The KINGDOM OF MOROCCO Ministry of Land-Use Management, Water and the Environment Secretary of State for the Environment Clean Development Mechanism.


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Presentation transcript:

The KINGDOM OF MOROCCO Ministry of Land-Use Management, Water and the Environment Secretary of State for the Environment Clean Development Mechanism Strategy Organization Procedures CDM - MOROCCO CD CDM Project Ali Agoumi ; National Coordinator CDM-Morocco

Contents I - Climate Protection : The Ultimate Objective. ………………. 4 Contents     I - Climate Protection : The Ultimate Objective .………………. 4 II - CDM National Strategy… ……………………………………. 8   III - CDM Designated National Authority Missions and Attributions ….…………….…….………….. 11   IV –Project Evaluation and Approval Procedures ………………………………….…… 14       Contents I CDM National Strategy II CDM Designated National Authority Missions and Attributions III- Project Evaluation and Approval Procedures IV First CDM Moroccan Projects approved by the DNA CDM-Morocco

I CDM National Strategy With UNDP and UNEP support, Morocco has prepared an appropriate strategy aimed at attracting CDM investments This strategy, which covers the period of 2003-2005, will implement the institutional and structural framework required : to operate this mechanism; to develop the national capacities in this field ; to promote the Moroccan CDM potential internationally. The strategy is based around the following principal objectives: CDM-Morocco

NATIONAL STRUCTURES AND PROCEDURES Implementation of the institutional setting for monitoring CDM activities in the country: CDM Designated National Authority (CDM DNA) encompassing the CDM National Council (CDM NC) and the Permanent Secretariat of the National Council (CDM PS); Development of national procedures to promote CDM activities in Morocco: procedures for investors, procedures for national economic operators, etc. CDM-Morocco

CAPACITY BUILDING OF ECONOMIC OPERATORS Awareness and information for operators interested in CDM opportunities and procedures, nationally and internationally;   Creation of Strategic partnerships between the Secretary of State for the Environment and a number of CDM economic operators in Morocco; Development and contribution to the promotion of CDM projects portfolio with these operators; Assistance and accompaniment in several CDM pilot projects up to their certification CDM-Morocco

NATIONAL COUNCIL CAPACITY BUILDING Training the CDM NC and CDM Permanent Secretariat (PS) members in CDM related fields;   Training the national experts (private consultancy individuals and companies)on CDM project preparation: development of PDD; Enhancement of the capacities of NGOs on understanding CDM and on implementing actions directed towards Sustainable Development. CDM-Morocco

PROMOTING CDM MOROCCO INTERNATIONALLY Contacts with potential CDM investors: carbon buying organizations and Annex I Parties investors;   Contacts with organizations able to help economic operators in their CDM project development (CDM PDD); Presentation of CDM national organization and procedures: in particular through the website Promotion of potential CDM projects in Morocco CDM-Morocco

MONITORING CDM INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATIONS Follow up the activities of the CDM Executive Board and negotiations relating to CDM, as well as all the CDM-related issues discusses at the Conferences of Parties of the Convention and the KP meeting of Parties; Morocco’s dynamic participation in different meetings and workshops organized in this field;   Follow up international publications on CDM aspects. CDM-Morocco

II CDM DESIGNATED NATIONAL AUTHORITY: MISSIONS AND ATTRIBUTIONS The CDM DNA-Morocco:   is the official State CDM representative vis-a-vis the organizations and national operators involved or having a relationship with CDM; is the official state CDM representative vis-a-vis the international organizations in charge of CDM, in particular the CDM Executive Board delivers written approval which confirms that the project is voluntary, conforming to the national criteria and contributes to the country’s Sustainable Development CDM-Morocco

CDM-Morocco CDM DNA Activities a regulation activity to set the CDM project evaluation and approval rules and procedures (prerequisites for subsequent validation and certification);   a promotion activity centered on capacity building and marketing CDM DNA structure a CDM National Council (CDM NC) a Permanent Secretariat of the National Council (CDM PS)operating at the Climate Change Unit; Secretary of State for the Environment. CDM-Morocco

CDM-Morocco CDM NATIONAL COUNCIL CDM NC missions : The review and assessment of projects submitted to the CDM Designated National Authority ;   The approval of sustainable development criteria and of the modalities to putting them into operation; The approval of guidelines and manuals, for the evaluation CDM verification and monitoring CDM projects; The encouragement of competent entities to be engaged in highly technical CDM activities; The establishment of an annual report on the activities of CDM Morocco. CDM-Morocco

CDM-Morocco CDM NC Components - The Secretary of State for the Environment(President); - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation - Ministry of the Interior - Ministry of Finance and Privatization -Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Telecommunications - The Prime Minister’s Delegated Ministry of Economic and General Affairs and Economical Improvement - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - Ministry of Equipment and Transport - Ministry of Energy and Mines -The High Commissariat of Water ,Forestry andCombating Desertification -The GCME (the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises), MCEP (the Moroccan Center of Export Promotion), REDC (the Renewable Energy Development Center), and MCCP (the Moroccan Center for Cleaner Production)  - From civil society. The participation of the public in this is assured by NGOs involved in combating CC impacts and/or in initiating SD programs.   CDM-Morocco

