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This fiscal year ends at the end of June. Allocations Need More? Have some to spare? Please let us know ASAP. This fiscal year ends at the end of June.
Women’s Wellness Connection (WWC) CCSP Monthly Call May 2, 2017 Emily Kinsella, Section Manager
Outline Program overview What services are part of WWC? How to access services
Mission of WWC Provide, promote and ensure quality breast and cervical cancer screening for underserved women in Colorado and connect them to resources. Motto – Connect. Get Checked. Be Well. Five Year Vision: The WWC Program will increase access to equitable care through collaboration and innovation.
WWC Funding Women’s Wellness Connection National Breast Cancer and Cervical cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) – Federal funds CO Amendment 35 Tobacco Tax – State funds Women’s Wellness Connection WWC is funded through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) and Amendment 35 Tobacco Tax state funds (CRS 25-4-1501 through 1506).
Care Coordination Grant Program Program Overview Clinical Services Breast and cervical cancer screenings and follow-up Patient navigation Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and treatment Program (Health First Colorado) Care Coordination Grant Program Ensure access to breast and cervical cancer screening and follow-up among clients with health insurance Within WWC, there are two main programs that provide services to individual clients: Clinical Services and the Care Coordination Grant Program, or CCGP. Also have Targeted Outreach, Clinic Quality Improvement and RCCOs.
To be eligible for Clinical Services or Care Coordination, Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for Clinical Services or Care Coordination, 250% or less of the Federal Poverty Level 21-64 years of age for cervical screening 40-64 years of age for breast screening women must be: Lawfully present in the United States Clinical Services Only: Uninsured or underinsured Care Coordination Only: Insured Underinsured: self reported. Underinsured is defined as “individuals and families with public or private insurance that does not cover all necessary health care services, resulting in out-of-pocket expenses that may affect their ability to pay for or gain access to health care.” Undocumented clients are NOT eligible for this program.
WWC Clinical Services 45 agencies statewide Breast cancer screenings Clinical breast exam Mammogram Cervical cancers screenings Pap test HPV Patient navigation and case management Diagnostics for all clients eligible for WWC with an abnormal screening result, symptoms, or who have been referred in for a diagnostic work-up The purpose of WWC Clinical Services is to provide breast and cervical cancer screenings (clinical breast exams, mammograms, pelvic exams, and Pap tests) to eligible women statewide through contractual agreements with agencies that include federally qualified health centers, local health departments, rural hospitals, safety net clinics, private physicians and nonprofit organizations. WWC Clinical Services funding to agencies also provides a broader system of services through patient navigation of normal screenings and case management of abnormal screening results. Part of this broader system includes enrollment in the Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Program through Medicaid (BCCP Medicaid) if a woman is diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer. Diagnostic testing is available for all patients eligible for WWC with an abnormal screening result, breast symptoms, or those who have been referred in for a diagnostic work-up.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (BCCP) Program to cover the costs of cancer treatment Full Health First Colorado coverage for women diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer (or eligible precancerous condition) BCCP will remain active while a woman is in treatment. Women enrolled will have full Medicaid coverage until their cancer treatment is complete. Individuals who have been screened and diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer at a non-WWC site may also be eligible for treatment reimbursement through BCCP Medicaid. All other eligibility criteria remain the same. For any questions regarding the process for enrolling a client diagnosed outside of a WWC clinic, please call Diane Stayton, the BCCP Medicaid Coordinator at the Health Care Policy and Finance office
Care Coordination Services 27 agencies statewide Patient navigation Priority to high risk clients Help overcome healthcare system barriers Case management Clients who receive abnormal screening results or cancer diagnosis Help receive follow-up services The purpose of the WWC Care Coordination Grant Program (CCGP) is to increase care coordination services that will help to ensure access to breast and cervical cancer screening among clients who have or are eligible for health insurance, including Medicaid, and who meet WWC’s age, income and lawful presence eligibility criteria.
Clinic Locations This map is available on our website. If you click on a clinic location you can find out if they have Clinical Services or Care Coordination (or WISEWOMAN!). Can zoom in or search by zip code to find clinic nearby.
How to access services Referral Hotlines: American Cancer Society Referral Line: 1-866-951-WELL (9355) (toll-free) or The Family Healthline: 1-800-688-7777 (toll-free) or 303- 692-2229 Women’s Wellness Connection public website: Contact the WWC team: WWC maintains at statewide referral line with the American Cancer Society to help navigate women in need of breast and cervical cancer screening. These numbers are: Statewide & Toll-Free: 1-866-951-WELL (9355) We can provide postcard materials with the referral line, if interested.
Questions. Emily Kinsella, WWC Section Manager emily. kinsella@state Questions? Emily Kinsella, WWC Section Manager