Pat Adams Regional Manager Scotts Valley, CA Mastering Promotions Pat Adams Regional Manager Scotts Valley, CA
A recording of this webinar will be available at A phone recording will be available at 1-712-432-0453 PIN 5889256 (not a toll-free call) Recordings available 9/13
Type in Your Questions!
New Business Topic Everyday! Monday, Sept. 9th ‒ Julie DeVisser (Recording) Mentor Like you Mean It! Tuesday, Sept. 10th ‒ Lynda Hammons (Recording) Pure Sunshine: NSP’s Uncompromising Quality it Your Competitive Advantage Wednesday, Sept. 11th ‒ Mary Ward(Recording) Do You Use and Education Station? Friday, Sept. 13th ‒ LaDonna Frantz How I Gave Myself a Raise!
2 Free Shipping Certificates!
Giveaway Winners Please Contact: Shandi Hatfield 801-341-7205
Leaders Conference 2013 Inspire to Lead Oct. 9 – 12, 2013 Las Vegas, Nevada
Expand your influence and elevate your team with an unprecedented all-star speaker line-up Look What’s in store for you at this year’s Leaders Conference!
Register NOW for the Best Prices Bring a manager friend and save even more! Develop yourself and your team Register by Full Participant (single) Bring a Buddy (Price for 2) First-Time Attendee (single) Sept. 13 $200 $350 $150 Oct. 4 $250 $450
Dr. Matt Tripp Meet Dr. Matt Tripp, NSP’s new Chief Scientific Officer, and learn how NSP leads the industry with a unique blend of superior science and herbalism.
National Convention 2014 March 26—29, 2014 Cincinnati, OH
Dr. Mark Hyman Passionate advocate for resolving the root cause of chronic illness through whole-systems approach, Functional Medicine Medical Editor for the Huffington Post On Medical Advisory Board to the Dr. Oz Show
Come to National Convention 2014 and Discover the New Transformational Power of Nature’s Sunshine Bring your entire group for: New Breakthrough Products Best-in-Class Speakers New Duplicable Business Systems New Internet Tools Convenient location Much More!
Patricia Adams, BS, CNC, NHC, NE Regional Manger, CA Board-Certified in Holistic Nutrition Bachelor of Science, Clinical Nutrition Certified Nutritional Consultant Nutrition Educator Doctor of Naturopathy Instructor Bio
I Use NSP Promotions to…. Increase Sales Promote Sponsoring Build and Retain Managers And YOU can too!
Increase Sales Don’t assume your group has already seen the promotion Own it Send it from you, their contact/mentor/friend Jazz it up Re-name it Make the subject line exciting
Marketing the Promotion Use words such as… New Truths Now Today only or Secrets “Look what if found!”
Use the numbers 3, 5, 7, 9 Examples: Three ways to boost your immune system Nine ways to save Five ways to impress your friends
Add Personal Experience Examples: I like to use this product for ____________ My son loves this product when he feels_____ You’ll see the most benefit when you’re excited!
What If I Don’t Have a Story? Find one: The Little Herb Encyclopedia The Comprehensive Guide to Nature’s Sunshine Products Google Search Keep it short- a small paragraph per item Large sales, just focus on the 3 or 5 products you like best/ have the most experience with/ are most comfortable sharing
How Do I Order? Make sure to teach people how they can order: Your MyNSP website to sign up as a new member with their account number and PIN Order Sales at 1-800-453-1422 with their account number
Promote Sponsoring When the promotion is about sponsoring it’s simple, share the promotion with… Everyone in your group who has EVER signed someone up Everyone who has referred someone to you to sign-up I follow up these emails with a phone call to managers
Customize the Message Make the subject line interesting Use testimonials specific to sponsoring Point out someone who really benefited Now they can buy wholesale! Last I heard, she got her whole office cleansing!
Use a Strong Tagline Never miss an opportunity to share! You don’t know whose life you will change You friends will love this too! So don’t keep the good news to yourself It’s easy to let your friends in on this! Who do you know that could use this help?
Always Mention the Business Opportunity If you don’t, someone else will Daily we lose members to other “wonderful opportunities” Which are never as good as Nature’s Sunshine! I learned this the hard way when my own son got recruited!
Build and Retain Managers People feel important when you include them in your ‘inner circle’ Let them know they’re ‘in’ You care enough about them to include them
Build and Retain Managers Let your group know they’re on your ‘team’ and there’s a great new promo for them to share with ‘their people’ Usually managers get an additional phone call, especially when they’re close to breaking out They can use the promo to help
How Do I Introduce the Business Opportunity to Potential Managers? Examples: You’ll be the ______ specialist when you’re over this! I can’t wait to send you people, let me know when you’re ready! I wonder if your friends would like to have a class?
How Do I Introduce the Business Opportunity to Potential Managers? You’ve referred so many people, how can I help you? Won’t it be great when you have a Nature’s Sunshine Store? (In their home town, Maui, etc.)
