Welcome to Sophomore parent information night!
Who’s Who?? Dr. Cooper, Principal Mr. Maoury, Assistant Principal Class of 2019
Your School Counselors Mrs. Caitlin Hawkins (A – Di) Mrs. Karen Virtue (Hp – Mila) Mrs. Beth Shive (Dj – Ho) chawkins@boyertownasd.org kvirtue@boyertownasd.org bshive@boyertownasd.org
Your school counselors (cont’d) Ms. Sandra Gallagher (Milb - Sc) Mrs. Christy Greener (Sd - Z) cgreener@boyertownasd.org sgallagher@boyertownasd.org
Counseling Clerical staff Mrs. Tracy Ali – School Counseling Secretary tali@boyertownasd.org Mrs. Michelle Bright – Career Assistant (everything Career Cruising) mbright@boyertownasd.org
Counseling office resources Career Reference Materials Military Reference Materials 2-year College/Technical School Reference Materials 4-year College Reference Materials Test Taking Strategy Books (SAT, ACT, ASVAB, etc.) Financial Aid/Scholarship Books & Resources Desktop computers for students to access Career Cruising/Career Portfolio *All materials are available to be checked out via Mrs. Bright between the hours of 7:30am – 3:30pm*
Services your counselor can provide: Academic Course-selection Graduation requirements Personal Social/Emotional Career Post-Secondary Planning School to Work Job/College References Much more!!
Graduation requirements High School began in 9th grade! 24 credits to graduate (9th – 12th grade) 4 years of English, Math, Social Studies, Physical Education 3 years of Science 2 years of Health (10th & 11th) Variety of Electives to bring the total to 24 Also… Career Portfolio (non-BCTC students) Senior Project (BCTC students)
Career Portfolio (non-BCTC students) 9th Grade Requirements Building a Resume Career Matchmaker 10th grade requirements Business Visit & Reflective Essay (BBEC) Digital Driver’s License (DDL) Career Matchmaker/Career Chart 11th grade requirements Job Shadow 12th grade requirements Senior Presentation (Early Fall)
BCTC/BASH Senior project Requirements: Satisfactory completion of a culminating project that relates to the student’s shop at the Career & Technology Center. Coordinated and approved by BCTC Instructor. BASH Counselor signature is required on the student’s approval form. Typically presented in the Spring of a student’s Senior Year. In some cases, it can be completed Junior Year. Digital Driver’s License (DDL)
Standardized testing Pre-ACT Practice test for the ACT. This test is given to all sophomores on Monday November 21st (early dismissal day). PSAT Practice test for the SAT. This test is given to all juniors and any sophomores who signed-up in Spring 2016. It is given Wednesday October 19th. Keystones Required state exams in ALGEBRA, BIOLOGY & ENGLISH LITERATURE typically given in December (re-takes) and May. Students must prove Proficient or better on the Keystones to receive a diploma.
1:1 Initiative BASH has assigned over 500 laptops to 10th grade students this year. For assistance with laptop issues, students should visit the Student Help Desk attached to the IT offices, currently located in the Library. Students can also submit a ticket online if they are experiencing difficulties. The Student Help Desk is staffed by students who have earned their HP Certified Technician Certificate. Information regarding the 1:1 Initiative can be found at: http://www.boyertownasd.org/1to1
Communication is key! Student Email Accounts are vital! Students should check their school g-mail accounts weekly for updates and announcements – please encourage them as much as possible Home Access Center (HAC) Valuable communication tool used for sharing information with families You can register for this on our website Remind: Class of 2019 – Text @d6ge7 to 81010 School Counselors – Text @cg4f6 to 81010 Twitter: @BASDNEWS – Dr. Faidley @bcooper_BASH – Dr. Cooper @BASHELORS – School Counselors
Three short years from now…