IMPORTANT NOTES for 2015 exchange student course selection Registration date: 2015.09.09 (TUE) Responsible person: Shih Yi-ru, Office of Academic Affairs, Curriculum Division
Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 Time period for course selection Notes for Course Selection 2 Approval Process 3 Contact Us 4
Time Period for 2015’s 1st Semester Course Selection STEP1 Course Selection 【9/9~9/23】 STEP2 Changes after deadline 【9/24~10/1】
Course Inquiry Office of Academic Affairs, Curriculum Division → Course Selection→Course Inquiry Course Name Course Code Credit Name of Lecturer Lecturer time and place 00123 00156 00201 00202 00203 00204 00205 00207 00208 00209 00210 00211 Physical Education (I) Special Physical Education Introduction to Classical Music Taiwanese Culture Appreciation of Taiwanese Culture Life, Death and Philosophy Diversified Art Activity and Exhibition Life and Believe Appreciation of English and American Literature Modern Aesthetic Appreciation of Modern Art 1 2 HUANG, JEN-YI YU, CHING-HUI HUANG, HSIU-YUAN LU, HU-PIN YEH, LIEN-PENG WANG, CHIN-TSAI CHEN, SHIH-CHIANG PENG, HUI-JUNG LU, HAN-PING LI, CHING-FANG 05-06 Gym 11-12 Martial Art Room 07-08 T202 01-02 T105 03-04 T006 07-08 T105 09-10 T105 06-07 T006 03-04 T201 03-04 T105 08-09 10620316203 Theory Room 06-07 T105
Hot to Select Your Courses All exchange students are required to select their courses in「written form」 by completing the「Application Form: Course Selection for Exchange Students」 and submitting it pursuant to the NCUE approval procedure. Course Selection Method Academic Department 1 Department offering the course Instructor Administration 2 Office of Academic Affairs, Curriculum Division Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs
Exchange Student Course Selection Application Form Application Form: National Changhua University of Education Transfer Student for Year _____, ____ Semester Faculty:Full name: Student number:S1234567 Contact number:(Mobile)0XXXXXXXXXXXNationality: Course Code Course Name Credits Timetable (Class/week) Signature of lecturer teaching course Signature of Director of Faculty offering the course 42007 Literary theory 3 (Mon )5-7 _____ Courses studied in this semester with a total of _____ credits Signature of Student's Faculty Office of Academic Affairs, Curriculum Division Submitted to our division by the Office of International and Cross-strait Affairs *Please complete and submit this Form before the course amendment due date for each semester. *Please print own extra copies if necessary.
Notes for completing the application form Please fill in the correct course codes and verify the course name, credits, schedule, and instructor. 【Some courses may offer two or more classes with the same credits and instructor; please review your application. You must obtain the approval of the instructor, department director, and director and then submit it to the Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs. 【Please make corrections regarding any necessary approval or missing information within the stipulated time period; otherwise, it will be rejected. 】
Course Selection Regulations The maximum number of credits for undergraduates each semester is 「27 credits」; any credits beyond 27 are required to pay the credit tuition fee pursuant to NCUE’s regulations. Students in Master’s programs have no credit limits. The schedules of the selected courses may not overlap; if such is the case, the student will be de-registered from the overlapping course. Postgraduate students may only take a Master’s course class if they are in their junior year or higher. Master’s program students taking a Doctorate course class have to obtain prior consent from the instructor and Director of the department.
Course Selection Notes If an exchange student wants to selection additional courses, the respective course’s instructor may determine whether or not to approve the application after considering such elements as the nature of the course and the overall course plan in order to maintain the quality of the course. Since exchange students will only be attending NCUE for a short period of time, if the course he/she selects is considered a "continuous" course, each department may determine whether or not to allow the exchange student to take such a course after considering such elements as the nature of the course and the student's capability.
During the course selection time period【9/9-9/23】 Approval Process 1. Add a course: complete the "Application Form: Exchange Student Course Selection" and submit it to the instructor for approval; then submit it to the department offering the course for approval. It shall be filed with the Office of International and Cross-strait Affairs and then sent on to the Office of Curriculum Affairs, Curriculum Division. 2. Dropping a course: Student shall personally inform the instructor and mark "cancellation and personal signature” on the application (only applies to applications that have already been approved) During the course selection time period【9/9-9/23】
Late applications for course changes (9/24-10/1) Approval Process Late applications for course changes (9/24-10/1) Students are required to fill out the "Application Form: Course Correction and Fees" and pay the corrective administration fee of NT$200 for each course no later than one week after the due date.
Application Form: Course Correction and Fee Faculty Date ______YMD Full Name Student number Year Contact number and mobile email Reason :1.Amend course selection after due date. 2. Re-register. 3. Incorrect course selected. 4. Not enough credits. 5.Extended study student or re-enrolled student who did not select the course. 6.Course not selected due to sickness or major incident(must submit proof) 7.Other Reason (reference) Course Class Course reference Name of course Credits Signature of lecturer Add cancel Signature of applicant: Number of courses corrected _______. Credits after correction_______.Overload credits______. Important
Application Form: Course Correction and Fee Approval Section Course (not applicable for applicant not applying for overload credit) Office of Academic Affairs Curriculum Division: Agree to correct_______courses, Admin fee payable is NT$___________。 (Faculty) Person responsible Director(Head of Faculty) Fees Office Complete
Course Selection and Suspension for the Semester If selection is made in writing or students want to verify his/her selection, please contact the responsible person at the Office of Academic Affairs, Curriculum Division (or call 5621-5627). (Information posted on the digital learning platform may be incorrect due to delays reflecting selection after the deadline. Application for suspension is available during weeks 10-13 (104/11/9-12/4 for the current semester); complete the "Application Form: Course Suspension" and personally submit it to the Office of Academic Affairs, Curriculum Division pursuant to NCUE regulations.
Application Form: Course Suspension Application form: National Changhua University of Education ("NCUE") Course Suspension for Year ____, Semester ____, (first copy) Date of application: ___ day of _________, year ____ Faculty Class Faculty of Year ____, Class ____ Student number Full name Department offering the course Course code Name of course to be suspended Credits Lecturer signature Total credits for the current semester after suspension: credits Review Approve by parent (faculty to decide whether this is necessary) Approval by instructing lecturer or professor Approval by faculty head Copy for Office of Academic Affairs Reason for suspension: Note: After submitting the Application, students must be enrolled in at least one course per semester Student may not suspend more than two courses per semester. Credit tuition fees for the suspended course/s shall not be refunded and student is still liable for any outstanding tuition fees for the course he/she wishes to suspend. Please submit this Application Form to the Curriculum Division after approval.
Relevant Course Information Inquiry for course openings Office of Academic Affairs, Curriculum Division → Course Selection→Inquiry for Course Selection Download the relevant forms (for course selection, suspension, etc.) Office of Academic Affairs, Curriculum Division →Forms→Student Course Selection Queries related to course selection Contact Information for the responsible person at the Inquiry Division: (5621-5627) Q&A
Service hot line 723-2105 extension 5621~5627 The Pursuit of Excellence Customers First Service hot line 723-2105 extension 5621~5627 The Office of Academic Affairs is located on the 2nd floor of the Administration East Building Curriculum Division’s e-mail: