Asymptotic Notations Dr. Munesh Singh
Problem generalization
Asymptotic Notations O notation- (Worst case complexity of an algorithm) Ω notation-(Best case complexity of an algorithm) Θ notation –(Average case complexity of algorithm)
Few series Linear Series (Arithmetic Series): For n 0, Quadratic Series: For n 0,
Few series [cont..] Cubic Series: For n 0, Geometric Series: For real x 1, For |x| < 1,
Few Series [cont..] Linear-Geometric Series: For n 0, real c 1, Harmonic Series: nth harmonic number, nI+,
How to calculate complexity Normally the time complexity with worst case is important. If the time complexity of worst case (Big O) ==best case (Big omega) then average case (Big-theta) complexity we evaluate If the loops are independent then multiplication of this gives complexity A() { int i; for (i=1 to n) % n times loop is running for (j=1 to n) % n times loop is running pf(“ravi”); } Time Complexity= n x n , then O(n^2)
How to calculate (cont.…) If the loops are depended on each other than we have to enrol it. And calculate the complexity based on last loop or calculation i.e. A() Unroll { int i=1, s=1; while (s<=n) s: 1 3 6 10 15 21 { i: 1 2 3 4 5 6 i++; s=s+i; pf(“ravi”); }
How to calculate (cont.…) This iteration is not going linear incremental So, we assume after k iteration the loop get completed See the pattern of increment of s, and select the appropriate series Here, the S pattern of increment is sum of first two natural number for k iteration. Hence, k(k+1)/2 After k iteration, the value of s is increased beyond n and condition gets terminated the looping. So k(k+1)/2>n k^2+k=2n k= O(√n)
Types of Algorithm Algorithm Iterative Recursive A() A(n) { { for i=1 to n max(a,b) } A(n) { If () A(n/2) }
Examples A() { Int i; for (i=1 to n) % calculate the number of time a loop execute Pf(“ravi”); } What will be the complexity of this algorithm Time complexity= O(n)
Example 3 Find out the time complexity…….. A() { Int i=1; for( i=1, i^2<=n, i++) %calculate the number of times a loop runs Pf(“ravi”) } Time complexity = O(√n) = = Ω(√n) == ø(√n)
Example 2 A() { int i; for(i=1 to n) % calculate the number of time a loop for(j=1 to n) % calculate the number of time a loop pf(“ravi”); } What will be the time complexity Time complexity=O(n^2)
Example 4 A() Unroll it int i,j,k,n for(i=1,i<=n,i++) i= { j= for(j=1,j<=i,j++) k= { for(k=1,k<=100,k++) loops are dependent { =1x100+2x100+3x300+--------nx100 pf(“ravi”); = 100(1+2+3+-------------------n) } = 100x (n(n+1)/2) Time complexity = O(n^2) } 1 2 3 ------- n 1 t 2 t 3 t -------- n t 1x100 2x100 3x100 --------- nx100
Example 5 A() i= { j= int i, j, k, n k= for (i=1, i<=n, i++) { for (j=1, j<=i^2; j++) Time complexity for (k=1, k<=n/2, k++) = n/2(1+4+9+16+------------+n^2) { = n/2(n(n+1)(2n+1)/6) = O(n^4) pf(“ravi”) } 1 2 3 --------- n 1 t 4 t 9 t n^2 1xn/2 4xn/2 9xn/2 n^2xn/2
Example 6 A() { for(i=1,i<n,i=i*2) Pf(“ravi”) } Tell me Sequential increment or non sequential increment Dependent or independent If non-linear we will use k times iteration to solve the complexity
Unroll it i = 1 2^0 i= 2 2^1 i= 4 2^2 i= 8 2^3 i=16 2^4 i=k 2^k > In terms of n, we have to calculate the complexity. > When I values reaches to n then 2^k is equal to n 2^k=n K= log(n) base 2 because increment is by 2 =O(log2(n))
