Preventing and addressing long-term unemployment


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Presentation transcript:

Preventing and addressing long-term unemployment Dr. Wolfgang Müller, Managing Director European Affairs of the Federal Employment Agency Preventing and addressing long-term unemployment CEDEFOP, Thessaloniki, 15 June 2017

A large number of long-term unemployed is not registered with the public employent services (PES) Share of long-term unemployed (2015) registered with the PES Source: Eurostat, 2015, no data for AT and IE (taken from: Joint Employment Report 2017) 15 June 2017

A high proportion of activation measures lead to lower long-term unemployment Activation support (participants in an active labor market measure per 100 job seekers) and long-term unemployment rate by Member State (2014) Source: Eurostat; Note: Data for activation support for UK from 2009, for CY from 2012 for EL, IE and ES from 2013 (taken from: Joint Employment Report 2017) Countries with the lowest long-term unemployment rates are among those where the level of participation in ALMPs is the highest. For several other Member States, activation support does not seem proportional to the unemployment challenge that they face. Joint Employment Report 2017 15 June 2017

There are significant differences between labor market integration of short- and long-term unemployed Integration rate (per cent) of clients of the unemployment insurance (Social Code III – SGB III) and the minimum income (Social Code II – SGB II) in Germany Source: Federal Employment Agency 15 June 2017

There are different efficiencies with regard to the usage of active labor market policies and the existing long-term unemployment Expenditure on active labour market services in relation to GDP and long-term unemployment in the EU in 2015 Source: Federal Employment Agency, Eurostat, LMP Note: database Labour market services refer to LMP databes category active measures 2 -7 Database 2015 (for MT and UK no data available) 15 June 2017

There are different efficiencies with regard to the usage of active labor market policies and the existing long-term unemployment Expenditure on active labour market services in relation to GDP and long-term unemployment in the EU in 2015 Source: Federal Employment Agency, Eurostat, LMP Note: database Labour market services refer to LMP databes category active measures 2 -7 Database 2015 (for MT and UK no data available) 15 June 2017