CDM NC PERMANENT SECRETARIAT: CDM PS The CDM PS is located in the CC Unit ( SSE ) The CDM PS missions : To be the spokes person for the CDM National Council; To be the one-stop-desk for CDM project economic operators; To transmit the projects to the CDM NC for review, and to communicate the results to the project promoters; To register and deliver the accepted project approvals in the name of the CDM National Council; To inform, nationally as well as internationally, on Moroccan CDM procedures, organization and project portfolio, in particular through the web site: To get fully updated on the evolution of rules and procedures of the CDM at the international level CDM-Morocco

III- Project Evaluation and Approval Procedures The Moroccan government has implemented a standard procedure for CDM DNA to assess and approve CDM projects proposals.   This procedure is done in two stages : Preliminary Evaluation : -Examine the documentation submitted by the project promoter and check that it fulfils the requirements of the official CDM procedures in Morocco. ( using the PIN : Project idea Note) -To check that the project fulfils the three following conditions :   It lead to real and measurable GHG reductions ; It conforms to the national SD criteria; It has no external negative effects. CDM-Morocco

Project Evaluation and Approval Procedures In-depth Evaluation : -An in-depth review of data and project components, and the assessment of their conformity to international criteria and to national SD Criteria . -To undertake this in-depth evaluation, the CDM DNA reviews the Project Design Document (PDD) submitted by the project promoter -The project to conform to the national SD criteria. CDM-Morocco SDC!

National Sustainable Development Criteria -The project must be integrated into a developing country’s main objectives and be a part of the defined priorities in the National Sustainable Development Strategy.   -The project must conform to current country laws and in particular the ones related to the environment and its preservation. It is particularly essential that an environmental impact study be realized in conformity with the national regulations on environmental impact studies. -The project must use clean and confirmed technologies and avoid any out-dated technologies. A list of indicators has been used to build a more precise criteria matrix for CDM Morocco project eligibility, in conformity with the national Sustainable Development policy. CDM-Morocco

Sustainable Development Criteria Matrix Contribution to the mitigation of global CC Contribution to the sustainability of the local environment Contribution to the creation of employment Contribution to the durability of balance of payments Positive contribution to the macro-economic plan Effects on costs Contribution to technology autonomy Contribution to the sustainable use of natural resources CDM-Morocco

Approval and Evaluation Procedure of CDM Projects PIN received by the DNA Preliminary Evaluation Based on the PIN (response announced by the DNA: maximum within 2 weeks) In-depth Evaluation Based on the PDD (response transmitted by the DNA: maximum within 4 weeks) not accepted Approval letter delivered to the project promoter by the Moroccan DNA CDM-Morocco

Setting Up CDM in Morocco KP Ratification : 2002 Designation of CDM DNA by ministerial order : 2002 CDM DNA put into operation : 1st meeting of CDM NC in September 2003 CDM SOP Morocco adopted by the DNA 2nd meeting of CDM NC in November 2003 First CDM projects approved and SD criteria adopted by the DNA CDM-Morocco

IV First CDM Moroccan Projects approved by the DNA: 1st Project Project Title: Rehabilitation of the landfill in Akreuch as a landfill gas to energy project. Project developer: City Council of Rabat Type of project: Methane recovery in the waste sector Technical and financial components of the project:  Project development costs: 0.05 million $US Installation costs: 0.80 million $US  Costs of realisation of the project : 0.85 million US$, 100% self-financed Annual operation costs: 0.055 million $US Estimate of GHG emission reductions:1.59 million tonnes of CO2eq. over 21 years Estimated carbon revenues from the project: 4.77 millions de $US Starting date of the project 2004 First year the project will generate Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) 2005 Crediting period of the Project 21 years

IV First CDM Moroccan Projects approved by the DNA: 2nd Project Project title : Heat recovery enhancement for power generation at the Maroc Phosphore’s phosphoric acid and fertilizer production plant of Jorf Lasfar, Morocco Project developer: Office Chérifien des Phosphates Type of project : Energy efficiency in the industrial sector Technical and financial components of the project: Project development costs: 2.5 million $US Installation costs: 1.75 million $US Annual operation costs: 0.75 million $US Total project costs: 20 million $US, 100% financed by OCP Estimate of GHG emission reductions: 888,813 tonnes of CO2eq. over 10 years Estimated carbon revenues from the project: 3.55 millions de $US Starting date of the project 2004 First year the project will generate Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) 2005 Crediting period of the Project 21 years

IV First CDM Moroccan Projects approved by the DNA: 3rd Project Project title : Wind Park Essaouira Project developer: Office National d’Electricité (ONE) Type of project : Renewable Energy production   Technical and financial components of the project: Project development costs: 1.2 million $US Installation costs: 88.7 million $US Total project costs: 88.9 million $US, financed by ONE and KfW. ONE is still looking for other investors in the project Estimate of GHG emission reductions: 1.62 million tonnes of CO2eq. over 10 years Estimated carbon revenues from the project: between 8 and 13 millions de $US Starting date of the project 2004 First year the project will generate Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) 2006 Lifetime of the Project 25 years Crediting period of the Project 10 years

THANKs, Climate Change Unit; Secretary of State for the Environment