Cell Structure and Function
Essential Questions What is a cell? What types of cells do we have? What are some structures of a cell?
Warm up What is the formula for density? What is the variable that changes in an experiment called? What is the scientific method?
Warm up Describe Dan’s personality. Describe Ann’s personality. What was the name of the tree the coon climbed?
Life is Cellular
Vocabulary Robert Hooke Cell Theory
The Discovery of the Cell the basic units/building blocks of living organisms the smallest unit of matter that can carry on all the processes of life
Early Microscopes Robert Hooke 1665 he used a compound light microscope to study cork he gave these boxed-shaped structures the name “CELL” b/c it reminded him of the small rooms monks lived in
The Cell Theory Matthias Schleiden Theodore Schwann Rudolf Virchow concluded that all plants are composed of cells Theodore Schwann reported that animals are also made of cells Rudolf Virchow concluded that new cells could be produced only from the division of existing cells
Warm up What is one part of the cell theory? Who named the cell? Why did he name it the cell?
The Cell Theory The cell theory states: 3 main ideas All living things are composed of cells. They may be single celled (paramecium) They may be multicellular (plants and animals) Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things. Organisms can become very large and complex but the cell is still the most basic component of any organism New cells are produced from existing cells. Spontaneous generation does not occur
Vocabulary Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
Cell Types Biologist divide cells into 2 categories (types): Eukaryotes Cells have a nucleus Prokaryotes Cells do not have a nucleus Figure 7-3 pg., 172
Prokaryotes “pro-” = before ; “karyote” = nucleus Cells lacking membrane-bound structures (organelles) No nucleus Circular DNA located in the nucleoid region Only singled celled organism Examples: Bacteria
Prokaryotic Cell
Eukaryotes “eu-” = true ; “karyote” = nucleus Contain membrane-bound structures (organelles) Contain a nucleus (nuclear envelope) Have linear DNA All multicellular organisms and some singled-celled organisms (algae, yeast) Types: Plants and animals organelles membrane-bound structures within eukaryotic cells each one has a specific function for cell survival
Eukaryotic Cell Structures
Essential Questions What are the two cell types? What does prokaryotic mean? What does eukaryotic mean?
Cytoplasm Jelly-like substance in which the organelles are suspended
Essential Questions What is the function of the ribosome? What is the purpose of DNA? What are two differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?
Vocabulary Nucleus Nuclear Envelope Chromatin Nucleolous Ribosome Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Nucleus “Brain of the Cell” Contains cell’s DNA which contain the directions to make proteins Function: Controls the activity of the cell
Nuclear envelope Regulates what goes in and out of the nucleus
Chromatin Genetic material (DNA) Uncoiled DNA that are bound to proteins
Nucleolus Function: Produces ribosomes
Ribosomes Two types: free floating and fixed Not membrane bound (found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells) Function: protein synthesis Free floating are used inside cell Fixed are located on the rough ER, proteins are used outside the cell.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Site of chemical reaction within the cell and transportation system of the cell. 2 types: Rough ER Smooth ER
Rough ER (RER) Rough looking texture Function: Studded in ribosomes Protein synthesis (hormones) used outside of the cell
Smooth ER (SER) Smooth looking texture Functions: Lipid synthesis Carbohydrate synthesis Drug detoxification (alcohol)
Essential Questions What is the function of the nucleolous? What is one similarity of prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells? What does the Mitochondria do?
Vocabulary Golgi Apparatus Lysosomes Vacuoles Mitochondria Chloroplast
Golgi Apparatus Membrane-bound Functions: Refines/modifies and packages proteins Transports proteins out of the cell (Golgi → plasma membrane)
RER and Golgi Apparatus Relationship
Lysosomes “Suicide sacs” and “Garbage disposal” Contain digestive enzymes Functions: Clean up the debris of the cell Digestion within the cell Enzymes can be used to digest the cell itself ex. Tadpole’s tail – the lysosomes within the cells of the tail cause its digestion
Vacuoles Sac-like structure Temporary storage of materials Food, enzymes, and other materials needed by the cell Some store waste products Plants have a large central vacuole Store H2O & food
Mitochondria “Powerhouse of the Cell” Converts and releases the energy in the food Contains circular DNA Can reproduce
Chloroplasts Found only in Plant cells Organelles that capture light energy and produce food to store for a later time Function: photosynthesis hV
Essential Questions What is one part of the cell theory? What is the chromatin? What is the job of the vacuole?
Warm Up What are the two organelles responsible for movement? What is responsible for the cells structure?
Warm Up Define three organelles.`
Cytoskeleton Composed of a network of protein fibers It is a constantly changing structure Provides structural support and movement
Centrioles Function during cellular reproduction NOT in plant cells Help to separate the chromosomes into newly forming cells NOT in plant cells
Cilia and Flagella Function: Structures that aid in movement or feeding Extend outward from the cell surface Cilia Short, hair-like projection that move with a wavelike motion Sweeps/propels the fluid across the cell Flagella Longer projections that move with a whip-like motion Propels the cell forward
Typical Animal Cell
Typical Plant Cell