LOVE LANGUAGES: Showing Affection Are your family members, and friends speaking your language?
5 Love Languages What is a Love Language? We learn how love and affection are communicated from our parents or other significant people in our lives. There are 5 “Languages” we learn with one or two being stronger than the others. We are most perceptive of loving acts that are presented in our own “Language”. Gary Chapman
Words of Affirmation Spoken or written praise and affection both private and public. Examples: Congratulations for passing a test or winning a game. Notes of encouragement in a backpack
Physical Touch Physical contact such a high fives, hugging, back rubs, playful rough housing, hand holding, and kissing. Examples: Huggers vs. Non-huggers Rubbing your shoulder
Quality Time Giving of your time and attention in a way the other person/ child enjoys. Examples: Playing a game the child chooses Including child’s choices in vacation plans Hangs out with you a lot
Acts of Service Giving a service freely for the benefit of the other person/child. (Must not be manipulative) Examples: Cooking a favorite meal or snack Helping with chores or homework Does your laundry
Gifts Giving of gifts that are bought or homemade. (Again, must not be manipulative) Examples: Picking up a favorite snack from the store. Buying clothes, toys, sports gear, etc. Giving a handmade project
What this means… This helps you know more about yourself and how you relate to others or how you like others to relate to you. Tell others what you want/need. Communicate with parents or significant others. Learn the languages of others.
TAKE THE QUIZ. Tally up your total: TAKE THE QUIZ! Tally up your total: A: Words of Affirmation B: Quality of Time C: Receiving Gifts D: Acts of Service E: Physical Touch
Do you agree with the results of your quiz? Why or why not? Reflection 1 Do you agree with the results of your quiz? Why or why not?
Reflection 2 Do you plan to tell your parents or someone close to you about today’s lesson? How might this information impact your relationship?
Reflection 3 How might this information help your relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend now or a spouse in the future? Or how about with a friend?
Reflection 4 How might this information be useful if you choose to become a parent in the future?
Gary Chapman’s Books
Reflection Questions Which love language do you find yourself giving the most of? Which love language do you enjoy receiving the most? (Or which one means the most to you?) Rank the love languages: List in the order of the most meaningful to you to the least meaningful to you) List 5 people close to you. Tell me which love language is most meaningful to them and 1 thing that you could do for them.