Watch as this process called melting happens!💧 By:Lana Davis Ice Meltdown Watch as this process called melting happens!💧 By:Lana Davis
Question Does an ice cube melt faster under a CFL lightbulb or an incandescent lightbulb?
Materials Ice cubes x2 Light bulbs : incandescent and CFL Black trays x2 Graduated syringe Scale
If one ice cube is placed under a CFL lightbulb and another one under an incandescent lightbulb, then the CFL will make it melt faster. Prediction
Procedure Fill cup with 8 oz. of water Add 10 drops of red and 3 drops of yellow food coloring Fill graduated syringe full of 15 ml. Fill all sections of ice tray with 15 ml. of orange water. Place the tray in freezer until orange water is frozen Place 1 cube on black tray Place each tray under light Check ice cubes every 5 minutes Time it for 25 minutes to melt ice cubes
Results Mass CFL Inc. Starting 0.4 oz Ending 0.2 oz Time CFL Inc. After 0 73 74 After 5 75 80 After 10 82 After 15 83 After 20 76 84 After 25 Even though there was a temperature difference between the two bulbs, we could not detect a difference in the weight of the cubes by the end of the experiment. Maybe the scale we had was not precise enough. As you can see, the temperatures increased slowly for the CFL by 3 degrees F. For the incandescent, the temperature increased faster, and by the end it was 10 degrees F warmer.
Conclusion MY PREDICTION WAS WRONG! Based on the data I collected and the measuring tool I used, CFL's do not cause the frozen water to melt faster.
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