Anglický jazyk Customs and Traditions in the Czech Republic 3. Mgr. Helena Slaninová VY_22_INOVACE_SLA_AJ.3_2_14
Customs and Traditions in the Czech Republic
JANUARY 1. What is celebrated on the 6th January? 2. What is it called in England? 3. What is the origin of this tradition? 4. What usually happens this day? 5. What is your experience with this tradition?
APRIL 1. What is celebrated on the 30th April? Is this tradition: a.) religious b.) folk, pagan c.) cultural 3. People gather together to do what? In the past people believed that (more anwers possible): a.) caves would open to show treasures b.) evil and demons had the greatest power c.) witches would come together for a sabbath 5. How do you celebrate this tradition?
MAY 1. What is celebrated on the 1st May? 2. Does this tradition exist in English speaking countries? 3. What usually happens this day? 4. What is your experience with this tradition?
NOVEMBER What is celebrated on the 2nd November? 2. Does this tradition exist in English speaking countries? 3. Is this tradition: a.) religious b.) pagan c.) cultural 4. What usually happens this day? 5. What is your experience with this tradition?
DECEMBER 1. What is celebrated on the 5th December? 2. Does this tradition exist in English speaking countries? 3. Is this tradition: a.) religious b.) folk, pagan c.) cultural 4. What usually happens this day? 5. What is your experience with this tradition?
Answers - JANUARY 1. What is celebrated on the 6th January? - Three wisemen or three kings 2. What is it called in England? - The twelfth night 3. What is the origin of this tradition? When Baby Jesus was born these three wisemen came to Bethlehem to give him presents – gold, frankinsence, myrrh. 4. What usually happens this day? There is a Czech catholic charity in the Czech Republic which collects money. Usually 3 children dressed like three wisemen go round houses, sing a song, collect money and write C+M+B above the entrance door. 5. What is your experience with this tradition? Students´own answers.
Answers - APRIL 1. What is celebrated on the 30th April? Burning of witches 2. Is this tradition: b.) folk, pagan 3. People gather together to do what? People usually make a fire and burn a model of a witch. People celebrate coming of spring too. 4. In the past people believed that - All answers are correct. a.) caves would open to show treasures b.) evil and demons had the greatest power c.) witches would come together for a sabbath 5. How do you celebrate this tradition? Students´own answers.
Answers - MAY 1. What is celebrated on the 1st May? It´s a feast of all lovers and people in love. 2. Does this tradition exist in English speaking countries? No, it doesn´t. 3. What usually happens this day? People who love each other usually find a cherry tree and kiss each other underneath. Girls and women should be kissed on this day in order not to „dry up“ and stay young. Quite popular is reading a poem May by Karel Hynek Macha too. 5. What is your experience with this tradition? Students´own answers.
Answers - NOVEMBER 1. What is celebrated on the 2nd November? All Souls´ Day 2. Does this tradition exist in English speaking countries? No, it doesn´t. 3. Is this tradition: a.) religious 4. What usually happens this day? Relatives visit graves of their beloved ones, bring flowers and light candles and remember them. 5. What is your experience with this tradition? Students´own answers.
Answers - DECEMBER 1. What is celebrated on the 5th December? - St. Nicholas 2. Does this tradition exist in English speaking countries? - No, it doesn´t. 3. Is this tradition: a.) religious 4. What usually happens this day? St. Nicholas together with a devil and an angel visit children at home in the evening in order to find out who was naughty and who was nice. If the child was good, St. Nicholas gives them some sweets. If not the devil can take them to hell. Parents hide other sweets either under the beds of children or somewere else in the house. Childrem search for it the next morning. 5. What is your experience with this tradition? Students´ own answers.
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