Teaching Writing through the use of Anchor Papers and Mentor Texts Grades 6 – 12 Amanda Corley Dr. Michelle Olivares
Balanced Literacy Reading Word Study Writing Explicit Instruction All Three Components Everyday Explicit Instruction & Authentic Texts
Learning targets The teacher will be able to define writing anchor papers, score writing samples utilizing rubrics, and demonstrate how anchor papers will be utilized in the classroom. The teacher will be able to define Mentor Texts.
Rubrics Located at Georgia Department of Education (2014 & 2017) Aligned with GA Milestones Rubrics must be taught to students
Activity Each group will be assigned a different rubric to read (narrative, informational, argumentative). Highlight the relevant or teachable vocabulary on your assigned rubric. On a piece of chart paper, identify the following: How can students move from one level on the rubric to a higher level? What are some strategies we can use to get them there?
What are anchor papers? Anchor papers are examples of student work at different levels of performance that, along with rubrics, guide formative and summative assessments.
Providing guidelines for students Anchor papers can provide students with examples of the kind of work their teachers expect. Provide students examples of all levels of writing based on a rubric. Enable students to have a clear understanding of the writing that is expected.
Teaching students to self- and peer-assess Anchor papers enable students to self assess their own writing and the writings of others. Enable students to determine next steps in order to improve their writing. Challenge writers to become critical thinkers. “What am I missing?” “How can I make this better?” “How can I move my writing to the next level?”
Activity: Gallery Walk Read the writing samples. Use the argumentative rubric to score the writing samples. Focus on the Trait 1 Rubric. Assume there are no grammatical errors (Trait 2). Using the Post-it Notes, offer feedback (one glow and one grow) in the language of the rubric.
How could this activity be utilized in your classroom? Have students compare their writing samples to exemplars at each level. Have them use the use the bullets in the rubric as a guided checklist. Create a checklist using the bullets of the rubric. Allow students to peer edit using the rubrics. Ensure students understand the value of writing instruction. Any other suggestions?
Mentor Text A mentor text is any piece of writing that can be used to teach a writer about some aspect of a writer’s craft. The best mentor texts are those that can be used numerous times throughout the school year to demonstrate many different characteristics of a text. (ideas, structure, written craft)
Ways to use Mentor Text Idea: the text inspires the writer to create an original idea based on one from the text. (Idea) Structure: the text presents on organizational structure that the writer tries to emulate using original ideas. (Organization- sequence, description, cause and effect, compare/contrast, problem/solution) Written Craft: the author’s writing style, ways with words, or sentence structure inspires the writer to try out these techniques. (Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Conventions)
When you read like a writer you notice: Word choice Sentence structure Organization And…… What questions would you ask as a writer?
Choosing a Mentor Text Quality vs. Quantity Having the end in mind You have to love it! Worthy of rereading!
Questions to Consider Does the book provide examples of the kind of writing you want from your students? Can it be revisited multiple times for a number of purposes? Do you have a variety of genres that address diversity?
Resources Character Impressions http://writingfix.com/Literature_Prompts/Gatsby3.htm How to Use Mentor Text to Teach Writing http://www.ehow.com/how_8216119_use-mentor- texts-teach-writing.html Mentor Text for the Traits of Writing http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/article/mentor-texts- traits-writing Sample Mentor Texts to Teach Writing 9-12 http://www.ilwritingmatters.org/uploads/4/0/7/1/40712613/mentor_texts_for_writing_9-12.pdf Teach Mentor Texts http://www.teachmentortexts.com Teacher 2 Teacher – What are mentor texts? http://www.teacher2teacherhelp.com/writing- strategies/what-are-mentor-texts/ Teaching with Mentor Texts http://pinterest.com/nwilli/teaching-with-mentor-text/ Using Mentor Text to Teach Writing in Middle School https://www.vsra.org/2011confHandouts/Using%20Mentor%20Texts%20to%20Teach%20Writing% 20in%20Middle%20School.pdf
Review of Learning Targets The teacher will be able to define writing anchor papers, score writing samples utilizing rubrics, and demonstrate how anchor papers will be utilized in the classroom. The teacher will be able to define Mentor Texts.
Next Steps Think about what you learned today. What will be your next steps? Dr. Michelle Olivares olivami@boe.Richmond.k12.ga.us 706-826-1102 (RCBOE) 706-951-1473 Ms. Amanda Corley corleam@boe.Richmond.k12.ga.us 706-823-6900 (Laney High School) 706-836-8046