WORD OF THE DAY - from Transparent Language. llenar: to fill No me llenes el vaso. Don't fill my glass up. PRIMERA: Remember to write your word of the day, objectives & bellwork in your spiral OBJETIVOS: Review – especially grammar Regular vs irregular verbs… Placement Test TAREA: ¡Buen fin de semana! TRABAJO AL TIMBRE: What is the meaning of the following? 1.Más 2.O 3.Y 4.Ni 5.Tampoco 6.También 7.Más…que 8.Mucho 9.Nada 10.Me encanta