Choosing the Right Frame for Every Face FRAME SELECTION AND STYLING Choosing the Right Frame for Every Face
Getting Started with the Patient 1. Look 2. Listen 3. Act
Getting Started with the Patient Lens prescriptions Sphere Cylinder Axis Prism OD -0.25 -1.00 045 OS -0.75 -0.50 165 ADD --------- Sphere Cylinder Axis Prism OD +2.25 -3.00 025 OS +1.75 -0.50 090 ADD +2.50 Sphere Cylinder Axis Prism OD -6.50 S OS -8.00 -1.75 130 ADD +2.00
Getting Started with the Patient Lifestyle
Getting Started with the Patient Face shapes
Facial Analysis Imagine separating the face into thirds horizontally
Facial Analysis Imagine separating the face into thirds horizontally
Facial Analysis Imagine separating the face into thirds horizontally
Facial Analysis Imagine separating the face into thirds horizontally
Facial Analysis Imagine separating the face into fifths vertically
Facial Analysis Imagine separating the face into fifths vertically
Facial Analysis Imagine separating the face into fifths vertically
Face Shape Let’s look at the shape of the some faces. Face shape is very important in frame selection. The following slides will discuss the cosmetic effect of frame choice to face shapes.
Face Shapes - Angular ________ Strong jaw Length and Width the same Frame Shapes: ________
What Shape Face, What Shape Frame? Longer than wide Similar to square Long cheek-line Long nose Frame Shapes: ________
Face Shapes - Angular ______________ Widest at the forehead Narrows at the jaw Frame Shapes: ______________
Face Shapes - Angular ________________ Narrow at the forehead Widest at the jawline Frame Shapes: ________________
Face Shapes - Angular __________ Angle at the forehead Widest at the cheekbones Narrow at jaw Frame Shapes: __________
Face Shapes - Curvilinear Width and length are the same No angles ________ Frame Shapes:
Face Shapes - Curvilinear Balanced features Chin slightly narrower than forehead ______ Frame Shapes:
Fitting the Frame Eye Size Proportion to the patient’s features Avoid too narrow or too wide Eye’s centered in the frame
Fitting the Frame Bridge fit and types Saddle
Fitting the Frame Bridge fit and types Saddle Keyhole
Fitting the Frame Bridge fit and types Saddle Keyhole Form Fit
Fitting the Frame Bridge fit and types Saddle Keyhole Form Fit Adjustable
Fitting the Frame Temple Fit and Types Skull
Fitting the Frame Temple Fit and Types Skull Comfort Cable
Fitting the Frame Temple Fit and Types Skull Comfort Cable Library/Paddle
Essential Elements of Color Analysis Identify and ENHANCE your patient’s coloring All people are either warm or cool depending on shade
How to Identify Color First Evaluate skin tone Cool, the skin will have blue or pink undertones Warm, the skin will have yellow or peaches and cream undertones
How to Identify Color Second Look at the color of the patient’s eyes Blue eyes can be ice blue or pale grey black Brown eyes can be light brown to almost black
How to Identify Color Third Consider hair color Dyed? Cool tones: Strawberry blond, platinum, blue/black, white, salt & pepper, dishwasher brown Warm tones: Golden blond, flat black, brown-gold, carrot, dirty gray
How to Identify Color Fourth Intensity Indicated by the vividness of the skin, with or without make-up High intensity people, strong colors Low intensity people, muted or softer color tones
Tips Delicate Faces Large Faces Not overwhelmed with heavy frames Thin metal/plastics, subtle colors Large Faces Oversize frame, careful of heavy texture or color Balance patient’s features
Tips Short Noses Long Noses High or keyhole bridges lengthen the nose Low bridges shorten the nose
Tips Short Face Long Face High temples and/or outer corner accents lengthen the face Long Face Round, deep or triangular shape frame
Tips Wide Face Narrow Face Frame as wide as the widest part of face (temple and extensions) Narrow Face Frame close to patient’s head width, don’t overwhelm
Tips Close Set Eyes Wide Set Eyes Heavy Single Brow Line Clear Bridges create space between eyes Wide Set Eyes Dark or heavy bridges pull eyes together Heavy Single Brow Line Avoid double bridge frames or creating double browline
Review Consider the Rx Evaluate the patient’s face Discuss lifestyle Make correct recommendations for frames, lenses treatments