Assessment of … and with ICT Ian Brewer
What ICT assessment is required at key stages 1 and 2? (QCA) Every year, schools must send a report to parents describing their child's progress in ICT. The report must contain comments on the child's progress, achievement, strengths, weaknesses and next steps. Teachers must use their professional judgement to determine the most effective method of gathering evidence of pupils' progress. Progress in ICT must be reported as a separate subject, not only as a statement within other subject reports. Level descriptions provide the basis for making judgements about pupils' performance at the end of key stages 1 and 2. Whilst there is no statutory obligation to report children's attainment in the form of a national curriculum level, an increasing number of schools find it a helpful way to describe attainment and progress.
ICT Assessment QCA
“Progression of ICT Capability”. PNS The purpose of this publication will be to assist educators in both understanding what ICT capability is and in further developing planned curriculum opportunities where that capability can be developed. It is to assist teachers in understanding standards in ICT and to raise children’s attainment within the context of a personalised curriculum.
“Progression of ICT Capability”. Due to be published in the next financial year Pilot materials available now for schools to ‘trial’
Principles…. It aids continuity and progression and reporting to parents and helps children to know and recognise the standards they are aiming for. Good assessment provides effective feedback to children and involves them in their own learning. It supports children in understanding what they are aiming for and helps them learn about learning in order to improve. Good assessment raises children motivation and self esteem and involves them in assessing themselves Assessment is central to classroom practice and is a key professional skill. Effective assessment establishes what a child knows, understands and can do and monitors and supports progress towards learning intentions. It informs the planning of future learning and enables a school to review the effectiveness of the curriculum and teaching..
ICT Assessment in Dorset Working Party developing materials to give practical guidance to teachers on recognising aspects of ICT capability in pupils – based on “Building a picture of what children can do …”
Yr 1/2 Questions to consider Context Exemplification What the practitioner might do Child’s description of what they did Can children use a variety of equipment to support their work in other subject areas? Use images, sounds to help develop their ideas. PE/ dance sessions. Children used digital blue to capture their penguin /polar bear dance. Short video clips of dance in progress. Use to watch together and talk about good points/ways of improving their work in PE and also improve video taken. When viewing draw attention to speed/ camera wobble. Encourage children to stand still when filming, switch off-then move. Encourage to ‘pan’ slowly. Support/remind next time camera used. Ask TA to use camera during another session. It was great we used the camera- so we could look at our dance. It was a bit shaky. You need to stand still, but just move it round.
Yr 1/2 As above Literacy- With help from adult children select pictures from website and print out. They use pictures to add to books they are making about the Antarctic or polar bears. Children’s books (see image1, image2, image3 Encourage children to look at variety of pictures, read simple text with help. Use icons to move around website, decide which picture they would like before printing. I am pleased with my book. I found out lots. I like the pictures.
Finlay Year One. Uses text, images, and sound to help share ideas. Evidence. Finlay has used 2simple to paint to create and modify pictures. 2 create a story. Finlay was able to word process, use drawing tools and simple animation tools to add effect to his work. Link to story. He was able to save his work under his initials and then retrieve it to complete it at a later date. Finlay was able to select and with support print out pictures to add to his own information text. Finlay is able with support to use the photocopier to save work that he has done on a whiteboard. Link to pictures. Able to write and send e mail with support. (saved in drafts and then edited-with support) Use tape recorder to record role play/story telling. Played back to listen to recording.
ICT in use to record progress and give feedback Digital Blue camera Sound recording Scanner Digital record of word processed work Use of hyperlinks to link to exemplification Screen capture and simultaneous voice recording
Yr 3/4
Yr 3/4
Year 6
Yr 5/6