Macbeth & Frankenstein Who’s Who? - Per. 1 Macbeth & Frankenstein
Characters from Frankenstein
He created the monster and abandons him. They died on a ship Meleah McCaleb Victor Frankenstein is the protagonist of the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. He is related to many of the characters in the book, is close friends with Henry Clerval, and marries Elizabeth. He created the monster and abandons him. They died on a ship We can learn that there are consequences for your actions.
The Monster The monster was created by Victor Frankenstein. Rachael Mansell The monster was created by Victor Frankenstein. He related to the people who were afraid and the people who wanted to be loved. He killed a lot of people and framed Justine. At the end of the novel he killed himself. The lesson that we can learn from him is to not judge a person by the way they look, but by the way they act.
William -William is Victor Frankenstien’s Brother. -He died from the monster. -Nothing he died before the book ended -We can learn to be more careful when talking to strangers and giving out personal information.
Michael Leggese Justine Justine is a family friend of the Frankenstein’s. Justine is accused of killing William Frankenstein. Justine is admits to killing William thinking she will be let go easy, but instead is killed. Justine is truly innocent, it was the monster that killed William. Justine has a picture of William’s mother, which was on William when he was found dead.
Gavin Beavers N Ernest Frankenstein He is the brother of Victor Frankenstein He was the brother of Victor Frankenstein It was never mentioned what happened to him Something we can learn from Ernest is to be the brother of Victor Frankenstien
ELIZABETH LAVENZA The orphan child taken in by the Frankenstein family At one point becomes Frankenstein’s wife She provided Victor with love and comfort Is killed by the monster at their honeymoon Lesson: Don’t trust your husbands creations, even if its food
Henry Clerval Henry Clerval is a childhood friend of Victor Frankenstein and his purpose in the story is to hold Victor to his sanity. He was Victor best friend through his childhood His significant role was to be a good friend of Victor and go on a journey with him Victor was killed by the monster because he was a friend of Victor We can learn from him that we need to be completely open with our close friends to know if they are okay
M Waldman William Bernabe BEANER M Waldman The professor of chemistry that sparks Victor interest in science They are related to other because Victor and Waldman are both scientists Something significant he did was spark Victor into loving science It does not show what happens to Waldman in the end A lesson we learn is that anyone could inspire us
. Robert Walton’s sister Lizeth Argueta . Margaret Saville . Robert Walton’s sister . Robert is writing her letters about his experiences in his adventure . She lives in England . She disapproves of his expeditions
A.j - De Lacy De Lacy is a blind peasant who lived in a cottage with his son and daughter. He was the only nice person to the monster. He was related to
Spencer Bagg - Name: Alphonse Frankenstein -Who are they/ purpose- He is Victor’s father. Victor loves his father and greatly looks up to him -Victor’s Father -Always wrote letters to Victor asking him to return home so he could spend time with his family -He ends up dying of shock after seeing Elizabeth dead -We can learn that it is always good having someone looking out for you
Gabriel De Mare Reynoso Caroline Beaufort Her purpose was to give Victor F. life She is V. F. mother She took care of V. F and Elizabeth who she got scarlet fever from She died of scarlet fever That we have to fight till the end Gabriel De Mare Reynoso
Characters from Macbeth
Banquo Fariz Talavera 6/2/2016 Brave General whose children the witches prophesize will inherit the Scottish Throne. Banquo represents the path the Macbeth does not take a path where ambition does not lead to betrayal and murder. Banquo’s Ghost haunts Macbeth instead of King Duncan’s Banquo's character is that of a noble and honourable man who obeyed orders and possessed unwavering loyalty to those he acknowledges Macbeth in his lust for power sees Banquo as a threat and has him murdered
Lady Macbeth Tommy Nigro Lady Macbeth takes an important role in this play and is Macbeth’s wife Lady Macbeth is much stronger, ambitious, and ruthless than her husband Leads him to murder King Duncan Although it seems as she isn’t related to anyone else besides her husband, she does go insane and beats on herself with guilt. We can learn that too much ambition can be harmful to people with goals
Three Witches By: Mia Stover •The three witches prophecize to Macbeth and Banquo about Macbeth being the King. •They are related to others because they encourage Macbeth to be king. •The three witches speak in rhyming couplets and are the first ones to reveal that Macbeth is king. •In the end, the three witches tell Macbeth about all that bad things that will happen to him. •Lessons we can learn from the witches is to not always trust what others tell you, without thinking about it first.
Malcolm: Kristin Larson Duncan’s older son and heir to the throne of Scotland. His purpose in the story is to inherit the throne but hsi fate changes when he has to reconquer the throne from MacBeth He is related to Duncan and Donalbain. Malcolm went to England with MacDuff to recruite army men to take down the tyrant MacBeth and did it succesfully. Malcolm surrounds himself with loyal friends and says he will reunite his kingdom Never give up on something you love because with determination you can achieve anything.
Donalbain TATSURO KAJIOKA The younger son of King Duncan Brother is Malcolm Flees to Ireland after his Father’s murder Doubted by everyone that he and his brother murdered their father Plays a very small role in Macbeth only speaking a few times
Sidney Woods: Macbeth -King of Scotland/Story is about his life -He was the king, but he was evil. -He killed a king. He did not listen to warning signs -He was murdered in a fair battle. -If give power don’t go mad with it.
Macduff Brianna Henein Thane of Fife, a Scottish noble The King He saves the kingdom from Macbeth He kills Macbeth The lesson: Stand up for what is best and for your kingdom
Max’s Slide Lady MacDuff She is the lovely wife of Macduff. Lady Macduff is attacked by murderers sent by Macbeth. She and her son dies. This is significant to the mental toll it takes on Macbeth during the play. Lady MacDuff remains dead for the rest of the play.
McDuffs son The son of McDuff Marc Escalera McDuffs son The son of McDuff
King Duncan David McGill He was the King of Scotland, Macbeth served under him. He was Donaldbain and McDonwald’s father He was killed by Macbeth He died. Be careful who you trust is a lesson we can learn from them.
Yeselin Barrios Mr. Kirwin: He’s a magistrate that accused Victor Frankenstin for murder but later likes him. Other people were agreeing that Victor was the murderer. He accused Victor He wasn’t mentioned We can’t accuse anyone without knowing what they were doing in the time of the murder.
Hecate by Ivy DeWig The goddess of witchcraft She is the leader of the 3 witches Hecate punishes the witches for creating Macbeth’s problem Hecate by Ivy DeWig