EXAMPLE 6 A() { Int i, j, k; for(i=n/2, i<=n,i++) run -> n/2 for(j=1,j<=n/2,j++) runs-> n/2 for (k=1,k<=n; k=k*2) runs-> log2(n) pf(“ravi”) } Calculate the time complexity Hence, the time complexity will be multiple because loops are independent n/2xn/2x1og2(n) = O(n^2log2(n))
Example 7 A() { int i, j, k; for (i=n/2, i<=n, i++) runs = n/2 for(j=1;j<=n;j=2*j) runs = log2n for(k=1, k<=n,k=k*2) runs = log2n pf(“ravi”); } All the loops are independent so Time complexity= n/2*log2n*log2n
Example 8 A() { for(i=1, i<=n, i++) i =1 2 3 -----k-------- n for(j=1, j<=n, j=j+i) j= 1 to n 1 to n 1 to n-----1 to n---1 to n pf(“ravi”) n n/2 n/3……..n/k……n/n } Hence, the time complexity will be. =n(1+1/2+1/3+1/4+----1/k+…+1/n) =n(logn) =O(nlogn)
Example 9 A() int 2^2^k; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { J=2; while(j<=n) j=j^2 Pf(“ravi”); } So in terms of n what will be the result. N=2^2^k=log2(n)=2^k= loglog2(n)=k Substitute in equation =O(n*(loglog2(n)) k=1 k=2 K=3 K=k n=4 n=16 n=256 N=2^k J=2 to 4 J=2,4,16 J=2,4,16,24 J=2,4,16,k n*2t n*3 n*4 n*(k+1)
Example 10 A() { int i, count=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) i=0 1 2……..n for(j=0;j<i;j++) j=0 1 2………n Count++ } Hence, the time complexity will be the sum of the first two natural number… =0+1+2+3+4………..+n =n(n-1)/2 O(n^2)
Example 11 A() { int count = 0,i,j; for (i = N; i > 0; i /= 2) for ( j = 0; j < i; j++) count++; } i=N N/2 N/4………N/N J=N N/2 N/4………N/N Hence… =N(1+1/2+1/3+1/4+…………+1/N) =N*logN O(NlogN)
Example 12 // Here c is a constant A() { for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) Pf(“deepa”); } As c is constant the time complexity will be constant =O(1)
Example 13 A() { Int Count=0; for (int i = n; i > 0; i -= c) } Time complexity will be O(n)
Example 14 1) int x = 0; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) x += i + j 2) int x = 0; for (int j = i; j < 100; j++) x += i + j; 3) int x = 0; for (int j = n; j > i; j /= 3)
Examples 15 for (int i = 1; i < n * n; i++) 4) int x = 0; for (int i = 1; i < n * n; i++) for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) x += i + j;
Recursive Algorithm The recursive algorithm in which function call itself and make the looping scenario to execute the problem. Take an example A(n) { If() return (A(n/2)+A(n/2)) } The recursive expression for above algorithm will be T(n)=C+2T(n/2)
Complexity analysis for Recursive Algo Example A() { If(n>1) return(n-1) } Recursive expression T(n)=C+T(n-1) n>1 T(n) =1 n=0 To solve it, we use back substitution method
Back substitution T(n)=1+T(n-1)--------(1) T(n-1)=1+T(n-1-1) Substitute the eq (2) in eq(1) T(n)=1+1+T(n-2) T(n)=2+T(n-2) ----------------(4) Substitute the eq(3) in eq(4) T(n)=2+1+T(n-3) T(n)=3+T(n-3)……………………..T(n)=K+T(n-K) in terms on n the complexity n-k=1 K=n-1; T(n)=n-1+T(1) T(n)=n-1+1 T(n)=O(n)
Example 2 T(n)=n+T(n-1), n>1-------------(1) 1 , n=1 Substitute the eq(2) in eq(1) T(n)=n+n-1+T(n-2)-------------(4) Substitute the eq(3) in eq(4) T(n)=n+n-1+n-2+T(n-3) T(n)=n+n-1+n-2+T(n-k)----------T(n-k+1) n-k+1=1 K=n-2 n+n-1+n-2+……+2+1 n(n+1)/2 O(n^2)