19 December 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka


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Presentation transcript:

19 December 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka Water Quality Changes in Balu River during Non-Monsoon and Monsoon Period Period A. R. Atiq, Muhammad Mizanur Rahaman, Rifat Mahmud Sojib & Subrota Chandra Shil 19 December 2015, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka Department of Civil Engineering University of Asia Pacific

Contents Introduction Objectives Available data Analysis Major findings

Introduction of Balu River

Beel Belai wetland (23°57'53.46N, 90°31'11.58E)

Tongi Khal Google

Objectives of this study: This thesis has three objectives. These are as follows: To evaluate water quality parameters of Balu River. To analyze seasonal variations of the water quality parameters. To compare these parameters with WHO’04, Environment for Europeans (EU’07) and ECR’97 to evaluate water quality of Balu River.

All Sampling location of Balu River (GPS Screen shots) Table 1: Sampling location of Balu River [ Non-Monsoon (May 2015) and Monsoon (June 2015)]  All Sampling location of Balu River (GPS Screen shots) Sampling Point   Time (AM) GPS Position Latitude (DDD.DD) Longitude(DDD.DD) 1 9:43 9:23 23.726404˚N 90.50078˚E 2 10:10 9:53 23.733599˚N 90.4924˚E 3 10:43 10:31 23.742527˚N 90.494156˚E 4 10:53 10:39 23.744223˚N 90.492584˚E Format: DDD.DD→ Degrees (only) GPS: OsmAnd+ (OSM Automated Navigation Directions): last Update on May 10, 2015.

Available data on Balu River

Table 2: Concentration of Various Parameters in Balu River (Data Feb, 2005) Sample ID pH Turbidity (NTU) BOD (mg/l) NO3-N NH3-N TDS (mg/100ml) DO mg/l Balu-1 8.1 18 22 .7 4.4 34.7 1.9 Balu-2 7.7 72 23 1.5 24 45.6 .18 Khal (u/s) 7.3 55 48 .4 43.6 .25 Norai Khal (d/s) 59 54 .5 24.75 45 .15 Table 3: Minimum oxygen concentration levels measured during the dry season (O2 mg /L) Year Balu 1980 4.2-6.1 1991 4.9-5.4 1983 3.7-4.3 1984 4.2-4.6 1985   1987 5.3-5.7 1988 6.3-6.4 Year Balu 1989 1.9-2.9 1990 1.0-1.2 1991   1995 1996 1997/1998 0.2-1.6* 2004 + Source: Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) for Bangladesh; DoE July 1991

and analysis Performing lab test Ammonia Test Non-Monsoon Ammonia Test

Non-Monsoon Period

Graphical presentation of Fluctuation of different Parameter varies in different location( May 2015)

Graphical presentation of Fluctuation of different Parameter varies in different location ( May 2015)

Graphical presentation of Fluctuation of different Parameter varies in different location (May 2015)

Monsoon Period

Graphical presentation of Fluctuation of different Parameter varies in different location (June 2015)

Graphical presentation of Fluctuation of different Parameter varies in different location(June 2015)

Graphical presentation of Fluctuation of different Parameter varies in different location (June 2015)

Acceptable limit for drinking water European Communities regulation Table 4: Comparison of Collecting Sample Water versus EU’07, WHO’04 and ECR’1997. Parameter Location of sample Value of parameter Acceptable limit for drinking water European Communities regulation (EU) 2007 WHO standard third edition 2004 The Environment Conservation Rules(ECR) 1997   May 2015 June 2015 PH Balu 1 7.49 6.94 6.5-9.5 6-8.5 6.5-8.5 Balu 2 7.83 6.92 Balu 3 8.02 Balu 4 7.78 6.89 Color of water (PTCO Or NTU) 23 104 Acceptable to consumers and no abnormal change  15 NTU 79 91 216 88 241 115 Turbidity (NTU) 0.85 14.12 1 NTU 5 NTU 10 NTU 13.41 13.05 43.54 12.78 31.96 20.45

Acceptable limit for drinking water May 2015 June 2015 Parameter Location of sample Value of parameter Acceptable limit for drinking water   May 2015 June 2015 European Communities regulation (EU) 2007 WHO standard third edition 2004 The Environment Conservation Rules(ECR) 1997   Ammonia (NH3-N) mg/l Balu 1 1.41 2.41 0.3m/l 0.2mg/l 0.5 mg/l Balu 2 4.44 2.61 Balu 3 22.7 2.56 Balu 4 19 2.46 TDS mg/100ml 101.7 131.2 1500mg/100ml 1000 mg/100ml 121.9 133 188.3 128.0 186.8 128.8 BOD5 2.6 0.6 0 mg/l - 0.9 2.4 1.1 11 1.4 DO 4.45 3.94 4-6 mg/l 6 mg/l or above 3.54 1.90 2.06 2.93 3.64 1.51

Analysis and findings

Major findings: Balu River measured DO values were mostly below 6 mg/l, which is not suitable for drinking and domestic uses. Balu River has significantly high levels of turbidity, which is not suitable for drinking water. Balu River water is treated in Saidabad Water Treatment Plant (SWTP) that supplies water to Dhaka Metropolitan Area. Turbidity and concentration of BOD5 are relatively high in Balu River water. As a result, the water treatment cost at SWTP also increases. Balu River water contains higher concentration of ammonia that is unacceptable for drinking water and domestic uses.

Major findings: Cont.. Water quality of the Balu River at the upstream intake point of Saidabad water treatment plant is likely to get worse especially in the pre-monsoon period. From the finding, it is clearly evident that the concentrations of pollutants were higher during dry season particularly in non-monsoon period. The findings also suggest that present water quality of Balu River is not suitable for drinking and domestic uses, however, in monsoon period water can used as agricultural and industrial purposes.

Recommendation: Treatment and disposal of sewage and industrial effluent; Efficiently management of the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) system by regular monitoring; Focusing on priority sources of contamination and takes steps for control. Institutional strengthening, coordination and ensure community participation; Implementation of Environment Conservation Rules (1997) guidelines; EIA (to run industry or project).

Thank you Department of Civil Engineering University of Asia Pacific