Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)


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Presentation transcript:

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Infrastructure/Additional Cost Agreements amongst Required Partners

WIOA Overview First update to federal workforce law in 16 years Replaces Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Bicameral, bipartisan support – nearly unanimous vote Six year life: 2015-2020 Four Titles (Core Programs) Title I: Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Employment and Training Activities Title II: Adult Education and Literacy Title III: Wagner-Peyser Employment Services Title IV: Vocational Rehabilitation

Federal Oversight of Core Programs Department of Labor Title I: Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Employment and Training Activities Title III: Wagner-Peyser Employment services Department of Education Title II: Adult Education and Literacy Title IV: Vocational Rehabilitation services

State Oversight of Core Programs Dept. of Workforce Development (DWD) Title I: Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Employment and Training activities Title II: Adult Education and Literacy Title III: Wagner-Peyser Employment services Family & Social Services (DDRS) Title IV: Vocational Rehabilitation services -Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services -Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS), a program of the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS), provides quality individualized services to enhance and support people with disabilities to prepare for, obtain or retain employment.

Other Required Partners TANF Education and Training programs Other Title I Programs: Job Corps, Youth Build, and Native American Programs, National Farmworker Jobs Program Older Americans Act, Title V Programs (SCSCEP) Career and Technical Education programs at the postsecondary level authorized by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act Employment and training activities carried out under the Community Services Block Grant Act Employment and training activities carried out by the Department of Housing and Urban Development Second Chance Act Section 212 programs Any other additional partners the local workforce board wishes to include in its region Additional programs and entities that carry out activities as part of the one-stop delivery system may be included as one-stop partners with the approval of the local board and chief elected official. All partners, including additional partners, must be identified in the IFA within the local one-stop delivery system MOU.

One-Stop Centers In Indiana, One-Stop Centers are branded as “WorkOne Centers” Three Types: Comprehensive Center Affiliate Center Specialized Centers

Comprehensive One-Stop Center A comprehensive one-stop center is a physical location where job seeker and employer customers can access the programs, services, and activities of all required one-stop partners. A comprehensive one-stop center must have at least one title I staff person physically present. The comprehensive one-stop center must provide: Career services, described in § 678.430; Access to training services described in § 680.200 of this chapter; Access to any employment and training activities carried out under sec. 134(d) of WIOA; Access to programs and activities carried out by one-stop partners listed in §§ 678.400 through 678.410, including the Employment Service program authorized under the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended by WIOA title III (Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service program); and Workforce and labor market information. Customers must have access to these programs, services, and activities during regular business days at a comprehensive one-stop center. The Local Workforce Development Board (WDB) may establish other service hours at other times to accommodate the schedules of individuals who work on regular business days. The State WDB will evaluate the hours of access to service as part of the evaluation of effectiveness in the one-stop certification process described in § 678.800(b).

Affiliate One-Stop Center An affiliate one-stop center, is a site that makes available to job seeker and employer customers one or more of the one-stop partners’ programs, services, and activities. An affiliated site does not need to provide access to every required one-stop partner program. The frequency of program staff’s physical presence in the affiliated site will be determined at the local level. Affiliated sites are access points in addition to the comprehensive one-stop center(s) in each local area. If used by local areas as a part of the service delivery strategy, affiliate sites must be implemented in a manner that supplements and enhances customer access to services. A center owned and/or operated by the local WDB with one or more partners.

Specialized One-Stop Center Specialized centers address specific needs, including those of dislocated workers, youth, or key industry sectors, or clusters.

Partner Roles and Responsibilities Each required partner must: Provide access to its programs or activities through the one-stop delivery system, in addition to any other appropriate locations; Enter into an MOU with the local board relating to the operation of the one-stop system; Use a portion of funds made available to the partner's program (to the extent consistent with the Federal law authorizing the partner's program and with Federal cost principles) to provide applicable career services; “Access” is defined as: Having a program staff member physically present at the one-stop center; Having a staff member from a different partner program physically present at the one-stop center appropriately trained to provide information to customers about the programs, services, and activities available through partner programs; or Making available a direct linkage through technology to program staff who can provide meaningful information or services. A ‘‘direct linkage’’ means providing direct connection at the one-stop center, within a reasonable time, by phone or through a real-time Web-based communication to a program staff member who can provide program information or services to the customer. A ‘‘direct linkage’’ cannot exclusively be providing a phone number or computer Web site or providing information, pamphlets, or materials.

