CS 241 – Computer Programming II Lab Kalpa Gunaratna – kalpa@knoesis.org http://knoesis.wright.edu/researchers/kalpa/
Contact Contact by e-mail Office hours kalpa@knoesis.org 376 Joshi Mondays & Wednesday 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Test Cases Writing test cases is important for the thorough testing of your code. When test cases implemented, it can be decided whether the program behaves as expected. The idea is to inspect where the program might break.
In lab You have 11 methods. Therefore, have about 16 – 20 test cases having at least one test case for a method. Some methods, you will be able to write more than one. Test case guideline. Test case <number> : <method signature> input : <type> <value> expected output : <type> <value> rationale (reason for choosing input) :
Post lab Implement test cases you have written. See the example in the assignment. Do not modify the class to run test cases. If errors found, correct them and put a comment where you made changes and about what did you change.