OVERVIEW The California Board of State and Community Corrections (BCSS) has awarded a major grant to the City of Pasadena Grant Awarded to: Pasadena Police Department Grant Amount: $2,511,537 over three years Purpose: Provide mental health, substance abuse treatment and supportive services to formerly incarcerated community members.
IMPLEMENTATION Implementation: The Pasadena Police Department is the Lead Agency and will coordinate administrative tasks related to the project. The Pasadena Public Health Department will provide intensive outpatient substance abuse and mental health treatment services at Flintridge Center. Flintridge Center will coordinate the project and provide reentry services with nine other service providers listed in the Project Goals and report to Reintegration Advisory Council. The Reintegration Advisory Council- City, County, State government; law enforcement; health, housing and employment agencies; faith; and previously justice-involved community advocates setting guiding principals and prioritizing needs.
PROJECT GOALS Conduct outreach to a greater number of community members: from 1,000 community members per year to 2,500 per year Increase the number of constituents served, and increase and deepen the services provided: Resource Fairs: from 409 to 600 per year Systems Navigation: from 350 to 600 per year Case Management: from 100 to 250 Life Skills: from 100 to 400 Certified Employment Programs: from 90 to 250 per year Housing Assistance: from 10 to 100 Record Change/Ticket Amnesty Assistance: from 100 to 250 Financial Literacy: from 100 to 250 Know Your Rights / Responsibilities Training: from 175 to 500
APPLICATION Develop a mental health and substance abuse component to add to the services that we provide to previously incarcerated community members. Mental Health Services: from 0 to 250 Increase the depth of services provided by better aligning services within the network of service providers, sharing information, increasing competencies of our network and making stronger commitments to working together. Develop and implement a sustainability plan so that funding for reintegration services continues as long as services are needed. Focus on working with community members to transform their lives and fully reintegrate back into the community and, for some community members, to integrate into the community for the first time. In this regard, we will track the number of constituents who repeat offend versus the number of community members who prepare for and secure employment.
FUND ALLOCATION Allocation of Total Grant Funding FY2018 (Year 1 of 3)
FUND ALLOCATION Allocation of Funds to Public Health Department FY2018 (Year 1 of 3):
FLINTRIDGE CENTER Allocation of Funds to Flintridge Center FY2018 (Year 1 of 3): Total: $588,933
Find that acceptance of this grant is not a project subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 21065 of CEQA and Sections 15060 (c)(2), 15060 (c)(3), and 15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines and, as such, no environmental document pursuant to CEQA is required for the project; Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with BSCC to accept and administer these grant funds on behalf of the City of Pasadena; Amend the Police Department’s fiscal year 2018 operating budget by recognizing revenue and appropriating expenditures of $669,893 in grant funds awarded by BSCC as detailed in the Fiscal Impact section of the Agenda report; Amend the Health Department’s fiscal year 2018 budget by recognizing and appropriating expenditures of $167,286 and increasing by one limited-term full-time equivalent (1.0 FTE); RECOMMENDATIONS
RECOMMENDATIONS Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Flintridge Center for reentry services in an amount not to exceed $1,766,799 for the grant term of three years; and It is further recommended that the City Council grant the proposed contract an exemption from the Competitive Selection process pursuant to Pasadena Municipal Code Section 4.08.049(B), contracts for which the City’s best interests are served.