Summary Use the NSP promotions as a way to reach your group Via email- free and fast Via telephone- low cost Via postcard- works best for reminders, takes too long for a promo
Summary (continued) Don’t assume they already know… About the promotions How to share/sign- up a new member
Summary (continued) We need to see things multiple times to ‘get it’ Your personal contact is a great way Do it every time, on every promo
Summary (continued) Let your excitement show About the products About your group, ‘inner circle’ About your own Nature’s Sunshine experience!
Keep in touch with your people or someone else will! Thank you!
Let’s Answer Some Questions!
Doug Corrigan, Director of Field Marketing I-Inspire Doug Corrigan, Director of Field Marketing
What is I-Inspire A Celebration of Sharing… The Transformational Power of NSP April 1- January 31, 2014 Goal: Inspire more Sponsoring Retention Sunshine Rewards Manager Development
Something for Virtually Everyone For Builders The Grand Prize (Cruise) For Everyone Who Shares Achiever Awards (Product, Prizes, Recognition)
I-Inspire Grand Prize- Cruise Top150 point earners receive a 7-day Cruise! Plus, additional Cash & Prizes
Simple Eligibility Requirements Be at least a Manager (non-pending status) on January 31, 2014 Maintain or exceed your Group Qualification Volume (“GQV”) for the period of April 1, 2013 through January 31, 2014 (the “Qualification Period QV”) against the “Base” period (April 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013). Manager count as of January 31, 2014 can be no less than your Manager count (if any) as of March 31, 2013.
I-Inspire Cruise Sponsor Two New Members in any month and you could win a 7-day cruise!
I-Inspire Cruise Now it the time to make your move! Three Mega Bonus point offers make it possible to catch-up and take massive steps towards winning the 7-day Caribbean cruise!
View Your I-Inspire Points The I-Inspire Leader Board
Offer 1: Be a TOP Monthly Point Earner Be a TOP point earner in September and receive up to 200 bonus points. Top 1-150 in September receive a 200 point bonus 151-300 in September receive a 100 point bonus
Offer 2: Earn TRIPLE Points During September you earn TRIPLE points for SmartStart Sponsoring Example: Jessica sponsors 3 new members who each purchase 100-300 QV on their sign-up order. Jessica will receive TRIPLE points or 45 total I-Inspire points (instead of 15 pts..)
Offer 2: Earn TRIPLE Points Continued… Earn TRIPLE points when you become a new Manager in September for the 1st time. That is 240 points!
DOUBLE I-Inspire Points in September!
Offer 3: Earn DOUBLE Points For all other building activities in September!
Currently has 200 points, #1148 in Contest How could she get on-board Currently has 200 points, #1148 in Contest How could she get on-board? September Activity: 2 SmartStart 3X = 30 points 1 New Sunshine Rewards 2X= 40 pts. 3 Enrollments2X = 6 points 1 Existing Member Sunshine Rewards2X= 20 points 6 Repeat orders(2 SR 4 regular) 2X =48 points Breaks out as New Manager3X=240 points Months Total = 584 points, places # 67 September Top 150 = 200 Bonus points New Total = 784 points enrolled in May and by averaging between 6-700 GQV the last two months is already an aspiring manager. She wants badly to go on the cruise but despite a great start she is currently ranked just off the leaderboard. She thinks it may be t in your group sponsored two new members in September.
I-Inspire Achiever Rewards Share a little more…
First Time Sponsors First Time Sponsor Receive I-Inspire Sunglasses Their Future Really is Bright with Sunshine!
HOPE Award Receive this award when you sponsor 3 new Members in a given month June –January, 2014.
What You Receive The HOPE token, and choose a necklace or key chain A FREE bottle of “Open Heart”, one of NSP’s flower essences formulas
The Health Award Receive this award when you reach your individualized sponsoring goal between August 1 and October 31 2013
Let’s Answer Some Questions!
Success Week Specials Available September 9-14 $1 – 3 off individuals bottles, buy 4 get 1 free and buy 9 get 3 free! Blood Pressurex Mega-Chel ALJ (100 caps.) Co-Q10 (50 mg) Nutri-Calm (100 tabs.) Super Trio Vitamin D3 Paw-Paw Cell Reg
CurcuminBP Promotion Sept. 1-30 $3 Off Promo #17591-4 $36.95 Buy 4 get 1 Free Promo #17452-8 $159.80 Buy 9 get 3 Free Promo #17445-1 $359.55
CurcuminBP Promotion Sept. 1-30 Purchase one set of CurcuminBP buy 9 get 3 free and receive a free set of marketing materials! 1 – 18 x 24 poster 1 countertop caddy 2 shelf talkers 50 flyers 50 coupons 50 information cards w/ acrylic stand
Product Giveaways!
Product Credit Giveaways! $50 $100
Giveaway Winners Please Contact: Shandi Hatfield 801-341-7205
Thank you for Participating! Join us tomorrow for How I Gave Myself a Raise! By LaDonna Frantz