Welcome to Kindergarten! A Foundation for Success. Back To School Night
Kindergarten Team Mr. Bailey Mrs. Baxter Ms. Hood Mrs. Suchocki Mrs. Faries Mrs. Turner Ms. Wyler
Agenda: Morning Schedule Mr. Bailey Afternoon Schedule Ms. Hood Handwriting/Homework Mrs. Suchocki DIVE Expectations Mrs. Baxter General Info Mr. Bailey
A successful day starts at home and continues at school! Have a good breakfast Make sure you go to the bathroom before you leave Don’t forget appropriate clothing (jackets, PE shoes, etc.) Bring your backpack everyday with your daily folder Know if you are buying lunch Have your money ready to order Wallet, bag, or container to hold change from lunch money Have a good attitude and be ready to learn and have fun
Kindergarten Daily Schedule
Opening Unpack Put folders away Sign-up for lunch or put lunch on cart Complete morning activities
Language Arts reading writing reading groups small and large group instruction guided reading books BIG books (Fiction/Non-Fiction)
Language Arts (Cont.) Reading Series (Treasures/Common Core) phonemic awareness phonics letter recognition high frequency words oral language writing
Recess 11:15 - 11:45 We have our own playground designated for younger children We will be outside when the weather is nice and inside during inclement weather Please dress appropriately
Lunch Time! Lunch 11:45-12:15 in the cafetorium Bathroom Break (After Lunch) Related Arts (Specials) 12:20-1:20
Related Arts Classes (Specials) Physical education – 30 minutes (3 times a week) Media (book selection) – 60 minutes (Once a week) Music – 30 minutes (2 times a week) Art - 60 minutes (Once a week) Technology – 45 minutes (Once a week)
10 - 15 minutes to relax, regroup, and rejuvenate Take Ten 10 - 15 minutes to relax, regroup, and rejuvenate
Math Students will learn topics in depth through Common Core. They will be actively engaged while working with materials and with peers to solve larger math problems.
Science, Social Studies, and Health Integration of these areas involves the use of the Treasures Series while meeting the NGSS guidelines and standards set for the kindergarten curriculum.
Self Selected Activities Specific activities designed to help the children learn how to… Socialize Take turns/be patient Create and carry-on conversations Imagine and wonder
We’re on our way home Dismissal - 3:20 (first bell) On the buses by 3:30 After a long day, you’re home
Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser style used school wide Use web-sites to help with at home practice http://www.handwritingworksheets.com/flash/printdots/multiword/index.html Practice always helps
Homework Homework will start 9/20/16 It varies by class, so check with your teacher! (Q and A back in the classroom) Check and discuss DIVE Folder behavior!
Grading Policy Outstanding + Very Good Satisfactory When your child brings home work from school it may be graded with the following: Outstanding + Very Good Satisfactory - Needs improvement Checked but not graded
Progress Indicators Daily Calendar Progress Reports Report Cards
Report Card
D. I. V. E. Dependable Involved and Organized Very Respectful Effort
General Information Communication Talk with your child’s teacher for specifics If you send a note, put it in your child’s white daily folder A written excuse is required after any absence (Prior Knowledge is Helpful) Please return the note the day your child returns and it must be signed Changes in transportation must have a written note Please allow 48 hours to return e-mails/phone calls
Donations to help the class Tissues Wipes Hand Sanitizer or Soap Crayons Glue Sticks Stickers Paper (Printer, Construction, Color…) Zip-lock Bags (All Sizes) Paper Towel Rolls (Lots of Them)
We are here for the children, and also for you We are here for the children, and also for you. Call or e-mail us with any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to a great school year together.
If you missed something or if you have any questions after tonight: CHECK OUT THE FOLLOWING PLACES: http://does.hcpss.org Click the ‘Our Staff’ tab Scroll down to Kindergarten Canvas Team Page (Under Construction) E-mail your child’s teacher brian_bailey@hcpss.org lura_suchocki@hcpss.org kelly_hood@hcpss.org emily_baxter@hcpss.org