European Metropolitan Authorities (EMA) politicians meeting Friday, October 20th, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland
ITI Warsaw a voluntary cooperation of 40 communes (incl. Warsaw) ca. 2.650.000 inhabitants – 50,3% of the population of the region cooperation in the field of joint application for EU funds, coordinated by Warsaw
Statistical division of Mazovia two NUTS 2 areas a voluntary
Warsaw ITI within the Regional Operational Programme for Mazovia 2014-2020
€ 166 mln EURO in the years 2014-2023 within ROP : ESF + ERDF 5
Distribution of the EU funds for ITI projects Thematic fields: Low-emmision transport economic development E-Services 6
Suggested stucture of the programme Conference title: „In search of the role of metropolitan areas in the process of regional development and EU policies” Welcome speeches: mayor of Warsaw, president of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona Key note: (see conference title) Three panels with discussion Summing up and signing of a common declaration by the mayors
suggested topics for panels I and II Do metropolitan areas play a role in spreading development into wider areas ? How to strengthen diffusion against concentration of development ? How to make the integrated approach to metropolitan area development work? Experience and prospects for after 2020 looking into ITI, other instruments and the EU Urban Agenda?
suggested topics for panel III In which fields cooperation within metropolitan areas should be organised? In which fields metropolitan areas should cooperate with each other? How to best organise the cooperation between metropolitan areas? Comparison of bilateral partnerships, Urban Agenda and Urbact.
See you in Warsaw!