Unit3 Travel journal.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit3 Travel journal

Words and expressions of Unit 3 transport/transportation transport vt. → n. ______________ disadvantage n. → (反义词) Prefer vt.→ n. persuade →(adj.) (n.) graduate →(n.) (n.)_________ advantage preference persuasive persuasion graduate graduation

determined determine→(adj.) ___________ →(n.) ___________ reliable→(v.) ___________ organize→(n.) . ___________ experience →(n.) ___________ →(adj.) ___________ detail→(adj.) ___________ finally→(adj.) ___________ boil →(adj.) ___________ →(adj.) ___________ determination rely organization experience experienced detailed final boiling boiled

Let’s check the answers of your homework. Task two: Let’s check the answers of your homework.

1. graduation graduate graduates 2. determination determination have determined, determined

3. transport/ transportation transports 4. preference prefer 5. detailed 6. stubborn 7. persuade persuasion persuading determined

8. organizes organization organizer 9. advantages 10. reliable rely 11. final 12. cyclists 13. boiling, boiled

Unit 3 Travel Journal Warming up

/What are the advantages of traveling? Why do so many people want to travel? /What are the advantages of traveling? According to the survey on the net Sina, traveling around the world is the first dream of 71.2% of people who have taken part in the survey.

/What are the advantages of traveling? Why do so many people want to travel? /What are the advantages of traveling? broaden one’s view/mind enrich one’s knowledge/experiences contact with different cultures meet people of different colors get to know the vastness of nature. relax, refresh our mind bring enjoyment and good memories

Transport Advantages Disadvantages Very cheap, efficient for short journeys, door-to door-- go the small towns and cities, Takes longer than the train or plane, no meals, uncomfortable Cheaper than the airplane, Views along the road arrive at the centre of the cities Takes longer than the airplane No meals, crowded Cheaper than plane Comfortable, Accommodation and meals Entertainment More expensive than the train or bus Not convenient for visiting inland places Expensive, Airports are far from the centre of the cities. Quick, time-saving, Comfortable Meals

Every kind of transport has its advantages and disadvantages. Buses can offer us convenient service, even door to door. But taking buses for too long, we will feel tired for we can’t move freely. So when I go to a distant place, I prefer trains. On trains, we can move freely or sleep on the bed comfortably. Especially after speeding-up several times, trains take us less time than ever before. Sometimes, we have to take ships.

Frankly speaking, I don’t like ships Frankly speaking, I don’t like ships. Ships are easily affected by the weather and much slower. There’s no doubt that airplanes are the fastest but the most expensive. Although I will never forget how excited I was when I was on the airplane for the first time, I won’t take them easily because of the high-price tickets. Every coin has two sides. So, no wonder different people have different preferences to different means of transport.

Compare train travel with plane travel, and we can say both ways have advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, air travel is fast and saves time while train travel takes more time. Secondly, the plane flies so smoothly that you can rest comfortably during the trip, but in comparison the train is sometimes crowded. Thirdly, train travel is safer and more convenient for passengers to enjoy the views outside the windows of the train. Last but not least, air travel is so expensive that only a few can afford the fare and train travel is cheap enough for most of the passengers.

Forbidden City Eiffel Tower Potala Palace Maldives Huangshan

Pearl River Yangtze Yellow

How do people who live along a river make use of it? to nourish the fields. to go swimming in it in summer. to make electricity. to travel along it / to follow the route of it …

Where is the Mekong River?

China Laos Thailand Cambodia South China Sea


There is no doubt that Panyu is a wonderful 常用句型 毫无疑问,番禺是一个值得一看的地方。 只要你来,一定不会失望。 There is no doubt that Panyu is a wonderful place worth visiting. Once you come here, never will you feel disappointed when you leave. 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们越来越想旅游 With the improvement of the people’s living standards (conditions), people are getting an itch to travel than ever before .

To travel to Bao Mo Garden is one of the 到宝墨园旅游是了解番禺历史的一个好方法 To travel to Bao Mo Garden is one of the amazing ways to know more about the history of Panyu. 一到番禺我们迫不及待想了解它的愉快的生活方式 No sooner had we arrived at Panyu than we couldn’t wait to know about its happy lifestyle.

what should you take when Refer to the pictures on page 55, what should you take when you are preparing for your own trip ?

When we travel, we should care our manners, or we can bring ourselves trouble. Then discuss with your partner about what we shouldn’t and what we should do on travel.

We can get much fun from travel but if we don’t care our manners, we can bring ourselves trouble or get bad impression from others. In the public places, we shouldn’t shout or cry at times, or we can be thought to be a rude person. We had better not take up public property for too long, and had better stand in a line, for example, when we wait for our bus or other service. A person who spits or litters at his own , smoke regardless of others won’t be respected. As long as we care our manners, we can get not only good mood but good impression from others

Homework: To finish you homework on reading page 18, 22, 59.

练一练 1) After the long trip, both the men and the horses ________. 2) Because of his small salary, he had to _______ his dream trip to Europe. 3) Seeing that he could not persuade me, he had to ________ my view. gave out gave up gave in to

4) He _________ most of his fortune to the poor. 5) Please keep the secret, don’t ____ it _____. gave away gave away