Partner Roles and Responsibilities Cont. Work collaboratively with the State and local boards to establish and maintain the one-stop delivery system. This includes jointly funding the one-stop infrastructure through partner contributions that are based upon: A reasonable cost allocation methodology by which cash or in-kind infrastructure costs are contributed by each partner in proportion to the relative benefits of their participation; Federal cost principles; and Any local administrative cost requirements in the Federal law authorizing the partner’s program. Participate in the operation of the one-stop system consistent with the terms of the MOU, requirements of authorizing laws, the Federal cost principles, and all other applicable legal requirements; and Provide representation on the State and local workforce development boards as required and participate in board committees as needed.

MOU Requirements Each core and required partner/program existing in a local area must enter into an MOU with the local workforce development board. The board will convene these discussions (and likely already have). The MOUs will contain the following: Collective Mission of the Partners Description of Services to be provided through the one-stop delivery system Methods for referring individuals between partners Methods to ensure the needs of workers, youth, and individuals with barriers to employment have access to services Infrastructure and Shared Cost agreement as an attachment to the MOU (beginning in Program Year 2017 – July 1-June 30) Duration of MOU Assurance that MOU will be reviewed no less than once every 3 years

Infrastructure and Additional Cost Agreements Beginning in PY17, the local board shall have an infrastructure and shared costs agreement in place with each partner and attached to the MOU. Required Content for these agreements: The effective time period The infrastructure and shared services budget The name of the required one-stop partner entering into the agreement The chief elected official in the local area The WDB entering into the agreement A description of the periodic review and reconciliation process   to ensure equitable benefit among partners The steps the local workforce development board, chief elected officials, and required one-stop partners used to reach consensus (or an assurance that the local area followed the state guidance)

Infrastructure and Additional Costs Agreements Definition of infrastructure costs: Non-personnel costs necessary for the general operation of the one-stop center Examples Definition of Additional costs: additional costs related to the one-stop delivery system Infrastructure Examples: Facility rental Utilities and maintenance Equipment (including assessment–related products and assistive technology for individuals with disabilities) Technology to facilitate access to the one-stop center, including technology used for the center’s planning and outreach activities Common identifier costs, such as the cost of signage for one-stop centers Additional Costs Examples: Delivery of Career Services Initial intake Assessment of needs Appraisal of basic skills Referrals Business services WDB functions Additional costs relating to the operation of the one-stop delivery system that are not paid from funds provided for infrastructure costs

Infrastructure and Additional Costs Agreements Can be funding through: Cash Non-cash third-party in-kind contributions Can include funding from: Philanthropic organization Other private entities Other alternative financing options

Infrastructure and Additional Costs Agreements Calculating Costs: Costs must be based on each partners “proportional use relative to the benefit received” Partners proportional share must be calculated in accordance with Federal Uniform Guidance Based upon a reasonable cost allocation methodology Partners square footage footprint within WorkOne Number of full time employees available to a WorkOne Number of clients served by the partner within the WorkOne Combination of all of the above

Infrastructure and Additional Costs Agreements Impasse: If parties cannot reach agreement, the Governor must administer the State funding formula to determine all one-stop partner’s appropriate share. Do not want this to occur. Want to be sure have a framework in place for folks to negotiate.

Infrastructure and Additional Costs Negotiation Process Phase Timeline One: Information Gathering March 1 – March 31 Two: State Partner Budget Review No later than April 21 Three: State Negotiations (Initial) April 24 – May 12 Four: Local Negotiations (Initial) No later than June 12 Time for Additional Negotiations (if needed) Five: Signatures No later than July 1 Six: Contract Execution Varies

Adult Education Negotiation What does this mean for existing and future Adult Education providers? Existing Providers: current funding agreements (if any) will remain in effect until PY17. Future Providers: As of PY17, all providers awarded grants to provide services in a local area will be required to enter into the local MOU and funding agreements for infrastructure and additional costs. Due to the potential lapse in time between the start of PY17 and the provider contracts being executed, Marilyn Pitzulo, DWD Associate Chief Operating Officer for Adult Education, will enter into initial negotiations with the local WDBs on behalf of providers. Once the provider contracts have been executed, the providers will need to negotiate and sign these agreements.

Adult Education Negotiation Funds used to pay for Infrastructure Costs: Adult Education providers must use local Administrative Funds to pay for infrastructure costs.

Thank you! Questions?