Important ideas to help you survive Test Taking Skills Important ideas to help you survive
1. Read the question. Basic skills for any test involve the taker REALLY reading the question. Look at the words – which words do you know for sure, and which ones can you figure out from context clues? If you don’t know a key word in a question, look at the answers for clues.
2. Use what you know. You aren’t going to know everything, but you can increase your chances of being right by using what you know and using context clues. Ex: “Jabberwocky” Look at prefixes and suffixes Look at root words
3. Form an answer in your mind. Come up with an answer on your own first, and then look at the answers given.
4. Eliminate any answers that cannot be correct. Use what you know along with the answer you formed before looking at what is given to eliminate what you know is wrong. You should be able to eliminate 1to 3 answers right away. Look at the answers left and determine which is the best answer.
6. Guess If you have used what you know formed an answer in your mind eliminated the answers that will not work and you still have no idea - guess. Your chances should be as good as 1 out of 2, or 1 out of 3.
Reading Passages Read the questions at the end of the passage to give you an idea of the information for which you are looking. Read the entire passage first. If possible, mark up the passage by underlining main ideas and important facts. Go back to the passage as often as possible to find the answer.
Analogies Create a sentence which defines the relationship between the first set of words. Use the exact same sentence but plug in the next set and the blank. Go through the answers and eliminate answers that cannot possibly be correct. Choose the best answer from the choices left. If you still have no idea, guess.
Math Skills Skim the test quickly. If it requires you to use any formulas that are not given, take time to jot down those formulas on your paper. When copying a problem onto a sheet of scratch paper, double-check the accuracy of your numbers before beginning your computation.
Draw pictures, graphs, or any visual aids that will help you better understand any problems - especially word problems. Underline or circle any negative words in the directions. (ex; EXCEPT, DO NOT, etc.) Review your work!!
Reading Charts and Graphs Look at the labels on the charts and graphs - sometimes a scale on one axis will provide a valuable clue. Read all graphs twice!!!! Think carefully about the meaning of the concepts used in the items. Pay attention to prefixes and suffixes.
Reading Charts and Graphs Look for the verbs in the questions. These will help focus your response. Draw or sketch out the question item. Often a question will become clear to you if you diagram the process, list what you know, and identify what you are to answer. When reading diagrams, follow the entire cycle to understand the process. Read diagrams twice!!!
Reading Charts and Graphs Use common sense and logic. Many times important clues are found in another question Many parts of tests assess how you use and think about what you know regarding a subject-- more than measuring facts you have memorized. BRAINSTORM using a concept map or outline as you begin to construct your response. Using this strategy will access your prior knowledge.
Reading Charts and Graphs Summary Read each question CAREFULLY. CHECK the verbs. CHECK all the parts of the question including the supporting graphs, charts diagrams, and informational reading. CHECK the data. CHECK the text. Understand the task.
On Test Day Get plenty of sleep the night before. Eat a good breakfast. Bring three sharpened pencils. Bring a book to read after you are finished.