Assessment, Cost Savings and Green Cleaning in Schools: Learning from the Leaders
Columbia Public Schools Michael Jones Director of Columbia, Missouri Michael Jones Director of Custodial Services copyright
Identifying the Issues- 2008 Conventional paper towels, tissue, and soap 35+ traditional cleaning chemicals and floor products Traditional cloth/disposable cleaning rags, single mop buckets and string mops Traditional upright vacuums and equipment No consistent cleaning program- Unhealthy buildings and complaints Health and Indoor Air Quality issues- Roof leaks, 150+ trailers Poor quality entrance floor matting No shared responsibility or cleaning for health Funding of operating and capital improvements were not priorities Vision and Plan to Improve Indoor Environmental Health (Return on Investment) As you can see, we had all conventional products and areas needing to be improved. 35 plus conventional cleaning products to clean our facilities was impossible to manage and most cleaning products contained high health ratings. Several custodians complained of harsh chemicals were creating rashes no their arms forcing them to wear long sleeves. One custodian in particular was having to visit her doctor frequently for prescription medicine to counter act the rash our chemicals created. We were spending over 10K a year in disposable rags and some staff used cloth rags that just smeared soils on surfaces. Our upright vacuums were the old hoover dust cup model that when you turned on, the bag would expand sending dust into the air creating unhealthy conditions for staff and students. Improving the health issues within our campus facilities was the motivating factor and finding areas to address these issues was not difficult to do. copyright
Missouri Green Cleaning Guidelines and Specifications for Schools Roadmaps to Success- 2009 EPA SHIELDS Network Healthy Schools Campaign In 2008, we learned Missouri would be possibly developing a Mandatory Law for “Green Cleaning Products and Programs” and they were using the Illinois Mandatory State Law as a blueprint. We did not understand Green Cleaning and were completely conventional in our products and programs. We spent over 9 months researching and testing Green Cleaning products and cleaning procedures. The passing of the Missouri Green Cleaning Guidelines in 2009 was one of the pieces of the roadmap puzzle that helped us to design our programs. These guidelines adopted directives from the Healthy Schools Campaign in the area of shared responsibility and promoting stewardship. Utilizing important IAQ information from the EPA helped us in understanding the importance of indoor air quality and the role of Green Cleaning. Missouri Green Cleaning Guidelines and Specifications for Schools copyright
Changes created approximately $175K in savings Changes and Savings 2009 - 2011 EcoLogo certified paper towels and tissue- 22% EcoLogo certified hand soap- 33% Environmentally sensitive cleaning chemicals- 20% Microfiber wipers and tools- 40% Floor finish application- 28%- Pour & spread equals no waste Trash can program- 30% plus reduction of 40K bags into landfill In-house equipment repair and preventative maintenance-35% Changes created approximately $175K in savings April 2009, we moved aggressively placing public bids to replace our paper towel, tissue, and soap dispensers with Green Products. We replaced our 35 plus conventional cleaning products with Environmentally sensitive product reducing total cleaning products down to 7. Traditional cleaning rags, dust mops, and wet mops were replaced with microfiber Using less product is an important aspect of green cleaning. Changing our application of floor finish from a single mop bucket with string mops to pour and spread with a microfiber flat mop significantly reduced our consumption of floor finish We had an average 3 to 4 trash cans in classrooms, oversized bags, and old metal trash cans with many rusted on the inside bottoms. Reducing trash cans to 1 or 2 cans per classroom plus purchasing the correct size of bags for our trash cans saved our district well over 30 k. Savings was used to purchase all new district trash cans that could be properly cleaned reducing indoor air quality concerns. We were spending $46 per hour outsourcing our equipment repairs and brought our repairs in house. We have expanded our knowledge of repairs where we are analyzing computer boards and recently replaced a single chip for $35 rather than purchasing a new board at a cost of $1,000. Our preventative maintenance program keeps our equipment properly functioning, timely hepa filter replacements, and improves the life of normal wear items.
