TOCfE Korea 2016~2017 Wonjoon Choi Professor of Industrial Engineering University of Ulsan Korea
Seoul Ulsan
TOC Korea Association TOC Forum TOC Korea Academy TOCfE Korea On-line portal A training center
Activities in Korea TOCfE Korea Regional Groups Director: (Principal of Seoul Shinjung Elementary School) Mr. Hyunhem Baek Regional Groups Seoul Ulsan Incheon
A Model up to date Reginal Groups Special Interest Groups TOC Korea Association and/or TOCfE Korea Seoul, Ulsan, Incheon Facilitators, Certificates Special Interest Groups Teachers SIG, Coach SIG TOCfE Workshops (Basic Level ) Teachers, Adults in General Individual Applications Lost, Hibernation
Activities in Ulsan, 2016~2017 TOCfE Training Basic Level 2016.01.11. ~ 01.13, 15 hours 30 persons (mostly teachers) at the University of Ulsan the “first” TOCfE training in Ulsan area
Activities in Ulsan TOCfE Ulsan Chapter Biweekly meeting in 2016 Monthly meeting in 2017
Activities in Ulsan TOCfE Training for Adults Basic Level 2016.09.12. ~ 11.14, 18 hours 15 persons (mostly counselors) Sponsored by a local government
Activities in Ulsan TOCfE Training Basic Level 2017.01.17. ~ 01.19, 18 hours 17 persons at the University of Ulsan
Activities in Ulsan University of Ulsan Opened a TOCfE class of liberal arts, in Spring semester 2017 A two-credit class “Thinking Process for Creative Problem Solving”
Activities in Seoul, 2016 ~ 2017 TOCfE Training Basic Level Shinjung Elementary School 2016.04.20~29, 15 hours 25 teachers Accredited by Seoul Metro. Educational Office
Activities in Seoul TOCfE Teachers’ Group Shinjung Elementary School Biweekly meeting
Activities in Seoul TOCfE Students’ Club Shinjung Elementary School 40 students of grade 4 ~ 6 Weekly meeting since April, 2016 Facilitated by the principal Mr. Baek
Activities in Seoul Introduction of TOCfE to Parents Shinjung Elementary School 30 mothers 2016.06.20 2 hour (a mini workshop)
Activities in Seoul TOCfE Students’ Club Shinjung Elementary School 40 students of grade 2 ~ 3 Weekly meeting since April, 2017 Facilitated by the principal Mr. Baek
Activities in Seoul TOCfE group of a talented students Chunggye Middle School, Sanggye Middle School, and Boolam Middle School Leadership training with Cloud and ATT 40 students at each school 2 times X 3 hours per semester for each school Facilitated by a Teacher Mr. Byungyook Yoon
Activities in Seoul Peer mediation group at Chang-il Middle School 16 students of student council Weekly meeting Facilitated by a Teacher Mr. Byungyook Yoon
Activities in Seoul TOCfE Training Basic Level 2016.07.27.~7.29 21 hours 10 persons (mostly coaches, facilitators) the first workshop opened by TOC Korea Academy
Activities in Seoul TOCfE Training Basic Level 2017.02.14, 6 hours 21 persons In collaboration with a teachers’ community 2017.03.01, 6 hours 51 persons
Activities in Seoul TOCfE Seoul Chapter Monthly meeting
Activities in Seoul TOCfE applied in a classroom
Activities in Seoul TOCfE Seoul for Adults Biweekly Training 2017.02.17 - 09.01 (12 times) 40 persons (general public) Facilitated by Professor Namkee Chung 2016.03.11 - 08.26 (12 times) 28 persons (general public)
Activities in Seoul TOC for Coach group Monthly meeting since August 2016 A group of professional coaches trained in TOCfE
Seoul Incheon Ulsan
Activities in Incheon, 2016 ~ 2017 TOCfE Training Basic Level Yonghyunnam Elementary School 2016.03.24~4.14, 15 hours 15 teachers Accredited by Incheon Metro. Educational Office
Activities in Incheon TOCfE applied in a classroom
Activities in Incheon TOCfE Teachers’ Group Biweekly meeting 11 teachers in Incheon area