Country Practices on Census Evaluation: 2000 Census Round Pres. 1
Objectives of the Questionnaire To better understand census evaluation activities at the country level To facilitate the sharing of experience on methods of census evaluation among countries in the region Total of 12 respondents
Respondent Profile: 2000 Round & PES Country 2000 Round Bahrain 2001 - N Sudan 1993 - N Egypt 1996 - N Syria 2004 - N Iraq 1997 - Y Tunisia Jordan 2004 - Y Yemen Libya 1995 – Y? Mauritania 2001 - Y Morocco Palestine Y = 6 1997 – Y N = 6 3
Respondent Profile: 2010 Round & PES Country 2010 Round Bahrain 2010 – Y Sudan 2008 - N Egypt 2006 - Y Syria 2014 - Y Iraq Tunisia 2014 - ? Jordan 2014 – Y Yemen 2014 - N Libya 2006 – Y Mauritania 2011 – Y Morocco Palestine 2007 - Y Y = 9 N = 3 4
Objective of Evaluation (2000 Round) Yes Count Measure coverage errors: undercount; overcount Iraq Jordan Libya Mauritania Morocco Palestine Measure content errors: data quality - Adjust census results Mauritania Palestine
Objective of Evaluation (2010 Round) Yes Count Measure coverage errors: undercount; overcount Bahrain Egypt Iraq Jordan Libya Mauritania Morocco Palestine Measure content errors: data quality Mauritania Adjust census results Palestine
N=6 countries conducted PES 2000 round Organization and Planning Yes Count Planning & Implementing Agency National Statistical or Census Office All Census team and PES team different Y = Jordan, Palestine N = Iraq, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco Independent organization/other - Part of census budget Adequate funding
Operationalising Independence Yes Count PES planning done by: independent group Jordan Palestine same team Iraq Libya Mauritania Morocco PES implementation independent from Census implementation Different set of supervisors and enumerators PES held 1 month after census Jordan PES field teams assigned different EAs than census Palestine Independent data processing
Recruitment of PES Staff Yes Count Recruitment from Census staff Jordan Libya Mauritania Palestine Others Staff of NSO Morocco Teachers from mapping & listing stage Iraq Selection criteria Best from census Experience from field during census
Training of PES Staff Yes Count Training duration: enumerators 1-3 days Iraq Morocco Palestine 7 days Jordan 10 days Mauritania 15 days Libya Training duration: supervisors 45 days
Sample Design Yes Count Number of stages 1 stage Palestine 2 stages Iraq, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco Sample size first stage units (PSUs) 325 blocks (Jordan) 50 blocks per governorate (Iraq) 10% ?? (Libya) 10,000 households (Morocco) All Governorates and locality types (Palestine) Sample size 5% of households (Jordan) 832 blocks representing 1.3% of blocks (Iraq) 60 EAs drawn proportionate to size (Mauritania) 160 EAs based on random sampling (Morocco) 154 EAs representing 4.7% of all EAs (Palestine) Stratification Urban-Rural (Iraq, Libya, Mauritania)
Domains of Analysis Yes Count National only Libya National, Urban-Rural Iraq Jordan Mauritania Morocco Palestine Administrative areas (Governorates) Zones (1-Nouakchott, 2-other cities, 3-rural areas)
Matching Procedures Yes Count Method Computer Iraq Manual Jordan Morocco Palestine Both Libya Mauritania Rules were documented Made field reconciliation visits
Coverage Measures Yes Count Coverage rate only Iraq Jordan Libya Mauritania Morocco Net coverage rate only Palestine
Use of PES Results Yes Count Report was produced For lay users Iraq Libya Palestine Only for office use Jordan Mauritania Morocco Time to release results [from start of data collection] One year or less [minimum = 20 days] More than one year [1.5 years] Used to adjust census results
Lessons Learned Morocco Palestine Need to use a representative sample Importance of allocating adequate human and material resources Palestine Adjusting total population at locality level
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