Reinvest the Savings to Further Your Green Program Restroom cleaning machines Double bucket wet mop system Backpacks with HEPA filtration Interior and exterior floor matting Electrically converted water auto scrubbers When we began sharing our success with District Administration and the Board of Education during a Board Meeting, I commented the importance of savings we created needed to be left in my budget to continue our Green Cleaning agenda to purchase necessary equipment and supplies. Not only did the Board leave our budget in tack to continue our green cleaning agenda, my yearly request for Capital equipment improvements was significantly increased. Prior years we were lucky to receive $35 k to 50K for capital purchases. In 2015/16 we were given $229K and this past year $280 K to significantly update our custodial equipment and pursue engineered water. It is important to communicate your successes of your Green Cleaning Program to district administration and the Board of Education whenever you have the opportunity tying together indoor air quality and student Health. Sustainable Green Program Using Less While Obtaining Better Results
Process Cleaning for Healthy Schools Began installation of new cleaning program August 2014 Standardized cleaning program Concentration on high touch surfaces Created 2 custodial trainer positions and just added 3rd System provides checks and balances to ensure buildings are clean and healthy Reduced 15 total FTE with NO custodial job loss Savings of $500K reinvested into custodial department with 17% average increase to staff Our most recent change was the reality you can bring in green products and procedures, but must have a standardized cleaning process. Process Cleaning for Healthy Schools has helped us bridge the Gap where all of our classrooms spaces are cleaned the same way district wide. This process has simplified our training, raised the bar of consistent cleanliness, and improved staff morale. This process has helped us provide the time to clean our most touched surfaces nightly and Sanitize the important areas for infection control. With the reduction of 15 Full time staff members, we have created Substitute Custodians that work on-call, entry level wage with no benefits. These employees along with a pool of Floaters, cover our regular employee absences to keep our buildings fully staffed and maintain the cleanliness of our facilities. The reduction of 15 FTE created around 500K savings in salary and benefits. These funds were reinvested back into the custodial department increasing wages by an average 17%. We had some long term employees that were maxed out in their pay and had not received an increase in several years. It was very exciting notifying some of these employees they just received a $4 increase. copyright
Continue to Evolve Your Green Program Engineered Water: Will save $40K in annual operating budget Sustainability: Produce our own chemicals eliminating 2,184 gallon plastic bottles and 546 shipping boxes each year back into environment. Cost of units supported by Board of Education and funded through capital assets In 2014 we began testing engineered water and implemented Orbio Technology OS3 and Satellite units throughout our district buildings. Cost of units were supported thru savings in our operation budget plus approved Capital Assets funds. All district buildings are now being cleaned with engineered water. This is sustainability creating your own cleaning chemicals eliminating 2184 gallon plastic bottles and 546 shipping boxes back into the environment plus eliminating production of same bottles and boxes, and fuel emissions with transportation Wherever you are in your Green Cleaning Program, you must continue to evolve using new technologies to improve your cleaning program, sustainability, and better indoor air quality.
