Tsunami Seismic Sea Wave
The Facts about December 26th A great earthquake occurred at 6:58 a.m. on Sunday, 26 December 2004. The magnitude 9.0 quake was located near Northern Sumatra This is the fourth largest earthquake in the world since 1900 and is the largest since the 1964 Prince William Sound, Alaska earthquake. The earthquake moved crust about 10m
Historical Seismic Activity
At Sumatra, the Indian plate was subducted beneath the Burma plate Page 5 of ESRT At Sumatra, the Indian plate was subducted beneath the Burma plate The relative motion of the two plates has been 6cm/yr.
Earthquakes cause waves in the water! Tsunami!
What is a tsunami? From the Japanese word tsunami meaning "harbor wave” and are technically called “Seismic Sea Waves” Often mistakenly called "tidal waves” They have nothing to do with tidal action! Seismic sea waves caused by earthquakes or submarine landslides
Past Tsunamis
A section of the northern shore of Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, pre- and post-tsunami (by Digital Globe)
A section of the northern shore of Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, pre- and post-tsunami (by Digital Globe)
Tsunamis grow as they approach shore. No one notices them at sea Tsunamis grow as they approach shore! No one notices them at sea! Tsunamis can happen anywhere (especially around the ring of fire) Japan Tsunami Video Tsunami Ship View Video Nat. Geo Tsunamis
Tsunamis – “Tidal Wave” Tsunami - a large water wave caused by an under sea earthquake. When an earthquake jolts the ocean floor, plate movement causes the ocean floor to rise slightly and push water out of its way. Tsunamis
Earthquakes cause water to move!
A section of the northern shore of Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, pre- and post-tsunami (by Digital Globe)
Links for more information on this event www.NYTimes.com USGS Sundra Trench Earthquake and Aftershock Map at http://www.oceansonline.com/sunda_trench_earthquake.pdf Tectonic Summary of Sumatra Earthquake, http://www.oceansonline.com/Tectonic%20Summary%20USGS.pdf 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake graphic http://www.oceansonline.com/images/745px-Harta_Ocean_Indian_Quake.png Tsunami Great Waves, http://www.oceansonline.com/great_waves_en_2002.pdf Dr. C’s Remarkable Ocean World http://www.oceansonline.com/tsunami2004.htm
Tsunami waves are sent out radially from the point of thrust. A tsunami wave can travel enormous distances. The Dec. 26th tsunami eventually made its way to the pacific ocean and noticeably affected the sea on the west coast of the US.