Havering Council Budget & Council Tax 2016/17 Presented by Cllr Clarence Barrett Cabinet Member for Financial Management, ICT (Client) and Transformation Upminster & Cranham Residents’ Association February 2017
The Council’s Revenue Budget Net Expenditure £’m Planning & Regeneration 2 StreetCare 17 Education 39 Environmental Health 3 Culture & Leisure 11 Social Care 63 Other (inc £14.42m Levies) 28 Total 163 Levies £’m East London Waste 13.67 Environment Agency 0.20 Lee Valley 0.24 London Pensions (ex GLC) 0.31 Total 14.42 Funded by £’m Central Government Grant 30 Business Rates 21 Top-up grant for Business Rates 9 Surplus on Collection Fund 2 Council Tax 101 Total 163
Capital Expenditure Capital expenditure is different to revenue expenditure as follows: Revenue is the day to day expenditure of running the Council (£163m above) and is funded by council tax, fees & charges, revenue grants and business rates Capital is money spent on creating or improving long term assets. For example building or improving a library or sports centre. It is not the day to day running and is usually funded through borrowing or capital grants For 2017/18 there is £11.9m set aside for Capital Works (excluding schools) Includes £2m for Highways, £1m for ICT, £510k for parks and £300k for disabled facility grants
Background Overall increase over five years = 2.5% COUNCIL TAX IN HAVERING Band D Average £ 2011/12 1,505 2012/13 1,502 2013/14 1,498 2014/15 1,494 2015/16 1,514 2016/17 1,543 Overall increase over five years = 2.5% 2% Adult Social Care Precept included from 2016/17 Central Government Grant will reduce to £1.4m by 2019/20 (96% reduction) Since 2010, the Council have made £100m of savings Proposed increase for 2017/18, including Adult Social Care Precept and the Mayor of London, is 3.5%
What is our council tax spent? A weekly breakdown…
How we compare…
How we compare…
How we compare…
The Future? The demands on Social Care will grow, but the budgets are reducing – it needs proper funding and not expect council tax payers to make up the difference From 2020 councils will retain all business rates but receive no grant From 2020 additional responsibilities, such as Public Health, Skills and Training will go to councils (but what about the funding?) The estimated budget gap up to 2020 is £9m Waste disposal costs are increasing year on year, for 2017/18 the waste levy increases by a further £1.3m to £15m Your councillors will do all they can to control demand, manage expectations and provide value for money with the resources at their disposal, but there is no magic potion!