What is the difference between the Ring of Fire and a hot spot? Compare and contrast the 3 types of volcanoes. Describe at least 4 volcano hazards. Compare volcanoes that form at divergent boundaries to those that form at convergent boundaries.
Vocabulary Ring of Fire A major belt of volcanoes that ring the outer edge of the Pacific Ocean.
Vocabulary Ring of Fire A major belt of volcanoes that ring the outer edge of the Pacific Ocean.
Vocabulary hot spot An area where magma from deep within the mantle melts through the crust above it. Hot spot volcanoes can form at plate boundaries or in the middle of tectonic plates.
Vocabulary hot spot An area where magma from deep within the mantle melts through the crust above it. Hot spot volcanoes can form at plate boundaries or in the middle of tectonic plates.
Vocabulary active volcano A volcano that is currently erupting or likely to erupt again.
Vocabulary active volcano A volcano that is currently erupting or likely to erupt again.
Vocabulary dormant volcano A volcano that is not currently active, but may become active in the future.
Vocabulary dormant volcano A volcano that is not currently active, but may become active in the future.
Vocabulary extinct volcano A volcano that is no longer active and is unlikely to erupt ever again.
Vocabulary extinct volcano A volcano that is no longer active and is unlikely to erupt ever again.
Notes: Volcanoes Volcanoes can be classified as constructive OR deconstructve. Explosive volcanoes usually shrink in size. Nonexplosive volcanoes usually grow. Magma that contains more silica will create an explosive volcano – the silica makes the magma thicker, so it does not flow easily.
Notes: Volcanoes Volcano hazards: lava ash rock lava bomb sulfur dioxide lahar pyroclastic flow Other important terms: Crater – funnel shaped pit Caldera – material is released, then volcano top collapses Magma chamber
Notes: Volcanoes at Plate Boundaries Diverging Boundaries Volcanoes form at mid-ocean ridges where magma pushes up between plates. Volcanoes form at diverging plate boundaries on land. Examples: Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Great Rift Valley
Notes: Volcanoes at Plate Boundaries Converging Boundaries Volcanoes form where two oceanic plates collide. A subduction zone is formed and the material from the melted plate rises, forming a volcano on the ocean floor. Volcanoes form where an oceanic plate is subducted beneath a continental plate. The material from the melted plate rises, forming mountains and volcanoes on land. Examples: Andes Mts. and island arcs in Japan