Developing and Rewarding Specialists Gail Sulkes Talent & Development
Who we are Largest provider in the electronic information space For professionals, by professionals Employing 56,000 people And operating in over 100 countries 1 company since April 08 Provide ‘must have’ info to professionals in multiple segments 12.9B revenue 2
Our Business Units 1 company since April 08 Provide ‘must have’ info to professionals in multiple segments 12.9B revenue 3
We encourage specialists to become leaders of specialist communities Career paths allow for progression to senior levels for specialists as well as via the traditional management route There is a significant role for senior specialists - can have equal influence to management roles despite smaller budget / headcount We support employees who want to make ‘zig zag’ career moves between management & specialist roles at all levels We encourage specialists to become leaders of specialist communities
Editorial Technology Job Band Specialist Management Exec K J I H B-G General Management roles only K Regional Bureau Chief, Columnist Regional Editor-in-charge Head of Tech Development Principal Technologist, Principal Architect J Bureau Chief, Specialist Desk Editor, Specialist Journalist Senior Editor-in-charge Tech Director Senior Technologist, Senior Architect I Bureau Chief (small), Senior Desk Editor, Senior Journalist Editor-in-charge Tech Manager Lead Tech Spec., Associate Architect H Desk Editor, Journalist Tech Team Leader Tech Specialist B-G Individual Contributor roles only
Few financial or career incentives to continue to specialise. News then... …and Now Gen Mgr responsibilities have been separated out. Best journalists dedicated to producing the highest quality journalism. Leadership team very large, not enough hands on involvement in the news file. Specialists more involved in setting of direction. Balance of leadership teams has changed. Some of the best journalists were tied up in bureaucracy, de- motivated and not doing the work they enjoy. Improved retention of specialists, allowing them to build deep expertise & credibility.
Tech Know Develops networks Technical subject matter experts use this social media platform to connect individuals across the organisation. Sharing of deep expertise Develops networks Encourages collaboration Promotes learning XXX
Perceived value of specialists Segmentation vs Scale Perceived value of specialists ‘Zig zag’ moves at senior level Inconsistent experiences A tension exists between employees who increasingly want their development to be bespoke and the organisiation who often wants scale in order to achieve efficiency. Some areas have embraced the concept of senior specialist roles, still pockets where we need to address the perception that specialists can be rewarded at a high level without big budget or headcount. These types of moves are still much easier to facilitate at a more junior level. Although we have some examples of it happening at senior level this is less common. Specialists may not appreciate the progress we have made as their experiences are not yet universal across the organisation.
a chamber orchestra from the piano whilst being a featured soloist’ ‘It’s like conducting a chamber orchestra from the piano whilst being a featured soloist’ Paul Taylor European Affairs Editor, Thomson Reuters