P11073-10207 Status Ballot results, major changes HL7 International Conference & Working Group Meeting, Madrid, 05/09/2017 Dr. David Gregorczyk
Agenda 1 First Round Ballot Results 2 Latest Changes from Comments 3 Clarifications / Findings P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
Agenda 1 First Round Ballot Results 2 Latest Changes from Comments 3 Clarifications / Findings P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
First Round Ballot Results Balloting of Draft 6, closed on 3rd March 29 Balloters 76 comments Response rate: 96% Approval rate: 84% Abstain rate: 7% Next balloting phase is running and closes on 17th May Still no comments submitted yet P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
Agenda 1 First Round Ballot Results 2 Latest Changes from Comments 3 Clarifications / Findings P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
General Typographic mistakes Missing or misleading explanations Missing bibliography/normative references P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
Alert system wide signal state Comment Add info about audible and visual signal system state in order to allow better modelling of audio pause. Each subsystem should have its own activation state. Activationstate of the AlertSystem then reflects only the general condition monitoring. Remedy Insert SystemSignalActivation attribute to AlertSystem, which describes a compound alert signal activation for audible, visible, and tangilbe alert signals P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
Revised birthday mode Comment Birthday model does not match HL7 model, e.g., - HL7 v2 PID-7 or HL7 FHIR extension. Remedy Adapted FHIR solution in pm:PatientDemographicsCoreData/pm:DateOfBirth https://www.hl7.org/fhir/datatypes.html#dateTime P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
Component type without alert system Comment There are cases where a device component should not possess an alert system, e.g. SCO, Clock, and SystemContext. Remedy Introduced intermediate type in accordance to naming scheme: pm:AbstractAlertingDeviceComponentDescriptor for any component that supports alert systems. Components without alert systems remain pm:AbstractDeviceComponentDescriptor P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
AlertSignalState finite state machine Comment This finite state machine is not proven to be correct, nor will it be possible to cover every device's internal alarm logic. Remedy Figure will be moved to annex as a sample instance Inserted a table with valid activation and presence flags combinations instead P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
Archive service descriptor retrieval Comment In order to allow the retrieval of a descriptor/state range make Descriptor revision have a start and an end revision index. Remedy Added a version frame parameter named DescriptorRevisions to msg:GetDescriptorsFromArchive and msg:GetStatesFromArchive P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
Battery object Comment Add objects that represents the battery/power supply of the mds Remedy Added an optional battery descriptor and state that represents battery information pm:BatteryDescriptor pm:BatteryState Information is taken from classic DIM. Some explanations have been improved based on information taken from IEC 60050-482 (International Electrotechnical Vocabulary) P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
SCO object Comment For modular systems, modules that are dynamically plugged/ removed would typically be modeled as VMDs. Such VMDs potentially have their own remote control capabilities. So it would seem that the VMD could also have SCO objects, similar to its own AlertSystem Remedy Added optional SCO to pm:VmdDescriptor P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
LifeTimePeriod Comment Consider adding a "life-time" period. Example: a non-invasive pressure is measured intermittently. Some application shows the data, e.g. with a time stamp. After a specific time, the value is not useful anymore, its lifetime has expired. Remedy Added LifeTimePeriod attribute to pm:AbstractMetricDescriptor and pm:AbstractMetricState P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
Manually derived measurements Comment Metric Category should also contain an enumeration for a manually derived measurement that is entered by a clinician and may need to be flagged accordingly. This is frequently done in spot-check situations. Remedy Added attribute „DerivationMethod“ to designate if a metric value is derived automatically or manually P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
Agenda 1 First Round Ballot Results 2 Latest Changes from Comments 3 Clarifications / Findings P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
Clarifications / Findings Are there any things that we should clarify here? Examples: Metrics Alert Systems Contexts Remote Control Versioning Any comments we should bring into the actual balloting round? P11073-10207 Status | Dr. David Gregorczyk | 05/09/2017
Thank you for your attention. David Gregorczyk System Architect david.gregorczyk@draeger.com Schlussfolie / Final Slide: Platz für Namen, Position und Kontaktdaten des Verfassers / Room for author's name, position and contact details Oder: Aufforderung zur Diskussion / Or: prompt a discussion Oder: "Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit." / Or: "Thank you for your attention."