3 Christ Centered Relationships that will define our ministries.


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Presentation transcript:

3 Christ Centered Relationships that will define our ministries. “Reaching the Lost and Growing the Saved through Christ centered relationships.”

“Christ centered relationships” Falling in love with Jesus’ Bride! Falling in Love with Jesus’ mission. Falling in love with Jesus ! 3 Christ Centered relationships that we desire for everyone.

Stage #1 Falling in love with Jesus. Understanding the Five Love Languages By Gary Chapman Words of affirmation Quality time Receiving gifts Acts of service Physical touch

How does Jesus measure our Love? John 14:16-24 “Do You Love Jesus? “ Vr. 16-20 Jesus’ love is seen in His provision for us through the Spirit. Jesus will ask the Father to provide for us. That provision is fulfilled through the Holy Spirit. That provision is for those who are “In Christ” There is a unity between those who are in Christ, and Christ is in them and THEY are in the father.

How does Jesus measure our Love? John 14:16-24 “Do You Love Jesus? “ Vr. 21 Jesus defines those who love him. The ones that have my commandments and KEEP them. Vr. 22 Judas didn’t get it! Vr. 23 The answer. IF anyone loves me. Vr. 24 a contrast to verse 23.

What does this mean.. Our Love for Jesus is seen by our desire to walk in obedience to His word. Lack of obedience is a symptom of a greater issue, Little or no love for Christ. Jesus said He and the Father would abide in our love . Jesus said Those who love him will have a deepening relationship with Him.