By: Jarad Carney and Dan Vuocolo Robespierre By: Jarad Carney and Dan Vuocolo
The Beginning Maximillen Robespierre was born on May 6th 1758 in the town of Arras, a community in Northern France. Robespierre studied at the college of Louis-Le-Grand in Paris, France. After studying at the college of Louis-Le-Grand Robespierre got involved in the judiciary system becoming a lawyer.
How he got into Politics Robespierre was admitted to the Arras Bar in 1781. Louis Francois Marc Hilaire de Conzie appointed him criminal judge in the diocese of Arras in March 1782. He quickly became a successful advocate and chose overwhelmingly to represent the poor.
How he got into Politics (cont.) In December 1783 he was elected a member of the Academy of Arras. In the year of 1784 he got a medal from the academy of Metz because he wrote an essay from the question of weather the relatives of a condemned criminal should share his embarrassment He shared the award with Pierre Louis de Lacretelle, a journalist in Paris.
King Louis XVI’s death King Louis XIV, about to be executed because of his attempt to abandoned his king duties for the country of France.
The Execution of King Louis XVI In December of 1792 all of Robespiere’s personal conflicts were overshadowed bye the trial for King Louis XVI. If there was one persons life that was going to be due to the consequences of the French Revolution it was going to be King Louis XVI.
The Execution of King Louis XVI (cont). Robespierre commented about King Louis trial he said,” This is no trial; Louis is not a prisoner at the bar; you are not judges; you are-you cannot be-statesmen, and the representative of the nation. You have not to pass sentence for or against a single man, but you have to take a resolution on a question of the public safety, and to decide a question of national foresight. It is with that I pronounce, the fatal truth: Louis ought to perish rather than a hundred virtuous citizens. Louis must die, so that the country may live.”
The Destruction of the Girondins After King Louis XVI was murdered the influence of Robespierre increased dramatically increased due to the expense of the Girondins. The Girondins refused to have anything more to do with Danton and because of this government became of this government and then became more divided.
The Destruction of the Girondins (cont.) In May of the year 1793 the Desmoulins published his articles Histoire des Brissontins an elaboration on the earlier article called Jean-Pierre Brissot. On June 2nd, a large of armed men from the Commune of Paris came to the Convention and arrested 32 Girondin deputies on charges of counter-revolutionary activities.
Facts about Robespierre Maximillen was a very controversial figure in the French society. Robespierre was featured in the play Danton’s Death that was written by a German writer Georg Buchner. MSNBC reporter Keith Olbermann referenced Robespierre in a commentary about Republican candidate Rudy Giuliani on April 25, 2007
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