Registration 2017-2018 On Slides You need to add your campus specific information.
Principal – Justin Barrett Assistant Principal (A-G) – Ashlee Ely Assistant Principal (H-O) – Brad Burleson Assistant Principal (P-Z) – Stephanie Savala Counselor (A-G) – Alyssa Aguillon Counselor (H-O) – Melissa Clayton Counselor (P-Z) – Natalie Johnson
Proud to be a Titan Athletics Art AVID Spanish Band STEM Choir PALS Theatre Clubs Cheer Virtual Courses
Counselors at ? are always happy to help in any way possible! Working Together Problem: Typical Chain Contact: “My child seems depressed.” Counselor “My child is failing/not doing well in a class.” Teacher-first line of contact, then counselor if needed. “My child’s schedule is wrong.” Counselor- through use of the counselor request form “My child is having a problem with a teacher.” Counselor-for adjustment problems or ideas on how to better communicate. Assistant Principal- for personnel issues once parent has spoken to the teacher. Counselors at ? are always happy to help in any way possible!
Middle school registration The registration form you receive is a reference sheet. During registration, your child will be given a “practice” registration form to assist them in selecting their courses. Course Guides outlining courses and their descriptions will be available online Parents and students should discuss options available and make decisions regarding course requests.
Middle School Course Guide
Pre-AP/GT Classes Pre-AP/GT classes are offered at the middle school to help students gain the “Edge” in college preparation by: Getting a head start on college level work Improving writing skills and problem-solving techniques Developing study habits necessary for handling rigorous course work
Pre-AP/GT vs. Academic Level More grade level, skills-based, comprehension-style homework. The student may require more guidance from the teacher. The student may need monitoring to ensure completion of assignments. Class discussions begin with a review of knowledge and move carefully toward understanding concepts. Testing involves more demonstration of skills and knowledge-style questioning. Pre-AP/GT More in-depth, application of grade level and extension-style homework. Requires more effort, attention, and skill Student must be able to work independently in & outside the classroom. The student is highly self-motivated to learn and achieve. Class discussions begin with the assumption that knowledge has been acquired independently and moves quickly to concepts. Testing involves more indirect application and drawing conclusion-style questioning.
Academic strengths/Areas of Giftedness Commitment to academics What Factors to Consider when Deciding about Enrolling in Pre-AP/GT Classes Academic strengths/Areas of Giftedness Commitment to academics Extracurricular activities Family support
Grade 7: Reading, Mathematics, Writing Grade 8: Reading, Mathematics*, Social Studies, Science *If a 7th or 8th Grade student is enrolled in Pre-AP Algebra I, he or she will take the Algebra I EOC exam
What do you see? What is your path? What makes you happy? Discuss with parents new opportunities for their students with HB5, Graduation requirements and new CTE center Michelle 23-38 What makes you happy?
Go to the KISD Webpage and select the link
Foundation Program Subject Area Credits English Language Arts Four Credits English I English II English III Advanced English Course Math Algebra I Geometry Algebra 2 Endorsement Advanced Math Science Biology Advanced Science Course Endorsement Advanced Science Social Studies World Geography World History US History Government/Economics Foundation Program Important to know Graduation Requirements as 7th graders may begin earning a high school credit this year
Foundation Program Course Credits World Languages 2 credits Physical Education 1 credit Fine Art 21st Century Skills .5 credit Electives 5.5 credits Foundation Program
Let’s Build your Course selections 1 ELA 2 Math 3 Science 4 Social Studies 5 Elective 6 7 8 Advisory/T3 8th grade - 4 cores 3 electives 1 advisory
Required Intervention Courses Campus staff will identify and place students after the STAAR scores are returned in June Full year courses that will replace electives May participate in athletics before school if necessary Reading Styles For students who did not meet minimum expectations on most recent STAAR reading test Math Quest For students who did not meet minimum expectations on most recent STAAR math test. Advisory-mandatory full-year course required for each middle school student.
Electives Entered in Course Requests Electives are subject to availability, staffing, and ability to fit into a student’s schedule Alternatives are super important to choose in case your 1st or 2nd choices are not available.
How do I register? You will be emailed a link to enter courses through a google doc. The link will also be on our website. If you do not have access to technology you can obtain a hard copy through the office. You will have until March 3rd to enter choices and make changes.