Classroom teaching observation tools 2016 -2017
How to observe effective teaching (Basic literature review on methods and practices observation and evaluation)
Differentiated Classroom Observation Scales Content Practices Differentiated Classroom Observation Scales Cassady et al. (2004) Chapman & King (2005) VanTassel-Baska et al. (2005) Downes (2006) Tomlinson and Imbreau (2013) Tomlinson & Hockett Subban & Round (2015) Theories Basic literature review 1. Teacher/ Classroom observation DI? 2. Research based DI classroom observation
1. Key terms in advance a. It will be formed groups of five teachers. b. Each group must list the five terms related to classroom observation in terms of differentiated instruction (CODI). c. A representative of each group presents the results. d. Based on the results and discussions are developed conceptual map. e. CODI definition will be introduced.
Theories Basic literature review The definition of the differentiated instruction classroom observation (CODI)? Represents a set of criteria and standards for evaluating how the teacher design and achieve a differentiated instruction lesson, according with several categories and subcategories of indicators, on levels of professional development or difficulty (Mâţă, 2016). What the teacher need to respect during a differentiated instruction lesson? LEVEL INDICATORS STANDARDS Standards Indicator 1 level 1 level 2 Indicator 2 level n
2. Brainstorming ON 2 GROUPS a. What issues do you think should be taken into account when we realize CODI? b. Note all solutions. Responses are grouped into categories. c. It will be discussed about the CODI indicators. c. It will be introduced 2 studies and CODI tools will be presented.
Research based DI classroom observation No Author(s) Objective Method Results 1. Cha & Ahn (2014) design guidelines for a teacher tool to support students’ diverse needs by facilitating differentiated instructions (DIs) interview Five categories of facilitating factors: student information management; educational policy and systems; tools and resources; communication; students with special needs 2. Subban & Round (2015) focus group interviews Five themes (pp. 128-129): -the structure, organization and development of a lesson; - classroom management; differentiated strategies/ techniques during teaching ; differentiated activities, materials and teaching aids; differentiated assessments and application
Differentiated Classroom Observation Scales Cassady et al. (2004) - The Differentiated Classroom Observation Scale Preparation: Before doing the observation, the observer will contact the teacher to find a time that is convenient for the observation. Preobservation Interview: The observer should review the lesson plan before the interview. For the interview, the observer will use questions from and record answers on the ACD Scoring Form (p. 4). This is an informal interview that is conducted to gain essential descriptive information in order to inform the observation. Classroom Observation and Scoring: The observer will use the Instructional Activity Codes (see p. 3) to assist in recording what is seen in the observation during 5–10- minute segments. In addition, the observer will use the ACD Scoring Form to record the codes and assessments. There are other questions on the ACD Scoring Form to complete during this phase as well. Postobservation Debriefing: The observer should follow directions on the ACD Scoring Form. Reflection: The observer should add final comments after leaving the classroom.
Differentiated Classroom Observation Scales Chapman & King (2005) - Differentiated Classroom Assessment Form 1. Conduct a Self-Assessment – “Differentiated Classroom Assessment Form” (the degree to which you have incorporated each aspect into your classroom -1 = not implemented 2 = implementation started 3 = partially implemented 4 = fully implemented); 2. Organize a Peer-Assessment – Invite a peer to your classroom to observe you interacting with your students. Use the “Differentiated Classroom Assessment Observation Form.” 3. Arrange a Discussion – Arrange a time for a discussion with your colleague about his or her observations and seek suggestions for moving along the continuum from a traditional to a more differentiated classroom. 4. Develop a Plan – Decide on a list of components you want to work on. Prioritize your list. Develop a plan for implementing the aspects you choose. Identify what you will do, when, with which group or in what subject area. You may want to consider introducing one new component or aspect each quarter. Perhaps your grade level or subject area team will agree to join you in your efforts.
Differentiated Classroom Observation Scales VanTassel-Baska et al. (2005) - Classroom Observation Scale (p. 10) Categories and items within each category Curriculum Planning and Delivery (CPD) Accommodations for Individual Differences (AID) Problem solving (PS) Critical Thinking Strategies (CRI) Creative Thinking Strategies (CRE) Research Strategies (RS)
Differentiated Classroom Observation Scales Downes (2006), Maeng & Bell (2012) Differentiated Instruction Implementation Matrix-Modified - Novice (1), Apprentice (2), Practitioner (3), Expert (4) Domain 1: Quality Curriculum and Lesson Design Domain 2: Planning and Response to Learner Needs Domain 3: Instructional Practices Domain 4: Classroom Routines Domain 5: Student Assessment Domain 6: Positive, Supportive Learning Environment Domain 7: Evidence of Differentiation (after Tomlinson) Downes (2006) DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION CLASSROOM OBSERVATION RESPONSE FORM
Differentiated Classroom Observation Scales Tomlinson and Imbreau (2013) - Categories, Look- Fors, Rubrics and Guiding Questions / Advances, Proficient, Basic Look- For 1: Classroom Environment Look- For 2: Curriculum
Differentiated Classroom Observation Scales Subban & Round (2015) - The Checklist to Observe Differentiated Instruction at Work (pp. 128-129) The structure, organization and development of a lesson Classroom Management Differentiated activities, materials and teaching aids Differentiated assessments and application
3. CUBE Method b. Each group selects one instrument CODI. a. It will be 6 teams. b. Each group selects one instrument CODI. c. Each group will use the cube method in the analysis of the selected instrument (analyze, compare, describe, argue, associate, apply).
4. GALLERY TOUR a. Results will be presented as poster for each group. b. Discussion and Conclusions.
5. ARGUMENTS ON CARTOON a. Each participant will write the argument on post-it in favor of CODI.