GO365 Wellness Plan For 2017-2018 Plan year What can you do to improve your health? What can you do to get credits on your premium? What can you do to help our rates at renewal time?
Engaging in GO365 Everyone older than 18 on your health plan….sign onto individually with the employees member number – which will join your accounts together. Each person go to Manage Access at bottom of log in and allow the correct individuals access to your medical information.
Health Assessment You and your spouse, if covered, log into and answer the health assessment questions. You will be prompted to complete this assessment every time you log in…until all questions are answered. If you do not know all the answers or your last screening numbers, then answer “I don’t know” You will begin to receive wellness bucks when this is completed and you will be at the Bronze level. Adult Children on your plan will NOT receive points for completing the Health assessment nor the Biometric Screening.
Biometric Screening You and your spouse, if covered, need to get a Biometric Screening. On the GO365 page, go to “Quick Links”, “Forms”, “Prevention Activities” and “Biometric Screening” Print the needed walk-in voucher so that the screening is free…at Walgreens Clinic or Kroger Little Clinic. If it is time for your annual check up, you can do your screening at your doctor’s office. At the bottom of the Biometric Screening page is the Screening form for the doctor to fill out. Print and take with you. Further down on page you will find information on what to expect at screening….finger prick and fasting for 9-12 hours prior to screening. Once completed scan and upload/email through the “envelope” on top right of page…don’t wait until last minute because it can take up to 40 days for this information to get reviewed. Humana will be on campus to do biometric screenings for you and your spouse on Tuesday, October 17. Information on sign-ups will come to you soon.
Recommended Activities After your assessment and after your screening, log in and view your recommended activities under the Activity screen and then click on recommended. Follow the instructions on how to complete those activities. Click on “show me some activities to get me started.” You will earn points and bucks for completing the activities in a timely fashion.
Connect a Fitness Device Purchase with your Bucks a pedometer through the Mall under the “Shop” tab….or purchase a Fitbit or Apple Watch or any device listed under “Quick Links” and “Connect and Manage Devices” Just follow the easy directions to connect your device to GO365. Then…get moving and start earning points and bucks. There are apps for your phone that communicate with GO365 as well...such as Apple Health. Down load the GO365 App and log in. Click on “more” on bottom right…then Account Settings…App and Device Connections and find what you want connected…Then make sure you synchronize that device or app by logging in once a day.
Other ways to get points/bucks You receive points for other wellness screenings such as a mammograms, colonoscopies, vision exams and dental exams. If it is not processed through Humana insurance make sure you submit documents to prove that exam took place. You get points for flu shots You get points for participating in a sports league as long as you play in 8 games during that season. You receive points for donating blood. You receive points for children under 18 getting a check up and immunizations You receive points for CPR certification You will receive Bonus Bucks each time you move from one status level to another.
Credits toward your premium Between 9/1/2017 and 8/1/2018 you need to do the following in order to earn credits from ECS toward your health insurance premiums for the next school year….. For those with Employee only OR Employee+child(ren) 1 credit – Employee taking the Health Assessment (between 9/1/2017 and 8/1/2018) 1 credit – Employee having a biometric screening (between 9/1/2017 and 8/1/2018 1 credit – Obtaining at least a total of 5000 points 1 credit – Obtaining at least a total of 8000 points (this includes the 5000 points above….not an additional 8000 points)
Credits toward your premium…. For those with Employee+Spouse OR Family 1 credit – Employee AND Spouse taking the Health Assessment (between 9/1/2017 and 8/1/2018) 1 credit – Employee AND Spouse having a biometric screening (between 9/1/2017 and 8/1/2018) To obtain these credits, BOTH the employee and spouse must meet the requirement. 1 credit – Obtaining at least a total of 8000 points 1 credit – Obtaining at least a total of 12,000 points Because of the changes in the law, I am not counting your adult dependents against you. The amounts of the credits will differ. The more difficult the requirement, the higher the credit. (For example, taking the assessment is not that difficult and will produce the least amount of credit).
One more thing… Go to Challenges under “Quick Links”. You can set up teams and have your co-workers join. Compete against each other or compete against other departments at school. This is a great way to encourage everyone to get active…and earn points/bucks. Just stay engaged…check the website often. Find new ways to earn points. Stay moving…1 point for every 1000 steps plus numerous ways to earn bonuses on top of that. The “Frequently Asked Questions” under “Quick Links” is a great source of information.
10 Ways to stay active Fitness Activity: Jog or walk in the park. This a great way to get your exercise and earn your Points by completing a verified workout with a compatible fitness device or app. Prevention Activity: Get your preventative exam. (mammogram, pap smear, colonoscopy or prostate exam) You can earn 400 Vitality Points per screening. Healthy Living Activity: Donate Blood. Did you know one pint of blood can save up to three lives? To find a local blood drive visit You can earn 50 Vitality Points. (up to 300/year) Education Activity: Complete online calculators located under “Activities” and “Education”. The online calculators can help you address some of the risks for a number of health factors. You can earn 75 Vitality Points per calculator. (up to 300/year)
Ways to stay active….. Fitness Activity: Join a city softball or volleyball league. Join a sports team in a qualified, organized league and earn 350 Points. Healthy Living Activity: Create a team in the “My Challenges” section. Compete against other school departments. Earn 50 points for creating a team and 50 points for joining one. Then start walking. Prevention Activity: Get your dental and vision exam. Earn 200 Points per exam. Education Activity: Get your CPR and First Aid Certification. Be prepared to assist in saving someone’s life at the pool, at school or at a sporting event. You can earn 250 Points. (125 CPR/125 First Aid) Fitness Activity: Sign-up to run or walk a 5k! Earn 250 Vitality Points. Vitality Goal: Achieve silver status and above! It only takes 5,000 Vitality Points to get to silver status (for single coverage).