Green Cleaning that Works Team Effort Chairs Stacked by Students Worktops Left Clear Clutter/Debris Removed by Students This is a team effort by the faculty and students at this elementary school where the end of day chairs are stacked, worktops to be free of debris and the floors to be picked up. This facilitates the sanitization of the worktops and increased performance of custodial staff as well as overall quality of service. Shared Responsibility is supported by our District, but needs to be communicated on a regular basis. We understand our Principals and Teachers have a role of Student Achievement, work numerous hours, and sometimes need to be reminded of shared responsibility to keep our building clean and healthy. I meet yearly with all Principals to discuss shared responsibility and is supported by our Administration. Conditions After School - Prior To Cleaning copyright
District Policies and Programs Board Support Student Allergy Prevention and Response Policy Energy and Environmental Policy Integrated Pest Management District Organizational Goals Fiscal Responsibility Student Based Recycling Program Use Board Policies and Programs to Support your Green Cleaning Agenda The District Student Allergy Prevention and Response Policy restricts teachers and staff from bringing in cleaning chemicals from home and from use of any fragrance in our schools Newsletters from Facilities and Construction Services are sent to district staff to inform them on IPM, Energy, and IAQ improvements, issues or updates. Our District recycling program is student based where Students assist in recycling of our paper products, cans, Plastic #1-7, and cardboard The use of cleaning products and procedures in accordance with recommendations by DESE is a Board Policy Understand and use your Board Policies and approved programs to generate support. copyright
Promote Your Program on District Website Custodial Services Green Cleaning Program Helpful Links Recycling Teacher and Staff Cleaning Supplies Warehouse Surplus Make sure you have a department website communicating your Departments mission, Green Cleaning Program, and Shared Responsibility. Under our Green Cleaning Program’s website, we discuss the shared responsibility of teachers and students clearing off tables, stacking chairs, and clearing the floor of debris. In addition, we offer our Green Cleaning Chemical and microfiber clothes to all teachers at no expense. Indoor Air Quality is an important driving force in our district especially with the Teacher’s Union and public. I volunteer to sit on the IAQ committee for our district and helps me engage all stakeholder in understanding the vital role of green cleaning and relationship to Indoor air quality. Cleaning & Maintenance
Custodial Building Inspection Report Custodial Trainers Complete Inspections 2-3 times per year Proactive approach to provide feedback Results communicated to Head Custodian and Principal Provides Opportunity for Shared Responsibility and Better IAQ Complete random building inspections and communicate results to your custodial staff, Principals and District Administration. This provide lines of communication with stakeholders whether results are fantastic, average, or if you are actually having a cleaning issue. Do you stop by and just visit with a teacher asking about the cleanliness of their classroom and if they are satisfied. This is a simple approach to directly engaging the end user and opens up discussions about Green Cleaning and Healthy environments.
Random Surveys Please answer the following questions based on your satisfaction Very Satisfied 2. Satisfied 3. Dissatisfied 4. Very Dissatisfied How satisfied are you with the cleanliness of your classroom by Custodial Staff? 82.07% How do you rate the courtesy of the custodial staff? 97.11% How do you rate the responsiveness of custodial staff? 95.85% Overall, how satisfied are you with our service? 88.08% Random Surveys Contribute to Communication Between Teachers, Staff, Principals, Administration, and Board Random Surveys help communicate and provide valuable feedback on your Green Cleaning Program. Teachers and staff really appreciate having input and help to open lines of communication We have almost a 90 percent overall satisfaction of our service.
Know your Districts Mission Statement: vision…MIssion…Purpose…and values…. I use this slide in presentations to our custodial department discussing team work, Adaptability, commitment and other aspects to focus on our Green Cleaning Program. A- Stands for “All Students graduate college or career ready” E- Stands for “Every teacher becomes the best” O- Stand for “Our Operations Make Our Mission Possible” Our Superintendent completely supports the “O” which helps promote our green agenda and shared responsibility to all stakeholders to make our Department’s Mission Possible. Each Month during the school year, I meet with the Superintendent, Executive Committee, and other Directors and Department Coordinators to discuss important developments in the district and each others departments. This coming year, Principals will be invited to the table as well. This really helps open lines of communication between important stakeholders and helps me to share our green cleaning agenda, indoor air quality, and importance of student health.
Graduation Rates 2012 – 2013……..85.7% 2013 – 2014……..88.2% 2014 – 2015……..90.3% 2015 – 2016……..90.2% District Attendance Rates Remain around 94.8% Graduation rates have continued to improve district wide and attendance rates had remained fairly strong. Although I cannot take complete credit for continued success of these numbers, our department has a Direct role in the success of our district keeping our buildings clean and healthy. If students are sick and not in school, they cannot learn.
