Creation, Evolution & the Big Questions Singapore Bible College • Rick Griffith, ThM, PhD
Creation, Evolution & the Big Questions Singapore Bible College • Rick Griffith, ThM, PhD
Introduce Yourself! Name Country Family Church Course Goal
The Griffith Family Sept 2014 13 Rick Stephen 25 Susan John 22 The Griffith Family Sept 2014 Kurt & Cara 28
My Mission Organization… 13
Our People 14 2015: 50 people from 12 nations
Crossroads People March 2015 UK ITALY FRANCE NETHERLANDS HONG KONG LEBANON TAIWAN KOREA CHINA MYANMAR USA INDIA PHILIPPINES Our March 2015 church people stem from 12 different countries around the world. Netherlands (Desiree), Valentin (France), Nino Iager (Italy), Cynthia, Athan, Chanchan (India), Jieun (Korea), Mher & Liana (Lebanon), Raymond (Myanmar), Miriam (USA), Paolo (Philippines), Singapore (Albina), New Zealand (Matt & Julie), UK (Memory) MALAYSIA SINGAPORE CIC NEW ZEALAND INDONESIA Crossroads People March 2015
I direct the SBC Doctor of Ministry studies (DMin) I'm also the director of the doctoral program at SBC that trains about 80 seminary professors and pastors throughout Asia in English and Chinese. Generallly each year about 5 of them received their Doctor of Ministry degree. I direct the SBC Doctor of Ministry studies (DMin)
(English • Bahasa • Chinese) 14 SBC Courses I Teach (English • Bahasa • Chinese) Survey OT NT Backgrounds WOT WNT Theology Church Spirit Future I get to teach these leaders every book of the Bible in survey courses, plus backgrounds to both the OT and NT, three areas of theology, and how to preach. Preaching Homiletics 1 Homiletics 2
An Introduction to Genesis 14 "in the beginning" An Introduction to Genesis
Pengenalan kitab Kejadian 14 "pada mulanya" Pengenalan kitab Kejadian
Gen. 1:1 14 "起初" 创世记导论
Days of Creation Day 4: Sun, moon & stars arranged Day 1: Light 33 Days of Creation Title page Void Formless Forming Filling Day 4: Sun, moon & stars arranged Day 1: Light Day 2: Water & air separated Day 5: Fish & fowl Day 3: Land & sea separated Day 6: Animals & man Genesis 1:3-31
Days of Creation in Bahasa Indonesian Hari-hari penciptaan Title page Kosong Tidak berbentuk Dibentuk Diisi Hari 4: Matahari, bulan & bintang diatur Hari 1: Terang Hari 2: Air & udara dipisahkan Hari 5: Ikan & unggas Hari 3: Darat & laut dipisahkan Hari 6: Binatang & manusia Kejadian 1:3-31
六天的创造 第四天: 太阳,月亮与众星摆列在天 第一天: 光 第二天: 水与空气分开 第五天: 鱼与雀鸟 第三天: 旱地与海分开 空虚 Title page 充满 混沌 形成 第四天: 太阳,月亮与众星摆列在天 第一天: 光 第二天: 水与空气分开 第五天: 鱼与雀鸟 第三天: 旱地与海分开 第六天: 动物与人 创世记 1:3-31
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Non-Christians often depict us as stupid… CREATIONISTS I'm right, you're wrong. la-la-la-la-la-la- I can't hear you!
Non-Christians often depict us as stupid… They see us as faith without evidence
Non-Christians often depict us as stupid… But we are listening…
Non-Christians often depict us as stupid… We have answers
Where are we going? Genesis Response Challenges Words & Music: Marc Byrd, Steve Hindalong
Darwin Claimed Openness
The evidence doesn’t show all life from a single source but from many sources
Muslims believe in BOTH creation and evolution
Liberal Logic 101
Non-Christians often depict us as stupid… We have answers
CEB Course Description 1 CEB Course Description Genesis matters! Yet how sad that we often neglect God's eyewitness account regarding the origin of species, dinosaurs, ape-men, the age of the earth, Noah's Flood, the Big Bang and many other issues of our day. If you don't know what to believe as your foundation, you will build a shaky superstructure upon it when it gets to issues of the nature of man, sin, the gospel, and the person of Christ. This course will assure your own heart and increase your confidence to witness to others.
1 Grand Canyon Geology The Fossil Record: Evolution Evidence or Creation Science? By Rory Roybal
By the end of this course the student will be able to… 1 Course Objectives By the end of this course the student will be able to… Explain why the literal truths of Genesis are foundational to Christianity (PPT#1). Show from Scripture how Noah's Flood was worldwide (PPT#2). Articulate the errors of Darwin's Origin of Species (PPT#3). Explain how dinosaurs fit into the young-earth view of Scripture (PPT#4). Explain some key scientific reasons for rejecting ape-men (PPT#5).
By the end of this course the student will be able to… 1 Course Objectives By the end of this course the student will be able to… Explain how the Church historically became so compromised on Genesis 1–11 by accepting evolution and millions of years (PPT#6). Explain what evolutionists believe about the Big Bang as the origin of life, man, the earth and its rock layers, and the cosmos (PPT#7). Give biblical arguments to defend against various compromise views in the Church. Know where to find more information to keep growing in their understanding and defense of the truth of Genesis 1–11.
Creation, Evolution & the Big Questions Singapore Bible College CCTE Readings Creation, Evolution & the Big Questions Answers from Genesis 1–11 Read the five articles in the notes only The weekly quiz of 11 questions covers this reading. Rick Griffith, ThM, PhD Singapore Bible College
The first two articles are from this book 60-98
The OT Chronology (genealogy) article is from Bib Sac 99-109
Coming to Grips with Genesis 04702 110-136 Coming to Grips with Genesis edited by Dr. Terry Mortenson and Dr. Thane Ury 14 scholars give a careful Biblical & historical defense of young-earth creationism © 2008 Answers in Genesis-USA
CCTE Course Requirements 2 Average of 5 grades Reading (5 Weeks) page 5 Assessments (5 Quizzes)
Internet Advantages Interest Better Learning Equipping Others Saves Time
Our Two Websites (Downloads) 1 (Downloads) SBC Moodle (Quizzes)
How to Get on Moodle… 1 Log on at Type your normal SBC username Type normal SBC password Click on the CCTE Creation course Take your quiz or post a message
CCTE Course Requirements 2 CCTE Course Requirements Readings (50%) Quizzes (50%)
All Online Quizzes are Closed Book! 2 All Online Quizzes are Closed Book!
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