VFR-Visual Flight Rules IFR-Instrument Flight Rules Types of Flight Rules VFR-Visual Flight Rules IFR-Instrument Flight Rules 2
Class A to Class E Airspace Class A- only IFR Class B- only IFR Class C from 2000 to 2500 ft-IFR & VFR Class D from 2500 to 3000 ft-IFR & VFR Class E from 3000 to 6000 ft. IFR & VFR
ATIS-Automatic Terminal Information Service-short note Is a continuous broadcast of recorded Non-ontrol information in selected terminal areas for purpose of improving controller effectiveness and relieving frequency congestion by automating the repetitive transmission of essential routine information in VHF radio frequency or the voice portion of a local NAVAID at a maximum of 60 NM from the ATIS site and a maximum altitude of 25,000 feet AGL
What are the flight rules an aircraft can be flown There are three sets of flight rules under which an aircraft can be flown: Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Special Visual Flight Rules (SVFR) Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
Define SVFR Special VFR flight is a VFR flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within a control zone in meteorological conditions below visual meteorological conditions
Difference between VFR & IFR Visual flight rules (VFR)- a set of Aviation regulations where a Pilot operate an Aircraft in a specific airspace by “see & avoid” concept from Class C to E Instrument flight rules (IFR) -a set of regulations and procedures for flying Aircraft for navigation and obstacle clearance maintained referring to aircraft instruments only, while separation from other aircraft is provided by ATC. 7
Becker ATC for IFR 8
VFR Visual Flight Rules- for sight-seeing flights, aerial photography, or lift services for parachute jumping. Pilots under VFR permitted to operate under Clear Sky and not permitted to fly through clouds. Pilot under VFR responsible for navigation, obstacle clearance and maintaining separation from other aircraft using “see-and-avoid” concept. 9
IFR Pilot allowed to fly referring to the aircraft instrument panel for navigation by looking only at the instrument panel. An IFR flight should keep a mini level in controlled and uncontrolled airspace An IFR-rated pilot authorized to fly through clouds, using ATC procedures keeping separation minimum from other aircraft. 10
Becker Transponder for IFR & VFR 11
Change from IFR to VFR Change from IFR to VFR only acceptable by the pilot-in-command containing the specific expression “CANCELLING MY IFR FLIGHT”, together with the changes, received by an ATC staff 12
Speed Control Instruction Aircrafts Speed not greater than 250 Knots( 250 Nautical Mile/hr) 1NM=1.852KM below 10,000feet on en-route. Arriving aircraft operating below10,000 feet, within 15 NM radius of VOR / DME to fly IAS not greater than 220 knot 13