Our Value Proposition Bold Goal: The bold goal of my program is to create a vision and plan for our green cleaning program, along with shared ownership, to improve indoor environmental health. In addition, using green cleaning products and processes is fiscally responsible. Green Cleaning Products: By changing to green cleaning products and green cleaning processes, this program generated $175,000 in cost savings for Columbia Public Schools within the first 2 years (2009-2011). It is very important to have a clear vision and plan when moving toward a green cleaning program. Understand it take time to research, test product, and provide adequate training of custodial staff. Utilize vendors, manufacturers, internet, and networking to help you with your research. Communication is extremely important to all stakeholders to ensure they understand your vision and how it will provide cleaner and safer surfaces and impact to indoor air quality.
Green Cleaning Products Target Population: Protecting the health of staff, students and community. Inputs: Time to research which products to switch to, efficacy, etc.: 9 months. Staff time: Unlimited hrs. Training time: 16 - 40 hrs. Activities/Tasks: Plan – Work in stages to switch to green cleaning products. Outputs: Reduced 35 conventional cleaning products down to 7 green cleaning products. Traditional cleaning rags, dust mops, and wet mops were replaced with microfiber. Outcomes: Reduce IAQ and health complaints. Impact: $175,000 in cost savings. Healthier staff and students. When we made a decision to make a product change reducing inventory levels in both our warehouse and building stock to bare minimum quantities helped us complete most of these transitions in about 10 months. When making a change, start with your smallest sq foot building working to the largest buildings last. When we moved toward environmentally sensitive cleaning products, we brought about a quarter of our district on-line moving existing conventional product to remaining buildings to use up. Your high schools are the largest user of these products so they will be last to come on-line. It was also important to start our new cleaning chemicals in late spring using summer cleaning to exhaust large quantities of chemical. All custodians need to be trained in the new cleaning products and processes from the start, since we have substitutes, floaters, and move employees around on occasion.
Our Value Proposition Implemented Standardized Cleaning Process: Implemented Standardized Cleaning Process: By implementing a standardized cleaning process to ensure schools were clean and healthy, this program generated $500,000 in cost savings, which was reinvested into the Custodial Department, within 1 year (2014-2015). You can move toward environmentally sensitive cleaning products, but having a standardized cleaning program is extremely important for all classrooms to be cleaned the same way each day. In addition, you should provide teachers and principals with information of your cleaning program specifically what is cleaned each day as well as each week. This provides accountability and better communication between all stakeholders. When a teacher knows what is expected to be cleaned each day and for some reason areas do not get cleaned, they will let you know.
Standardized Cleaning Process Target Population: Protecting the health of staff, students and community. Inputs: Implemented the process in 1 year with consultant, which cost $15,000. Time to train staff. Activities/Tasks: Act – Trained custodial staff initially and on-going training 2-3 times per year. Educated teachers/staff through newsletters on their role in keeping their classrooms cleaning ready. Assess – Conduct inspections 2-3 times per year. Evaluate – Conduct satisfaction surveys and Communicate findings to all. Outputs: 162 of custodial staff successfully trained. 2-3 inspections per year. Outcomes: Improve cleanliness. Reduce IAQ and health complaints. Teachers and staff reported almost 90% satisfaction. Impact: $500,000 in cost savings for the 1st year, which was reinvested into Custodial Department. Healthier staff and students. Spending only 15K to implement our Process Cleaning program to save 500K was a fantastic investment. We not only were able to re-invest much of the saving giving our staff an average 17 percent increase, but used part of this savings to create 3 trainer positions. Use your trainers to train new employees, re-train staff as needed, conduct your cleanliness inspections, and on-going special training thru the year. Our buildings that are the cleanest completely follow our cleaning program and if building struggle at times, they have gone back to there old habits and need to be re-trained.
Schools National Great 13 buildings Received EPA’s Energy Star Award Recognition 2010 Best New Program 2011 Grand Award Winner 2010 EPA’s Tools for Schools National Great Start Award 13 buildings Received EPA’s Energy Star Award copyright
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