Slippery Rock Area School District District Wellness Committee January 18, 2017
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child
SCHOOL WELLNESS EDUCATION: Unique & Creative Approach to Preparing Teachers 5 Pillars Excellent Teaching Physical Health & Wellness Social, Emotional and Cognitive Health & Wellness School to Community Health & Wellness Professional, Advocate and Leader
Building Level Wellness Committees/Grant Updates Elementary Schools – Wellness Committees are meeting monthly at both Moraine and Area Elementary Umbrella Of Activities --- “Rockets Kids” / Brain Breaks Health Ed, Nutrition, Jump Rope for Heart, Kids of steel and Girls on the Run Middle School – Intramurals Review of Health Curriculum AHA Staff: Muscle Mondays
Building Level Updates – Continued High School Wellness Club Calendar of Monthly events and observances * STep Challenge * volleyball * Coffee-House Acoustic Hour * Updates from the High School 5K Run IUS (Interscholastic Unified Sports)Program January 31st – Bocce Ball 3:30 p.m. vs. New Castle Building Level Updates – Continued
Tower Garden AFHK’s Grant Middle School Physical Education and FCS Harvesting
Aramark Foods– What’s New? Audit Discovery Days
Discussion on a New Date/ or other options for a Parent information: November 2, 2016 Broccoli Farm We want to make students excited about eating healthy Sometimes it is just in the way we present “healthy” food to our children Wellness policies promote life-long wellness behaviors, and link healthy nutrition and exercise to students' overall physical well-being. Fixed or Growth Mindset Local School Wellness Policy 2004 - Congress passed the Child Nutrition and Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Reauthorization Act . This act required that all school that participate in the National Lunch Program… by 2006. 2010- Congress passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Act of 2010 and added new provisions for local school wellness policies related to implementation, evaluation, and publicly reporting of local school wellness policies. 2014 – the proposed rule for Wellness policies was published and on July 21, 2016 – the final rule was published. By June 30, 2017 --- updates of Wellness Policy Specific goals for nutrition promotion and physical activity Nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages available for sale on the school campus during the school day that are consistent with Federal regulations: School meal nutrition standards, and Smart Snacks in School Nutrition standards Policies for other food and beverages available during the school day – classroom parties, classroom snacks brought by parents or other foods given as incentives.
Updates on Wellness policy 3 Upates from PDE Plan to update public Triennel assessment Nutrition standards
* Subcommittee work Brain Break Activity
Subcommittees Physical education Nutrition Social/emotional Turkey Bowl Christmas 5k Run Afhk’s grants Parent forum Wellness newsletter Breakfast ** second chance- HS/MS **Moraine elementary school Tower Garden lessons Empathy If You Really Knew Me: Partnered with Slippery rock Rotary: Botvin Lifeskills curriculum for drug prevention
Report Out on Goals Physical Education Nutrition Emotion/Social
Next Steps: Next Meeting: March 8, 2017 Appreciate the support of Dr Next Steps: Next Meeting: March 8, 2017 Appreciate the support of Dr. Nichols and Dr. Brewer