Num Dum Case Study
Relocation of 17 Villages
Produce 1,500 MW
Blue: Existing Villages Red: Resettlement Sites 14000 hector of forest inundated 3 historical sites inundated
PLANNING ZONE OF DISCHARGE AND WATER LEVEL This zone extends from the estimated mean monthly discharge for the baseline scenario down to a lower statistical tolerance level. If a development scenario causes average monthly discharges to fall below this tolerance level then it has not conformed with Article 6A
Article 6A: Example Mukdahan A 300 cumec capacity right bank diversion out of the mainstream is proposed during the dry season, located downstream of Nong Khai, would contravene Article 6A by shifting mean monthly flows at Mukdahan way below the permitted tolerance level. Mean monthly flows after mainstream diversion scenario. Pakse Much further downstream, however, at Pakse, Article 6A is not contravened since, although the dry season mean discharges have been decreased, they still lie above the permitted 6A threshold level as a consequence of lateral inflows and return flows.
III Abbreviations IV Executive summary List of contents 1 Introduction 2 Background (as much information as is practically available; this will highly facilitate a decision on short-listing) ... with a short description of location and scope Relationship to National Public Investment Plans and 5-years plans (important, if known) Parallel or related projects Within or outside BDP - synergies, overlaps, gaps (important, if known) Overall level of project preparation and documentation to date (This should be easy, just answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or ‘not relevant’). (This information will not affect the short-listing, but will facilitate the further promotion of the project idea): Project scoping or pre-feasibility or feasibility analysis (if relevant)? Has an economic and financial analysis been made (if relevant)? Has a social impact analysis been made (if relevant)? Has an environmental impact analysis been made (if relevant)? Has a public participation procedure been made (if relevant)? Has a legal and institutional analysis been made (if relevant)?
3 Visions, opportunities, barriers (As much information as is practically available; this will highly facilitate a decision on short-listing) 3.1 MRC and national government objectives 3.2 Target groups 3.3 Opportunities and problems 3.4 The need for assistance 3.5 Links to other MRC activities 3.6 Cross-cutting issues Environmental aspects; social and gender aspects. This is important, if relevant. Please elaborate, in case that the idea contributes to poverty alleviation or gender mainstreaming, or supports a national Poverty Reduction Strategy or the Millennium Development Goals. This can facilitate funding 3.7 Justification for development support 4 Government inputs
5 Logical framework (Not required for project ideas; but at least an outline of an LFA will be required for shortlisting) 5.1 Development objective, immediate objective(s) As in Simplified PIN format 5.2 Outputs 5.3 Activities 5.4 Inputs and budget External contribution; national contribution 5.5 Assumptions and risks 5.6 Indicators and means of verification
6 Implementation procedures If possible, suggest a recommended implementing agency: An MRC programme, one or several NMCs, one or several line agencies, an NGO, others 6.1 Organization, management and administration 6.2 Monitoring and review, reporting and evaluation 6.3 Flow of funds, accounting and auditing 6.4 Implementation plan (indicative) List of references (If relevant) Annex 1: Logical framework (Not required for project ideas; but at least an outline of an LFA will be required for shortlisting) Annex 2: Detailed budget